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Anal Anastasia

Category: Anal Sex
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Sitting in the airport is never much fun, regardless of the reason behind traveling. I'm a seasoned traveler though and even despite all of the new security measures and increasing delays, it seems that I'm at the airport more often now than not. In fact, with my relatively new job, I'm traveling more now than ever. But who's complaining, right? After all, it's putting food on the table. I've never been one to complain too much anyway.
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Not So Innocent Sister

Category: Incest
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Growing up my sister and I had been really close. We were only separated by a year, so her and I were two peas in a pod. Then junior year of high school came around and I started seeing other guys, and my sister hit more of a standstill socially. She was awkward around guys, and actually seemed to enjoy her time more in the private confines of her girlfriends. I found it strange because most girls were looking to date, or at least find a guy to hook up with a practice on before college.
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Annette’s Barter

Category: Fetish
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You had to be living under a rock this past year not to know the economy is in the pooper. But even in these economic hard times, people continue to buy houses. So it was when the old two-story cottage beside me went up for sale in the last quarter of 2007. It sat empty for nearly a year until a middle-aged woman purchased the property.
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Fulfillment Was Close at Hand

Category: Fetish
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"What's this?!" Harlan said to himself. "Lorraine's the last person I expected to run into tonight. She's married! At least, she was the last time we talked. And, who's that cute, little redhead sitting next to her?" Harlan had never cruised the city's cougar dens to pick up women. Life was complicated enough with his job and the girls he was already dating.
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Janis Takes a Break

Category: Anal Sex
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After everything they went through, Andi, Nicki, and Janis decided that sororities were not for them. Andi was glad that she "had what it took" to be in one of the finer sororities, but she had more fun just hanging out with the girls at the apartment. Nicki was as popular as ever with the boys, and she was only a sophomore. Her goals were already met, and the sorority was of no use to her.
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Hard-Balling Soft-Ballers

Category: Group Sex
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I'm writing this as I watch a copy of a video we made last Saturday afternoon. I should probably erase it, but I just can't seem to do it. We had a softball game, and afterwards I invited the guys over for a swim. Some of the guys just took a quick dip and left, but Andre, Carlo and Tony are single, with a reputation as the party animals on our team, and they stuck around for the rest of the afternoon.
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Rachel On The Rebound

Category: Mature
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A pretty young woman is jilted by her intended lover and ends up drunk and in the arms of a man old enough to be her father. A long sensuous and erotic story that teases and unfolds sexily. It was 2am she was more drunk than she had been since she was a teenager and the friendly goodnight kiss had escalated to a long passionate embrace. Rachel wondered how her evening had brought her here. She had planned to have sex tonight, but not with this man and certainly not here in the car outside her apartment.
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Breakdown in Redlands

Category: Anal Sex
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Late July is a time for some serious heat on the I-15 corridor between Las Vegas and San Bernardino, and the temperature was well over 100 F degrees still, even in the early evening. Most people looked at the Dakota pickup full of scrap metal and wondered why the Iowa plated pickup was so far from home and so heavily loaded as the driver exited I-215 southbound for I-10 eastbound.
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Business Lunch

Category: Mature
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It was just the usual lunch with the guys at work when Jeff noticed her. Check out the M.I.L.F. 3 o'clock, He blurted a bit too loud. I didn't know who it was at first I just felt a petite woman brush by me her perfume leaving feminine floral scent behind her. Turning my head instinctively I saw tan muscled legs in sheer black hose leading into a tight formal black skirt.
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What Do You Need, Mrs. Mayfield?

Category: Mature
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She noticed him now that he was a young man, and after a year of college and almost nineteen, a sleek and muscular one at that. She began following more than just his performance in swim meets at the club. Observed giggling girls and more composed young women, some married as she was and some with children, both older and younger, follow him with their eyes secreted behind glossy magazines and then slide into the pool to cool off after their thoughts turned as humid as the summer day.
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