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Not the Script She Was Expecting

Category: BDMS
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Warning! This story includes very heavy BDSM, rough sex, anal fucking and other nasty stuff. As usual there is also a romance but it is secondary to the stroke. Another caveat: I don't write with a dictionary or a thesaurus at my side. I use words which are familiar to me---words I use in daily conversation. I am not writing stories for children. If you are the persistent anonymous poster who wishes I would use smaller words so that you can understand them, just give me a zero and move on without comment.
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Ask and Ye Shall Receive

Category: Anal Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 1 votes
Mike's wife laughed the first time he brought it up. "You're kidding, right?" She looked at him incredulously. "No, I'm serious," he said. He was a little miffed that she was laughing as they lie in bed after having sex. It wasn't anything to do with what they'd just done but ... still. She was laughing at something that he really wanted and had finally gotten up the courage to mention.
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Perversions in the Penthouse

Category: BDMS
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Carolyn couldn't sleep. Restless in her queen-sized bed, she glanced at the digital alarm clock. The numbers cast a faint green illumination in the still blackness. 2:37 a.m. Damn. She needed her sleep -- and her energy. But it was proving difficult. Tomorrow was the day. Now only hours away. The exhilaration coursed through her body again and her nipples began to harden.
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The Chance Cafe

Category: Gay Male
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
What a neat idea, Ted thought. He'd been down Lexington a couple of times a week all semester from his room to his classes at the university and he hadn't even noticed the Chance Café, down on the lower level under a hippy New Age gear store.
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Blind Reluctance

Category: Fetish
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I can't see anything. I am tied up and I feel helpless. He knows I am scared but excited too. He walks around outside the door. I can hear his foot falls. He has kept me here for a very long time with out a feed. I am hungry and I hunger for him. I can't believe that even so, I still prefer sex over my feed. I laughed at my sick thought and feelings.
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The Doctor’s Office

Category: Fetish
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Reaching down, I pulled the sheer white stockings up my calves and onto my thighs. The tops of the stockings were trimmed in lace with a red bow. My nurse's uniform is white with a deep cut vee neck that shows off my ample D-cup breasts. It has red piping and a ruffled skirt bottom that barely covers the bottom of my ass. If I make even the slightest move, the white satin panties that I wear with it are visible. To complete the look, I put on the nurse's hat and two inch white platform shoes.
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Slippery Butt Hole

Category: Anal Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
"Would you ever think of trying something as dirty as anal sex?" The question shocked him, particularly since it was being posed by the sweet young soccer mom that he had just been discussing the fine points of team play with. Steve's daughter Samantha and the soccer mom's daughter were on the same team, which played every Thursday evening.
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Natural Born Fucker

BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Candy Struthers was the hottest reporter on television at the moment. Her career had skyrocketed over the past two years with her uncanny ability to sniff out momentous leads, as well as landing extraordinary interviews with infamous celebrities, disgraced politicians, and celebrated lawbreakers. That she was only twenty-four years of age was only part of her aura – she had a law degree, an incredible razor-sharp intellect, and an amazing talent to rise to the top.
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Time to Kill

BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Ted got into his pickup truck and slammed the door. "Fucking rain!" He spat as he started the engine and turned the windshield wipers on. The 24-year-old construction worker was going to miss another day of work due to bad weather. He had driven over an hour from home to get to this new site and the rain began just as he pulled in. The Foreman called the job off after listening to the weather forecast on the radio so now Ted was going to have to drive back home knowing that he would be out another day's pay.
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Doing the Cleaner

Category: Anal Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
It's Wednesday morning and I wake up early. It's the one day of the week I stay home and look after our toddler. Carrie is working part time, keeping in touch with her job as an academic so she can take up full time work again in a couple of years. Our little one goes to crèche two and a half days a week and I (being a sensitive new age guy) take care of her on Wednesdays. That way Carrie gets three days a week at the university.
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