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Covered by a Stallion

Category: Mature
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Jake Hughes, the owner of Blue Sky Horse Farm, sat at his kitchen table sipping coffee as he stared out the window at what could only be described as a gloomy Saturday morning. Overnight rains had left the farm drenched and a heavy fog had set in, obscuring his view of the mountains that encircled the pastures where his horses grazed. The house was quiet and dark and it was times like this that he was most lonely.
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School’s In Session

Category: Group Sex
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Jack twists his head from side to side in a vain attempt to crack his neck. The last college student has finally walked out of his last class of the day and he's looking forward to getting in and out of the office as quickly as possible so he can enjoy the long weekend. Shouldn't be hard to do since it's so late in the afternoon and he'll probably be one of the few left in the suite of offices, much less the building.
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Category: Lesbian Sex
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The hardest part of a marathon is often around Miles 20 and 21. It's the terrible intersection where the body is exhausted and the mind knows that the finish line is still miles ahead. Lauren hit that low point around noon. She was in good condition, her small body lean and toned, but the day was simply too much. It was much hotter than expected, over 80 degrees even at the starting line, and she had been struggling since Mile 14. She was too hot, too dehydrated, and had pushed too hard for her first marathon.
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Betrayal of Trust Ch. 01

Category: Lesbian Sex
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I think it must have been some kind of temporary insanity. What other way is there to explain where I found myself that day? Driving in my car, naked from the waist down, not knowing exactly what was going to happen when I reached the address that was written on the paper lying on the seat between my bare legs.
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When Katie Made a Deal

Category: BDMS
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Around two o'clock on the afternoon of her nineteenth birthday, Katie was bored. She perched on the arm of her Dad's favourite chair and gazed out of the window at the quiet street where she had grown up. The house was on a T junction so Katie could look straight down a stretch of road for about a hundred yards, past the neat front gardens, to where the street curved out of sight. Nothing moved in the sunshine. The whole street seemed to be taking a summer afternoon nap.
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Jen’s Open Robe

Category: Anal Sex
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Megan and I had gone to Chicago to visit her friend Amanda. We stopped on our way back from a family reunion in Cape Cod, when I'd sort of freaked out and given up on our relationship. We'd fought a lot during that week, but were still together and going through with our plans to visit her friend. One of the nights we went out to a bar with Amanda and her roommate Jen.
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Stiletto Spree

Category: Mature
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Mattie Addison looked down at the small plastic object her mom had just placed in her hands. "What is this?" She asked as she looked up at her parent. "What does it look like?" Cybil replied to her daughter. "It looks like your Platinum Card, but it can't be your Platinum Card because you'd never let me within 100 miles of that," Mattie said as she brushed some of her dark brown hair from her pretty face.
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The Stray Girl

Category: Mature
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George sat looking at Mary unhappy with what he was seeing. The twenty year old had shown up with plans to go out clubbing with his daughter Connie, whom was still in the bathroom applying her makeup. All of this was normal. The trouble was, every week Mary's clothes were a little more trashy. This week she had knee high fuck-me boots, miniskirt, and bustier, all in black leather. The outfit was garnished with fishnet stockings.
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The Valentine’s Affair

Category: Group Sex
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Stores were packed the Saturday after Christmas, with every imaginable gimmick in play to make a quick buck off those of us who didn't quite get what we wanted, or didn't get it in the right size, or who just wanted to window shop for deals. I was out and about grabbing dog food and some other necessities, and I gritted my teeth as I walked into yet another store packed to the gills with a pulsing mass of shoppers.
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Michele’s New Collar

Category: Group Sex
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I looked down at the text and my cock began to stir... My girlfriend Michele was my first college crush. One look at her and I was a goner. She was a petite, little thing, cute as a button, with long blonde hair and small, perky breasts with nipples that stood up firm to the touch. Her penetrating brown eyes looked right into your soul.
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