This is an edited version of the original. A comment mentioned that the ending of the original didn't really fit and after reading it a few times, I realized he/she was right and I changed it. I hope you enjoy.
"Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get - only with what you are expecting to give - which is everything." - Katharine Hepburn, Me: Stories of My Life
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It's not easy being the parent of a teenager these days, especially of a teenage girl. They all want to dress like tramps and every time they go out to a party you're worried they they're going to get drunk or high, or worse. I like to think of myself as an involved father and I make sure to keep up on the trends kids are into these days. I remember being horrified when I read about "rainbow" parties and when those multicolored gasket bracelets were in the news I checked my daughter's wrists every time she came from her mother's.
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The doorbell rang and I went to answer it, it was Tas. Tas has come to see why my broadband was not working.
A little bit about me first. Let's start with my name. I'm Louisa, but you can call me Lou; everyone does, even Tas. I'm fifty three and have been a widow for three years. Yes my husband died the day after my fiftieth birthday. He had a stroke. We did make love the night before.
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My first and only experience involving incest happened the summer I was 28 years old with my nephew he was just 18 years old he had the look of a young boy for his age. That was 15 years ago, and even though I'm married with children now that intimate encounter left me with fond memories.
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It all started in the summer of 1998, back in Cairns, Australia. Marriage is a fickle thing, and mine had fallen apart over perceived jealousy and the fact that she just wasn't meant for me, or maybe I wasn't meant for her. It didn't really matter any more, she gathered her things on a Saturday morning, called her parents, they came to pick her up, and that was it. I never saw her again, and the only conversations I had were short and angry with her wanting nothing more to do with me.
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Mom had asked if Marianne was ready for my cock. Mari's eyes burned with excitement, but flickered with a bit of trepidation. Mom picked up on this subtle look. "May I ask you something, sweetheart? When is the last time you were with a man? Marianne admitted that aside from being raped at 13 she was in all other ways, a virgin!!! The idea that I was to be her first, perhaps not technically, but certainly emotionally, her first lover was a bit daunting.
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Around two o'clock on the afternoon of her nineteenth birthday, Katie was bored. She perched on the arm of her Dad's favourite chair and gazed out of the window at the quiet street where she had grown up. The house was on a T junction so Katie could look straight down a stretch of road for about a hundred yards, past the neat front gardens, to where the street curved out of sight. Nothing moved in the sunshine. The whole street seemed to be taking a summer afternoon nap.
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"You two take care now."
"Bye mom." Gen called, closing the front door.
"I cannot believe your parents are letting you have an open house for the weekend." squealed Natalie.
"I know. I don't see why it would be a problem. We're both eighteen now anyway. You're folks are okay with you spending the night, right?"
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I'd been sat staring at Amanda's back for so long, I was surprised holes weren't burning into her top from the intensity of my lust filled gaze. From my seat at the back of the lecture theatre, I had a perfect view of her down on the front row, chewing on the end of her pen.
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It hadn't been that long ago at all that their sleep over's were nothing but staying up all night drinking as many Red Bull's as their young bodies could take talking about nothing in particular while listening to whatever new music Naiya had downloaded onto her computer and they chatted with one friend or another on MySpace, AIM or through texts until they simply collapsed from exhaustion.
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