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The Doctor’s Office

Category: Fetish
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Reaching down, I pulled the sheer white stockings up my calves and onto my thighs. The tops of the stockings were trimmed in lace with a red bow. My nurse's uniform is white with a deep cut vee neck that shows off my ample D-cup breasts. It has red piping and a ruffled skirt bottom that barely covers the bottom of my ass. If I make even the slightest move, the white satin panties that I wear with it are visible. To complete the look, I put on the nurse's hat and two inch white platform shoes.
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A Conversation with Judy

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Oh my Sarah, You sure know how to make my panties wet. I just LOVE your lesbian stories. I 'm a straight married women who loves to masturbate to lesbian erotica stories. It's my naughty little secret. If you ever want to naughty chat, email me.
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The Nurse Practitioner

Category: Anal Sex
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I hate doctor's visits so much so that it had been six years since my last exam. They always liked to poke and prod in places I'd rather have not explored, at least by another man. So when they scheduled me with a female nurse practitioner I figured I'd give it a shot. But when she walked in I started having second thoughts. She was not at all what I expected.
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One Flew Over The Cockoo Nest

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Imagine a mental hospital - not the realistic environment, more like what you see in movies like "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest." There was a large room where the inmates could gather. The nurse's station was next to it. There was a wire fence over the window, so the nurse was protected, but could see and hear what went on. Next to her station was a wire gate, locked.
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Home Health Care

Category: Anal Sex
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I am a heavy construction worker in Texas. I am temporarily unemployed due to an accident that happened on the job. I will spare you the gory details, but I suffered both legs smashed and broken below the knee. I have had several surgeries, and I expect to fully recover, but it will take a while. If there is any good news, all of my huge medical expenses were covered by insurance, and I am now on 100% disability.
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The Curmudgeon & The Nurse’s Aid

Category: Mature
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My name is Adam. I've been living alone for the past ten years. Had a few live-in ladies during that time but on my own the last year. I mostly visited Senior Centers scouting for those lonely ladies that hang out at such places. Had a coupe of hot ones... guess they figured it might be the last fucking they were going to get so they give it their all.
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Workers Playtime

Category: Anal Sex, Group Sex
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"Wahay!" A course Geordie voice shouted as I heard someone wolf-whistle me, "Careful you don't show us your stocking tops; sweetheart!" I had arrived home half an hour earlier after finishing a night shift at the hospital and as I was hanging some washing on the spinner in the garden my nurses' uniform had risen to mid thigh. I turned to scowl at the builders who were working on the new conservatory.
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Dental Nurse Puts Smile on My Face

Category: Anal Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Like a lot of people I never enjoyed trips to the dentist. I don't have a phobia or anything but it certainly was not something I looked forward to coming around on the calendar. That was until my dentist recruited a new nurse. Jenny is in her early 20s, about five foot two inches tall and has brown hair that she keeps neatly put up in a plaited ponytail.
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BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 1 votes
The first thing he knew after a long deep sleep was a sound. Someone spoke. The words were "Holy shit." murmured quietly but he heard them, and that seemed marvelous for some reason. In that first moment of consciousness his hearing seemed wonderfully powerful.
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Doctor’s Anal Extraction

Category: Anal Sex
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Not since childhood had I been so excited to open a new toy. After weeks of waiting it had arrived. I cursed myself for choosing standard delivery but was there really a reason to rush order anal beads? They were glorious - and intimidating. The color was red and there were six beads of increasing size and girth with a handle at the end. It was far too long for my petite ass. I was setting a goal of three beads at the max.
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