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Kelli and the Masseuse

Category: Lesbian Sex
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This story is entirely a work of fiction. However, the story itself was written by the request of a Nifty reader. The main character and the antagonist, the theme, the setting, and a lot of the details were supplied by the reader. I wish to thank this person for their efforts and for answering my various questions. I hope you like the result.


The little Miata sped into the parking lot of the health club, shooting down a lane to park next to a familiar blue Mustang. That’s Natasha’s car, Kelli thought, wondering why her friend was here so late. Natasha usually came to the early evening classes and it was nearly 10pm now.

Kelli got and was locking the door when she realized Natasha was sitting in the car. Walking around to the other side, she tapped on the glass getting Tasha’s attention.

“Hey girl, whatcha doing sitting out here? Are you done with a class or just getting here?” Kelli asked.

“Oh hi…uh….Kelli. I…just got here. I’m not taking…uh….a class today. I’m gonna….get….a massage,” Tasha replied very hesitantly.

Kelli looked at Tasha quizzically. She had met Tasha about 3 months ago when they both had signed up at about the same time. Tasha was a stunningly beautiful Korean girl. Though she was Asian, Tasha defied the norm with a very womanly body. With long slender legs, round hips, slender waist, and full shapely breasts, she was every inch a very stunning girl. Her long, thick black hair always hung loosely down her back accentuating her sensual body. The men at the gym — and some of the women — were very glad to have her as a member.

“Are you alright?” Kelli asked, hearing the hesitation in Tasha’s voice.

The Asian beauty was quiet for a moment as she looked at Kelli.

“Uh…sure. I’m fine. I was just thinking about something. Are you here to swim? I see you’ve got your bikini on. Oooh and that’s a new one too.”

Tasha had taken hold of the front of Kelli’s shirt, an old dress shirt of her boyfriend’s that she used as a cover up, and opened it to reveal Kelli’s swimsuit. She shook her head as she admired the very wonderful curves of the slightly shorter girl.

Kelli was also something of a hit at the gym. Roughly the same height at Tasha, 5’6″, she also had a very curvy body with full, tear-shaped breasts. Her dark auburn hair, which usually hung loosely to her shoulders was pulled back into a pony tail for her workout.

Kelli opened the shirt further to give Tasha a good look at her new suit. She had just bought it at the Speedo store in the mall and she was wearing it for the first time. The suit was a bikini, which is unusual for use to swim laps, but Kelli enjoyed showing off her body and a bikini was definitely the way to do it.

The top of the suit almost had a wetsuit look to it with a high collar that wrapped flush around her neck. From there, the material came down over her ripe breasts and wrapped under each arm to fasten in the back like a halter top. The thin sport fabric looked like it might burst as it strained to hold her breasts in. Pink stripes of various sizes came down from the neckline and followed her curves further accentuating her marvelous profile.

The bottom of the suit was very simple. It was a tight and very small T-back that let Kelli’s wonderful rear end show, much to the delight of those lucky enough to be swimming at the same time as her.

Suddenly, Kelli and Tasha’s conversation was interrupted by a voice from the front door of the club.

“Natasha dear, there you are. I’ve been waiting for you. Come on in so that I can get started on you.”

Kelli looked and saw that it was Earlene, the masseuse that the club had hired about a month ago. Kelli didn’t know much about her and hadn’t really payed much attention to her. Earlene was kind of a big woman, being taller than most of the women at the club. And she was heavier too, maybe 180 pounds. She was kind of a rough looking woman. She looked like she had done a lot of living in her 50-odd years.

“Earlene!” Natasha said almost startled. “I…uh….I…was just coming in.”

That’s weird, Kelli thought, Tasha was all nervous again just like when she walked up. As they had talked, Tasha had seemed back to normal. But when Earlene spoke up, she got all weird again.

“I gotta go Kelli. I’ll….talk to you later,” Tasha said as she walked hurriedly into the club.

Kelli watched as Tasha went into the front door as Earlene waited for her. As Kelli also headed in, she watched as the big woman led the Asian beauty into the massage room at the back side of the club. As the door closed, Kelli got a glimpse of Tasha’s face.

Shit! She almost looked scared. What the heck is going on with her, Kelli asked herself.

