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Even Better the Second Time

Category: Anal Sex
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I answered the door just like I did last week at this time, it was late and I had fallen asleep on the couch waiting for his call. Wrapped in a blanket, dreamily I opened the door so happy to see him standing there. My lover, who I met by chance on a snowy and frozen night playing around on the internet. It's been a few weeks since we met in person, and that first time we lasted only a few short minutes at my place before he wrapped his arms around me and I led him to my room.
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A Friendly Bet

Category: Anal Sex
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BRRRRIIIIIINNNNG! "Shit," I muttered to myself. "It never fails! Every time I get in the shower!" With that, I jumped out of the shower and grabbed a towel, heading for the phone. "Hello," I panted after running half naked through my house, picking up the phone, and dripping water all over the floor in the process.
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Lynn’s Problem

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Let me tell you, Jack, I had one hell of a shitty day today, although it really started some time ago. I could tell there was something wrong. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but there was something amiss. For the last several months my wife, Lynn, seemed to be growing more distant toward me. Sex with her was almost to the point of nonexistent. In those rare times we did have sex, it was as though she couldn't wait 'till it was over. It was to the point that sex became unpleasant, damn near work.
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Pearls and Pussies

Category: Group Sex
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The theatre was dark with a single spotlight centered on the two figures on the stage. It was the final act, and Jayne realized with a start, that she had missed most of the dialogue that had passed between the actors. Instead, her focus had been on the slow rhythmic sound of Steve’s steady breathing and the warmth emanating from his closeness. The faint masculine scent of his body teased her and flooded her senses with intoxicating arousal.
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Like The First Time …

Category: Gay Male
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"Fuck", I say to him, "if you had a pencil dick, you'd be sliding in there now, right up to your balls, all nine or ten inches of you." "Ten," he says in my ear, nuzzling me. "Ok, ten," I say, my mouth now at his ear. "Whatever," I smirk. 'Ten' I know it is. It's our private joke. We'd measured it how many times.
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Creampie Discovery

Category: Fetish
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My first lover, Mark, loved to lick my pussy after he fucked me so that he could lick his cum as it dripped from my vagina. I was a very naïve eighteen year old at the time I gave my virginity to him and so I assumed that it was pretty normal when Mark would go down on me and lick me clean after he fucked me.
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Laura Loves George

Category: Anal Sex
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Laura didn't know what to think of what she was seeing. She had thought she was going to find that her teen-aged son had been visiting porn sites again, but she wasn't ready for this. And she didn't believe it was her son this time. She looked at the blinking cursor in the "login" box and methodically began typing in various names she could think of, and passwords. Before long, she'd figured it out.
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Category: Gay Male
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I've been on the business end of several cocks, from short skinny little rascals that barely tickled, through the average sized that served quite adequately, to a few beefy rams that were painful and threatened to split me in half. Truly, size does matter. But several factors other than cock size matter just as much for sex to be considered phenomenal. Once I was the beneficiary of a synergistic event that was so phenomenal I'll never forget it.
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Category: Anal Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
You smile as I kissed my way from your bare shoulder, up your neck, to the base of your ear. I make sure you're really turned on with lots of kissing. I move on to sucking your full tits, stroking your pussy... As you start to moan in response, I begin sliding a finger slowly in and out of your cunt, letting your horny pussy lube up my finger.
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5 The Housewarming

Category: Group Sex
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I stopped swimming through the fluffy blackness of sleep. Yup. Time to wake up. The black took on a warm, deep tone, changing from the surreal darkness of dreamland to the darkness created by closed eyelids. I lay in that darkness and smiled to myself. Life felt very good. I took a deep breath.
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