
Miss Sanders settled her class down after coming back from a break so she can start the English class with everyone calm and quiet. It never took more than two loud firm orders from her to get all of her students to hush up and pay attention. They were especially attentive ever since her sex-ed classes a couple months ago and they were all the more eager to please her and do as she says.
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Although he had thought about it so much over the years, he was just not prepared for it. He ran the scenario over and over in his head and he could always be suave, witty, charismatic, and romantic. But when it actually happened he was like a deer in the headlights. The softness of her hand on his at first nearly overwhelmed him because for so long he had wanted to know what she felt like. And now that it finally had happened it was so much different than he imagined.
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Marie and I were serving drinks at a post-wedding-rehearsal-dinner party our boss' restaurant had catered. It was a fun group, the wedding guests about a hundred-twenty strong and the crowd sticking around for the after-dinner party somewhere in the sixty or seventy range.
If there's such a thing as a good place to get hurt or sick, this was it.
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"Tom, I'm happy you're home from college for the summer, but we just can't give you money anymore like we used to. We need every dollar we have, and if you have the chance to earn some on your own, even if it's just a day job, you have to take it."
"Mom, this isn't a job. This is...labor."
"It's $100, and all you have to do is spend a few hours boxing up some stuff and taking out trash.
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Part 1
I got home after another long day at work and retrieved the mail. I sifted through it...junk, bill, junk, bill....
"What this?" I wondered, looking over an envelope with no return address. "Hmmm?"
I took it upstairs to my kitchen and opened it. Carefully. It contained three handwritten pages of pink paper. I read the first one, a brief cover letter, as it turned out.
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Granted, it was the middle of the afternoon, but I was still irritated at being awakened from my much needed sleep by a loud racket from the neighbors' yard. I had dragged in pretty late the night before (technically, it had actually just been earlier that same day) and I wasn't quite ready to abandon my bed or my near-comatose state. I didn't remember my parents telling me that the new neighbors had little kids, but it sounded like a whole herd of them making a ruckus in their swimming pool.
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We'd hardly had any traffic on the road that led out of town but the full moon had been our constant companion as it threw a ribbon of eerie light onto the narrow twisty path that led us into the countryside. The stillness was in sharp contrast to the lively scenes we'd passed as we'd driven through the suburbs where pumpkin lanterns decorated houses and kids wearing ghoulish costumes trawled the neighborhoods, trick or treating.
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I was having dinner with my long time girlfriend Cassie. It was a place we had seen many times but never tried. We had heard the food was pretty good, and it was. But it seemed to be more of a hangout than a restaurant. Our table was in the middle of the room. I sat facing the door, Cassie faced the back wall. Behind me was what seemed to be an office party of some sort.
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It started on a mate's stag night/bachelor party, - whatever you know a bloke's traditional booze-up before his wedding as. A crowd of us hit the town, crawled the bars and eventually ended up at a lapdancing club, ahem, as you do. . .
A good time was had by all, plenty of dances were bought, and the general agreement was what goes on the stag, stays on the stag.
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