As it was getting late, Kelli made her way to the locker room, dropped her car keys and cellphone into a locker. Then she made her way to the lap-pool area and quickly got started. As the club was emptying out, she got a lane right away and quickly counted off her usual 30 laps. When she was done, she climbed out and sat on the side for a few minutes as she chatted with a few other members who were finished too. Finally, she made her way back to the locker room to get her stuff.

Standing in front of a mirror, she dried her hair and brushed it out. Kelli took great pride to always look as good as she could, even when she had just finished exercising. She then grabbed her keys and headed out, not realizing that she had left her phone on the bench.

The beautiful girl let herself out the front door and headed to her car. She saw that Tasha’s car was still there and looked at her watch. A little more than an hour had gone by since Tasha had gone in and she knew the massages only were for 40 minutes. She dismissed it that maybe Tasha and Earlene were just talking or something.

Kelli hopped into the Miata and sped out of the lot to head home. She lived a fairly good distance away and it usually took her about 20 minutes to get there, even in light traffic. She was less than a mile away when she realized she had left her phone in the lockerroom. She pulled over and thought about what she should do. Finally, she decided to head back and try to get it before the club locked up.

She spun the little sports car around and headed back as fast as she dared without getting a ticket. She was lucky and hit all the green lights, making it back in record time. As she pulled into the lot, she was very surprised to see Tasha’s Mustang was still there.

Now that is really odd, she thought. That’s gotta be the longest massage on the books. Tasha is certainly getting her money’s worth on that one.

Going to the door, the auburn haired girl pulled on it and found it locked. She rummaged in her purse for her access card and then dragged it throught the card slide. Hearing the click, she yanked the door open and went in. She stopped for a second because she had never been in the building and heard it so quiet.

Getting back to what she was doing, she took a quick look in the office area in case anyone was around so she could tell them she was getting her phone. Seeing no one, she went through the doors that led to the gym area and back to the locker rooms and the massage rooms. Still wearing her sneakers, she walked quickly and quietly down the carpeted lane that ran down the side of the large workout room. All the equipment, sitting there empty and quiet, had a bit of an eery look to it.

Kelli was less than half way to the back when she saw Tasha suddenly run out of the massage room where Earlene worked. The Asian girl had a white towel wrapped low around her hips and was clutching another towel to her otherwise naked breasts. Kelli stopped dead in her tracks as she watched the girl run into the locker room where she was headed.

Seconds later, Earlene came stalking out of the massage room and followed Tasha into the locker area. Kelli wasn’t sure what was happening but, after a few seconds, she walked slowly to the locker room door. Pausing and listening for a few seconds, she then pushed the door open slowly. She could hear Earlene talking in the back of the room, so she slipped inside and held the door so it would shut noiselessly. The sweet girl walked down a row of lockers until she made her way to the back corner of the room. From there she could see down another aisle straight to the shower area. Earlene was there and so was Tasha, who was cowering up against some lockers.

“Listen hear Tasha, you knew the score. I told you that I would give you free massages, but that sooner or later, I would want something in return. Well today’s the day. So, are you going to cooperate or shall I bill you for those 8 massages you took at $75 a pop?” the woman demanded.

“That’s $600! I don’t have that much money! Please, you have to let me work this out somehow,” Tasha pleaded.

“Sorry little girl. There’s only one way to work this out and you know what it is. Now, are you going to take that towel off, or am I going to have to yank it off you?”

Tasha looked like a trapped animal. She stood motionless for nearly a minute before she slowly lowered the towel that was covering her breasts. Kelli watched wide-eyed as her friend’s beautiful breasts were exposed to the tough looking masseuse.

“Mmmmmmm, so lovely,” Earlene said as she reached with one hand to gently cup one of Tasha’s breasts.

Tasha watched as the woman held her breast and pinched her nipple, making her flinch. When the woman started to bring her other hand up for another breast, Tasha suddenly pushed both hands away.

“No, I…I…can’t. Please, there must be a way to settle this,” she begged.

With a look of disgust on her face, the big Earlene stood quietly for a moment.

“Sure there is Natasha. I can write you a bill for $600 and you can pay it tomorrow. If you don’t pay it tomorrow, I’m going to tell the club to cancel your membership. Then I’m going to go to your bank and put a lien on your car. Then I’m going to call the credit bureau and ruin your credit. So, do you have my $600? Do you?”

The Asian beauty looked like she was about to cry.

“I don’t have the money,” she said quietly.

“Well then, you don’t have much choice then. You know what I want. The question is, will you give it to me?”

