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Male Call

Category: Mature
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The freight elevator seemed to be taking forever. Not that Alex was really in that much of a hurry. After all, he wasn't going anywhere for Thanksgiving. Home was too far away and he just couldn't to go home for Christmas and Thanksgiving. No, after work, all Alex had to look forward to was an empty dorm. His roommates and most of his friends that lived in the dorm had already left for their respective homes earlier in the day. But he didn't mind. Alex was actually looking forward to having the room all to himself. He liked his roommate quite a bit, but having a roommate meant having to be considerate of the other person.
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Explorations on the Trail

Category: Group Sex
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A few miles into her hike, Cara was aching. It wasn't because the trail was hard, or that she was out of shape. The ache radiated from her between her legs. She was sure her cutoffs had been comfortable last time she'd worn them, but today, they rode up and were pressing hard against her clit with every step.
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Answering the Call

Category: Anal Sex
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Everyone on Craigslist can't be a creep, right? His post about introducing a woman to anal sex sounded very sincere. By the use of language, I'd gathered that this man was educated, thoughtful, perhaps even well spoken. If we'd met under other circumstances, we might find ourselves at the same end. But this was so much easier – I know what he wants, he knows what I'd like to try.
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Public Transit Fantasy #02

Category: Gay Male
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Note: Your comments or constructive criticism mean a lot to me. Feel free to leave me a private message if you'd like to share your thoughts, get updates on future chapters or receive a personalized photo of my cock. Statement of veracity: This is a true story. Well, everything up to the break point. I'll leave it to you to guess which of these is the full true story.
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Reelin’ in the Years

Category: Group Sex
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It has seemed a really good idea at the time. Bethany had always been like Emma's adopted kid sister. Her cousin had been born when Emma was twelve, and as a young teenager Emma had delighted in playing with the toddler. When Bethany had her first day at school, Emma had taken her little cousin to the gate, to give her the confidence that even her own mummy didn't seem to instil in her. (She'd made herself late for school).
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Bareback Girl

Category: Fetish
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Tina looked around the bar: the menu was pretty scrumptious! Her luck must have been holding and she had hit the jackpot tonight. There must have been at least a dozen guys who would work -- now she just had to narrow down her choices. She was on one of her periodic hunting sprees. She and her husband had agreed a while ago to have a very open marriage -- anything goes as long as it's consensual.
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Annette’s Barter

Category: Fetish
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You had to be living under a rock this past year not to know the economy is in the pooper. But even in these economic hard times, people continue to buy houses. So it was when the old two-story cottage beside me went up for sale in the last quarter of 2007. It sat empty for nearly a year until a middle-aged woman purchased the property.
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Taking Pepper to the Movies

Category: BDMS
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
The sound of moaning greeted us as we pushed through the door into the darkened cinema. The actress on the big screen was getting fucked hard, and doing a good job of sounding as if she was loving it. In the dim light from the screen we could see that the matinée had attracted a few people to this porn cinema. Maybe fifteen or twenty.
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By the Lake

Category: Group Sex
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I arrived at the Jefferson's Lake Campsite entrance and upset some of those waiting - families in station wagons, seniors in their recreational vehicles, young couples in their cars pulling small trailers -- when I rode my bicycle right past them. I smiled as I approached the ranger station and saw a familiar face exit. I got off my bike and walked up to him.
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Breakdown in Redlands

Category: Anal Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Late July is a time for some serious heat on the I-15 corridor between Las Vegas and San Bernardino, and the temperature was well over 100 F degrees still, even in the early evening. Most people looked at the Dakota pickup full of scrap metal and wondered why the Iowa plated pickup was so far from home and so heavily loaded as the driver exited I-215 southbound for I-10 eastbound.
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