
There is a name for heaven on earth. Tribbing. It's also called scissoring, grinding, and pussy pounding. When you do it with the woman you love, it's heaven on earth.
Imagine you are on your back. Towering over you, on you, is the sexiest sight in the world. A passionate woman in love. Your woman, in love with you.
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It had been a work day that didn't seem like it would ever end. Kaitlyn hated her job on a good day. Working in the Accounts Payable department as a junior clerk was just boring. All she did was just process one bill after another. All the other clerks were substantially older than her. She was only out of school for 3 years, twenty years younger than the next person. There wasn't much in common with them so there wasn't even a social aspect of the job.
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"Forgive me Father for I have sinned. It has been four months since my last confession. I've tried to lead the life I should, but now Father...now I truly fear for my soul."
"There's a woman Father. A woman so bright and beautiful the very sun shies away from her. And I have such thoughts of her Father, such lustful thoughts.
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"So Rotham, how goes married life?"
Maxwell, the Duke of Rotham, slowly turned in his seat and gave the man an insolent grin.
"It goes well, thus far. But, the honeymoon is just over."
"Never figured you'd ever take the plunge, to be blunt. Especially considering you're a man that kept a harem at one point in time." Steven Crowley cackled.
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Hi, my name is Amy; I am a happily married woman, with a fully grown daughter. But lately with me and my husband both turning 60 years old, I feel unfulfilled; my husband tells me he is just too old for sex and that we are old enough to give it up. But I couldn't, if he wants to stop, it is his choice, and I will not force him, so to get what I needed I just masturbated when I felt like it, which was almost every night.
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I'd been away with Lauren before, and we always seemed to have shared this mutual interest for each other. But since neither of us had ever really experienced a same sex relationship, the mood just seemed to remain sexually charged but reserved.
This weekend would be a little different, however. Usually a few of us attend the annual pharmacy conference and share a hotel room.
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Chapter One
Katelyn McKinley looked in the mirror and was surprised that the woman looking back at her looked so fresh and pretty. Katelyn was tired most of the time these days, and taking care of herself was often last on her list. Raising her precocious six year old daughter, Carly and three year old twin sons, Colin and Connor, pretty much drained her of most of her energy. But tonight, the woman in the mirror looked attractive and glowing.
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Hi, it's Julia. You may remember me ... Sheri, Julia? Me, the Cougar taken and turned. Ah, I see you nodding. Good. It's been four glorious years for us. I still blink when I look at her. She's just a wonder ... and she's doing very, very well at work too. (Me: winking) Yeah, the jokes are still lame and the sex is still fabulous.
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That Friday was remarkable because it wasn't the thirteenth, which might have gone a long way in explaining the unbelievable circumstances that unfolded for all of the participants had it indeed been the thirteenth. No one could have foreseen the eventual outcome, although all would agree in the end that the end result was more than any of them could ever have hoped for.
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