Tasha knew she had no choice. She didn’t have the money and couldn’t prevent this woman from ruining her credit and probably getting her car repossessed. She was going to have to submit to this woman.

“I’ll do whatever you want,” she said quietly.

“That’s a good girl,” Earlene said, now with a much friendlier tone in her voice.

Kelli had to put a hand over her own mouth as she realized that Earlene was going to take her friend, and Tasha was going to let her do it.

“Turn around Tasha. Put your hands up on the lockers,” the big woman said as she steered the girl around.

Tasha turned and slowly lifted her hands up to shoulder height and put them on the lockers. The masseuse slid up close behind her and pressed herself against the Asian girl’s towel-covered rear end. She put her hands on the girl’s waist and slowly and began to fondle the girl.

“Please Earlene, please,” Tasha said as she looked down at the woman’s hands as they slid up and over her ripe breasts.

The woman spread her fingers out over the girl’s breasts as she revelled at finally gettting her hands on the Asian beauty. She had wanted this girl for a long time and now she had her. For just a moment, her cunning mind strayed from the Asian beauty and thought of the auburn haired girl who would be her next conquest. What was her name? Oh yes, Kelli, that was it. That little girl was even more beautiful than Tasha. She would certainly be the next, and soon.

The woman smiled to herself as she returned her attention to the beautiful girl she now had in her hands, hands that groped and pulled at the girl’s tender breasts. Tasha wriggled in the woman’s grasp and Kelli could hear her making little whimpering noises as she gave herself to the big woman. Tasha kept her hands up on the lockers and her head bobbed back and forth, tossing her long dark hair in all directions.

After several minutes, the big woman lowered her hands to the girl’s hips. Her hands skillfully massaged from each hip over to the center of Tasha’s belly and then down so that her fingers dipped under the towel that was wrapped over the girl’s hips. Kelli could see that the woman was taking control of her friend. Tasha looked less like she was fighting it and more like she was getting aroused.

The woman pressed hard against Tasha’s naked back as her hands took hold of the front of the towel. She slowly loosened it as she whispered into Tasha’s ear.

“Time to see the rest of your wonderful body Tasha. A body that I am going to enjoy.”

Looking down at the woman’s hands on her towel, Tasha realized she was going to be naked before the big woman.


The big woman just laughed.

“It’s to late for that my dear,” she said as she cast the towel aside, leaving Tasha totally naked.

The big woman used a knee to spread Tasha’s legs about 3 feet apart. Then she quickly went to her knees as her hands spread the Asian girl’s cheeks wide apart. She shoved her head low to the bottom of the girl’s delicious ass and began to lick up the entire length of her with a tongue that was thick and drenched with saliva. Tasha yelped as she felt the tongue glide over her virginal anus.

Tasha eyes were closed tight as her mind raced, considering how she had gotten into this situation.

How did this happen to me, she thought. She had suspected that Earlene was a very aggressive lesbian, but the woman had been so polite and so friendly. She had promised Tasha that the massages were free, but that Earlene might ask her for a favor sometime. She had dismissed her suspicion that the favor might be Tasha herself. Now she was in the hands of this woman and had to submit to her. To any desire or whim of the big lesbian.

Kelli stood with her eyes wide open as she watched the big woman take her friend. My god, she thought, why don’t I do something? Her mind raced as she came to realize that the sight of it was arousing to her. The sight of the woman’s tongue gliding up Tasha’s ass. The way the girl wriggled as she felt the tongue pass over her. The way the girl stood with her hands and legs spread so submissively. Kelli realized it was all quite erotic to her.

Kelli watched as the big woman stood up again and wrapped a big arm around the girl’s slender waist. Her other hand slid between the girl’s legs and Kelli could see that the woman’s thick middle finger was extended.

“It’s time to take you Natasha. I can tell you’re ready,” she said as her finger slid slowly into the girl’s sex.

Tasha’s head lowered back onto the woman’s shoulder as a long low moan came from deep in her throat. Kelli realized instantly that her friend wasn’t struggling anymore at all. She was giving herself to the woman totally.

The woman worked her finger deep into the girl, slowly pushing it in, pulling it back just slightly, and then pushing it in again. Tasha’s hands came off the lockers and grasped at the big arm that was around her waist. She leaned heavily into the woman letting the woman have her body as she wanted.

The woman’s hand began to work more furiously as Tasha began to work herself on the woman’s hand. Kelli watched with ever increasing arousal as the woman fucked her friend. Tasha’s hair tossed in every direction as her body shook and jerked.

Suddenly, Kelli heard a sound that almost sounded like the wail of a cat. It took several seconds for her to realize that it was Tasha making that sound. She watched as Tasha’s body stretched out and stiffened. The woman had to step back against the lockers behind her to keep from falling over as the Asian girl orgasmed violently. The big woman held her tight and pushed her finger in deep, causing the girl to orgasm a second time, almost before the first had subsided.

Kelli was suddenly aware that the way Earlene had turned and backed up to the lockers, she now had a clear view of where Kelli was standing. She was frozen with fear that the big woman would see her. She stood absolutely still. Finally, Earlene turned to the side and Kelli made a break for the locker room door.

Seizing the handle, Kelli pulled it open quickly and ran out. Almost immediately, she heard the door slam behind her.

Damn! she thought. She had forgotten that the door closed so hard. She had to get out quickly. Surely Earlene would have heard it.

She ran to the front door and quickly went outside. She made it to her car, beeped the door open, and got inside as fast as she could. The engine started instantly and she roared the little car towards the exit, swerving out onto the street without stopping. It was only then that she let herself breathe again. If only she had looked back over her shoulder, she would have seen the big woman standing in the parking lot watching her escape.

The big woman smiled to herself. So, pretty Kelli was a witness. It doesn’t matter. It will be her turn soon, she thought, very soon.

She turned and went back into the club where she had left Natasha lieing on the locker room bench. The Asian girl was barely concious as the big woman lifted her like a baby. She carried Tasha out of the locker room and down the hall to her private area, where her massage table was always ready. She laid the sweet girl down onto the table and then turned to lock the door.

The big woman looked at the naked girl as she began to remove her own clothes. Tasha was coming back to her senses and realized she had been moved. She watched silently as the big woman finished undressing and started to climb onto the table. She knelt over the girl as she lowered her hairy pussy over Natasha’s sweet mouth.

“It’s my turn now girl. And you better do me good.”

Poor Tasha was in for a very long night.


When she got home, Kelli realized she had been so upset that she hardly even remembered the drive home. She went to her bedroom and pulled her clothes off quickly and jumped into the shower. She stood under the hot water, hoping it would help her to feel better. But as she stood there, her mind kept coming back to the erotic sight of Natasha being held tightly by the big woman. Of the Asian girl’s breasts being fondled. And of the big woman fucking Natasha with her thick finger.

With a start, Kelli realized that as she stood there, she had lowered a hand to her sex and she had been stroking herself without even thinking.

My god, she thought, what is the matter with me? My friend was coerced into having sex with that bitch and I’m standing here playing with myself! What the fuck is my problem?

Kelli finished her shower and wrapped herself in a big terry robe she loved. She went to the kitchen for a glass of wine and then plopped in a big chair to watch Leno. She drank the wine a little too quickly and as always, it made her drowsy just as quickly. Her eyes fluttered several times before she nodded off in the chair, the tv still on.

Perhaps it was the wine, perhaps it was because she was already tired, or perhaps it was because of what she had been a witness to but the sweet girl immediately began to dream very vividly. She saw herself in a house that she did not recognize. Someone was touching her, holding her hand, stroking her hair. Who was it? She couldn’t see. She followed the person to a room in the house. It was dark. The person stood behind her in the room, very close behind her. Hands were on her waist pushing her shirt up. She was being seduced by this person. The hands were so firm but so gentle on her.

Kelli twisted in the chair as her dream aroused her even in sleep. A hand moved to her breasts and she held herself gently.

The hands pulled her shirt over her head. Who was this? She still could not see, but she did not stop the hands as they unfastened her bra and gently pulled it off her. The hands came under her arms and fingertips stroked at the tenderness of her breasts so lightly that it gave her a chill. She looked down and watched as the hands fondled her. It felt so good.

She had to know who was doing this to her. She turned around slowly as the hands held her close and her body was pressed into this person she could not see. A mouth lowered over hers and kissed her passionately. Her tongue pressed into the person’s mouth as she let the person kiss her again and again. Finally, the grip was loosened on her and she stepped back to see who was seducing her. Her eyes flew wide open as she looked into the face of Earlene.

Kelli flew up out of her chair and screamed as she was jolted awake from her dream. She ran a hand over her face to push her hair back and realized she was covered with sweat.

This is fucked up, she thought. Now I’m dreaming of this woman taking me.

She sat back down for several minutes as she tried to collect herself. Then she headed into the bathroom and found several sleeping pills and swallowed them down. She wanted to make sure she would be having no more dreams tonight.


It had been almost a week since Kelli had inadvertently been a witness to the encounter between her friend Natasha and that big bitch Earlene. She didn’t like to get involved with other people’ business, but the weird dream of her own seduction had not stopped and it was pissing her off. She finally came to the conclusion that she needed to track Earlene down and have it out with her. Kelli thought that her dream was kind of like a guilty conscious, that once she confronted Earlene, it would stop.

Kelli had done some nosing around and was able to get Earlene’s home address. She decided that after work, she would head over there and confront her. She had been going over in her mind what she would say; how she knew Earlene had blackmailed Natasha, how she had forced her to have sex with her, how she was using the club for her little sex games. She was convinced that Earlene would be begging her not to tell anyone so she would not be fired.

At five pm, Kelli raced out of the office and jumped in her Miata. The little car across town as Kelli followed the directions she had gotten from the internet. As she got closer, she realized that she was going into a pretty bad part of town. The houses were pretty bad with lots of old cars sitting around. On the corners of some streets, groups of people were standing around and they looked at her with a lot of interest. The pretty girl in the sporty car was definitely in the wrong place.

Finally, Kelli turned onto Earlene’s street. She cruised down the street for 2 blocks as the numbers got closer and closer to the address. A 2-story house caught her attention and she realized it was Earlene’s address. She was about to stop when she realized that there was a Mustang in the driveway next to Earlene’s stupid pickup truck.

Ha, she thought. That is Natasha’s car. She is probably here cussing the bitch out herself. Good, now I can help.

She parked along the curb and headed straight for the front door. Listening for a moment, it was very quiet. Perhaps Natasha had just got there and the fireworks hadn’t yet begun.

Kelli knocked on the door and waited. After a minute or so, she heard the door chain being released and the knob turning. She felt anxious as she readied herself for a big confrontation. Surely Natasha would be just inside and would need help.

Earlene opened the door and looked at the pretty girl.

“Can I help you miss?”

“Oh knock it off Earlene. You know who I am from the club,” Kelli said as she pushed into the house.

She stopped short as she looked around and saw no one around. She had thought Natasha would be sitting right there.

“Oh yes, I recognize you. Kelli isn’t it? What can I do for you?” Earlene said.

“I know what you’re up to Earlene. I saw what you did to my friend Natasha. And I know she is here somewhere. Where is she? I want to see her right now,” Kelli said forcefully as she continued to look around the downstairs of the house.

“Yes dear, Natasha is here. I can show you. She is upstairs with some friends of mine. Please, I will show you,” Earlene said calmly as she took the girl’s hand and led her to the stairs.

The big woman took Kelli upstairs and down a long dark hallway. As Kelli walked, she had the most profound sense that she had been here before. She shrugged it off as Earlene stopped at a door and knocked softly. Someone inside said something, Kelli couldn’t quite hear what. Earlene stood aside to let Kelli open the door herself. The girl turned the handle and pushed it open.

Kelli almost lost her breath as she saw what was inside.

Natasha was lying naked on a large bed. Her arms and legs were reaching out towards each corner and her eyes were closed. Two women were there with her. Women like Earlene. Big. Ugly. Older women. And they were taking the Asian beauty.

Kelli stared in bewilderment as she watched one of the women as she held Tasha’s legs apart and was slowly licking the girl’s sex. Licking as if she were a mother cat cleaning her kittens. Bottom to top, time and again, the woman pushed her tongue over the girl’s most tender flesh. As her tongue would pull away to start again, Kelli could see the spittle stretch between tongue and pussy. As the woman’s tongue would touch Tasha each time, the girl would buck slightly and make a little moan of pleasure.

Kelli looked towards the top of the bed at the other woman. She was alternately suckling each of the girl’s ripe breasts. First, she would bite each nipple and then suck hard down onto the breast, dragging as much of it into her mouth as she could.

Kelli felt a strange warmth on the back of her neck as she stared at the sensual sight of her friend.

“Wha….what is….going…on? What are you doing to her,” she stammered.

Earlene spoke from close behind her. She hadn’t realized that Earlene was pressed up against her back.

“Natasha is enjoying herself Kelli. She hasn’t spoken to you? Well, she came here on her own and has been here for 2 days,” the big woman said.

“Two days!” Kelli exclaimed. “No, that isn’t possible. Natasha isn’t like that. She has a boyfriend.”

“Yes, she does Kelli. But, don’t you have a boyfriend and you came here too?” the big woman asked.

Kelli didn’t reply, she didn’t know what to say or how to argue. She was so engrossed at the sight of her friend being taken by the two women that she wasn’t paying attention to Earlene at all.

The big women had moved right behind the sweet girl and pressed against her back as she took the girl’s shoulders with her hands. With firm but gentle motions, she began to massage the girl. She could feel the girl relax slightly in response to her skilled touch.

“Omigod,” Kelli whispered as she watched Natasha writhe on the bed, obviously having an orgasm.

Earlene leaned into her from behind and pressed her mouth close to Kelli’s ear.

“Ummmm, isn’t it beautiful Kelli? My friends have given Natasha one orgasm after another and she has loved every one,” she said as her hands moved down Kelli’s arms.

“They make her cum?” Kelli whispered.

“Yes Kelli. Natasha loves it. She has been in that bed since she got here,” she said.

Kelli continued to watch not moving her eyes from her beautiful friend. It was such an erotic sight. The young Asian girl lying there so submissively as the two older women used their mouths on her. Kelli felt an arousal within herself that she had never felt before.

As Kelli watched, Earlene’s hands moved down the girl’s arms and then from her arms to Kelli’s waist. Kelli made no move to stop it even if she knew it was happening. The woman tugged at her shirt, pulling it up slighty so her hands could touch the silky bare flesh of the girl’s waist. When Kelli still made no move to stop her, the big woman got bolder, pushing the shirt up so she could get her hands on the girl. As she did, she pulled Kelli back into her chest firmly.

Kelli broke her gaze from Natasha to look down at the woman’s hands that were touching her own body.

“Earlene, what are you doing to me? Please, let me go. I have never done this,” Kelli said, almost in a whisper.

“Kelli, I can feel your body getting aroused. Don’t deny it. You want to be touched.”

Kelli was quiet as she watched the woman’s hands on her bare stomach. She watched as one arm wrapped around her waist and held her firmly as the other arm reached down to the bottom of her skirt and began to lift it. She could feel the woman’s fingers as they slid across the skin of her upper thigh. She looked down as the woman pulled the side of her skirt high enough that part of her panties were visible. The woman’s fingers eased to the hem of her panties, gently lifting it, and then sliding underneath.

Kelli’s head fell backwards onto the woman’s shoulder as the fingers slid over her sex. The woman smiled to herself for now she knew that this girl was hers. The auburn haired beauty was going to be her little toy to be taken as she pleased. She held the girl firmly as she eased a finger into the steaming girl’s pussy. Kelli seemed to melt into Earlene’s arms as she felt the woman penetrate her.

Earlene whispered into the girl’s ear, “I’m going to take you into my bedroom now. It’s time for me to have you.”

“Earlene, please, I’m begging you. I’m not like this. I have a boyfriend,” Kelli protested weakly.

“A boyfriend? I really don’t care. Because now I am your lover and I can’t wait to get my tongue into your pussy.”

Kelli moaned and almost fell as she realized that she couldn’t stop what was going to happen to her. She let Earlene steer her down a dark hallway that somehow seemed so familiar. They came to another door that Earlene opened quickly and guided Kelli through. The big woman closed and locked the door behind them.

Turning to the slender girl, she began to unbutton the front of Kelli’s blouse until it was open and she pushed it off, letting it fall to the floor. Then she found the button on the girl’s skirt and released it. The skirt fell easily down the smooth tanned legs to the floor. Kelli made no protest as she let the woman strip her.

Earlene took a good look at the nearly naked girl who stood in just her bra and tiny panties. She wrapped her arms around Kelli and drew her close as she put her mouth over Kelli’s. She slowly kissed the aroused girl, letting her tongue ease into Kelli’s mouth, pushing the girl’s lips apart.

As Kelli let herself be kissed, she suddenly realized that her dream was coming true. She was at Earlene’s house. She had come here to stick up for her friend Natasha, but the tables had been turned on her. Natasha was giving herself to these women and Earlene had used the sight of it to seduce Kelli. And it had worked. Kelli was now letting the big woman have her way. There was no waking up from a bad dream this time. This time, Kelli was going to be taken.

The woman broke the kiss and moved around behind the girl as she turned her to a mirror.

“I want you to watch what my hands are going to do to you Kelli. You want to see don’t you?”

“Uhhh…..yes….I want to see,” the girl whispered.

Earlene’s hands came to the girl’s chest as she pulled at the clasp of the bra. Easily and quickly it was open and she peeled the bra back, letting Kelli’s breasts fall free. She eased the bra off the girl and dropped it. Her hands went back to the girl’s chest as she gently cupped each breast and lifted them. Kelli watched in fascination as Earlene began to gently fondle her incredible breasts. The woman gently eased her hands from side to side under each breast, letting Kelly get a good look at what was happening.

“Mmmmmm, your breasts are wonderful Kelli. I’ve been wanting them for months now. I’ve been dreaming of doing this to you,” she whispered as her tongue flicked into the girl’s ear.

Kelli said nothing. She was entranced with her image in the mirror. Her slender body was in the grasp of the big older woman. She watched as the woman fondled her, easing her fingers up to pinch her nipples, making them stand up. Her mind was still in a fog and she tried to make sense of what was happening, but she couldn’t. Her body was controlling her and her body wanted to be taken.

Earlene eased a hand down from the girl’s breasts and poked her thumb under the waist of Kelli’s panties. She pulled them down slowly over the girl’s hips before letting them fall to the floor. Then she stood straight behind the girl, taking in the sight of the now totally nude girl.

She’s just as I dreamed she would be, Earlene thought. She is incredible and she was so easy to seduce. Coming over here like she was going to cuss me out. As soon as she saw Natasha, she was mine to be taken.

Earlene wrapped a firm arm across Kelli’s breasts and held tight as she let a finger push into the girl’s pussy. Kelli gasped a breath as she grabbed Earlene’s wrist and held on. She wasn’t trying to stop the woman, in fact, she was pushing to make the finger go deeper. Earlene smiled to herself.

They stood there in front of the mirror for several more minutes as Earlene made sure that Kelli was totally overwhelmed by the sight of her seduction. She wanted the girl to give herself freely and let her body be taken again and again.

Finally, the big woman steered her to a bed that was across the room. She pushed the girl down until she was lying in the middle, her head propped by 2 pillows. Kelli laid there, her breathing fast and shallow, as she watched Earlene strip out of her own clothes. Once she was finished, the big naked dyke began to crawl on the bed over Kelli’s incredible body.

Kelli’s mind cleared momentarily as she saw the big woman about to cover her.

“Please, Earlene, you have to let me go,” Kelli whimpered.

“It’s to late for that my dear. I’m taking you now,” Earlene said as she lowered her massive body down onto the slender girl.

Kelli almost disappeared as the big woman covered her. Her legs pushed out to the sides as the woman pushed between them and began to hump Kelli’s groin. She wrapped her big arms under the girl’s back and pressed her huge breasts down onto Kelli’s. Her mouth covered Kelli’s and she rammed her tongue deep into the girl’s throat as she forcefuly kissed her.

Slender arms flailed on each side as the big woman took the girl. Kelli was so overwhelmed now that she had closed her eyes to let her arousal flow totally through her. She could feel her pussy getting so wet and so ready. She was feeling a sense of desperation in need of release.

The big woman began to slide down the girl so that her mouth could suckle the girl’s breasts. Kelli arched her back hard as the hungry mouth devoured her nipples, sucking them in and teasing them with bites. The woman sucked her so hard that it seemed as though she could take half of each breast into her mouth. Kelli wriggled from side to side in the woman’s iron grip as she felt the incredible sensation from her breasts.

Easing further down, the woman kissed and licked her way down Kelli’s smooth, flat stomach until her tongue reached the small patch of the girl’s pubic hair. She teased her tongue through it until she felt it touch the warmness of the girl’s sex. Kelli let out a long low moan as the dyke’s tongue pushed slowly and deeply into her.

Big hands wrapped under each thigh as the woman brought the girl hard against her face and her hungry mouth. Kelli threw her arms out to her sides and clutched the sheet as she felt a sensation that she did not know. She could feel the tongue inside her, but she also felt the woman chewing and sucking on her sensitive flesh. Kelli came for the first time in less than a minute.

But the woman did not stop. Her tongue worked the girl harder and harder, not letting her relax for even a second. Beads of sweat began to appear on the girl’s tanned body as she felt another orgasm building in her. Moments later, she screamed as Earlene’s tongue rammed her again, making her cum for the second time.

Kelli moaned and rolled on the bed as the tongue continued to fuck her. Her boyfriend had tried to pleasure her like this but had always failed miserably. Earlene obviously knew what she was doing and she knew how to do it especially well on beautiful young girls like Kelli.

Earlene slowed her tonguing as she let Kelli catch her breath. She wiped a big hand over her hungry mouth as she licked her lips and savored Kelli’s taste. The big dyke lifted herself up and began to rummage through a dresser that was behind her. Finding what she was looking for, she slammed the drawer shut and turned back to Kelli.

She stared at the beautiful girl lying before her as she wrapped the big strap-on cock around her hips. She smiled to herself as she got ready to fuck this girl she had been wanting for so long.

Kelli opened her eyes as she realized that Earlene was crawling over her again. She put her hands up to the woman’s shoulders, her fingers taking a firm hold. She was looking at the big dyke’s face as she felt the tip of the cock push against her sex.

“Wha…,” was all she could say before Earlene thrust her hips and buried the cock into Kelli’s pussy.

The poor girl screamed and twisted as she felt the huge plastic thing shove deep into her. Earlene held herself up on her hands as she began to rhythmically fuck the sweet girl, her hips pushing down time and time again. She watched the ‘ girl’s beautiful face as Kelli felt each new push.

Kelli let her hands drop from the woman’s shoulders and fall to the bed. Her legs, pushed out way to each side, glistened with sweat. Her breasts and stomach, also glistened with both her own sweat and the droplets that fell from Earlene’s massive breasts.

Earlene began to lower herself onto the girl again, letting her breasts flatten against Kelli’s taut body. The beautiful girl almost disappeared again as Earlene covered her. The big dyke was unrelenting as she continued to fuck the girl.

Kelli was openly moaning and whimpering as her body was taken. Her mind was a total blur with it’s only focus being the cock that was ramming into her. She came for the third time when Earlene pushed it in and then paused, holding it deep into the girl. Another scream pierced the air as Kelli was racked by the huge orgasm.

Earlene smiled again. I knew she was going to be good, she thought. She’s cum three times and still hasn’t passed out. I’m going to enjoy this immensely.

The pounding of the girl’s tender sex began again as the dyke continued her assault of the girl. Kelli moaned and writhed continuously as her body responded to every push. Earlene had her arms wrapped around the girl’s body and gripped her tightly as her hips bucked down against Kelli’s pussy. She covered the girl’s mouth with her own and shoved her tongue between Kelli’s lips, suddenly interrupting Kelli’s breathing.

The girl bucked as she desperately fought for a breath, but the sudden lack of air seemed to trigger another orgasm that rolled over the girl. Kelli wanted to scream again but couldn’t since the woman’s mouth still covered her own. The combination of the orgasm and her failed attempts to get more air began to wear her down and she felt a wooziness pass over her.

Earlene, sensing the girl was at her limit, began to slow her humping as she watched the girl slowly pass out. She fucked the cock into the girl very gently for several more minutes as she looked at the spent girl’s beautiful face. Finally, she pulled the cock out of the girl and eased herself down onto the bed next to her.

Her fingers traced the profile of the girl’s breasts as she watched Kelli breathe softly. She kissed her softly and brushed Kelli’s hair out of her face as she revelled in what she had just done. The sweet girl was now hers and she knew that she could have this girl anytime she wanted, boyfriend or not. She laughed to herself as she thought how easy it had been to seduce Kelli.

The girl’s eyelids fluttered a bit as Earlene realized Kelli was coming to. The girl started to speak but the big woman shushed her with a finger.

“Don’t try to talk Kelli. You need to catch your breathe and relax.”

“What happened? Where am I?” the confused girl whispered.

“You are at my house Kelli. And we are lovers now.”

Just then someone knocked on the door. Earlene rose to open it and the 2 women that had been with Natasha earlier came in. Hungry smiles came to their faces as they took in the sight of Kelli lying naked on the bed.

“Tasha has passed out again, for awhile I think. We thought we might come in here and taste your little prize,” the larger one said with a hungry look on her face.

Earlene nodded her head.

“That’s a good idea. Why don’t we all enjoy my new lover.”

All 3 of the big women eased onto the bed as Kelli disappeared once again.

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