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Janie’s Goodbye Gift

Category: Group Sex
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"So, what's with the hair?" Traci asked, a concerned look on her face. She had just noticed my bright pink locks. "I'm taking that job in Alaska. It's to celebrate my decision." "What?!" "I'm just too young to be stuck in this office, Traci," I whined. "Janie, this is a good job." I hated it when she got that motherly tone with me. True she was twelve years older than me, but she didn't need to be so condescending.
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My Best Weekend

Category: Lesbian Sex
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When my husband Brad and I began to date I was no virgin. Several penis's had penetrated me and left their their hot cum. Even more than several fingers had visited there in addition to my own. However Brad's tongue was the first tongue to visit there and it was instant love. The instant his tongue entered I made up my mind to marry Brad.
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Lesbian Takes To Anal From A Guy

Category: Anal Sex
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PRELUDE Cathleen walked into my office and as she had so many times, she closed and locked the door and then put the door brace in place. This was so no one would walk in on us unexpectedly. I looked at her and smiled but I reminded her of my schedule. "I have to go to President's Council in 30 minutes," I told her.
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Category: Lesbian Sex
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"You've done what, Darling?" asked my best friend Avril in her very English accent. "You heard me, I left Jacques," I replied. "What on earth for?" was her next question. "Because as I told you I have met someone else," I told her again. Avril looked at me and asked, "Who is the lucky man, Darling?"
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Best Girl Friends

Category: Lesbian Sex
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The Visit As Suzanne lay on the bed and reached under her friend's black lacy bra to feel her firm round breasts and engorged nipples, and their tongues hungrily searched each others mouths, she thought back to the events which led to this moment - the email offering her a week in the countryside, away from the kids and the chance to unwind in the sun, skinny dipping in the pool together and have some great chats with one of her best friends.
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Faro Summer

Category: Lesbian Sex
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The new owner of the Faro Ranch was unlike anyone that Emily Wilder had ever met in her twenty-two years of life. Her world did not extend far beyond the slat fences of the Faro. Her father had managed the ranch for Mr. Donavon for twenty-six years. When the old man had died, his son had auctioned off the cattle and sold the property.
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Category: Lesbian Sex
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I stepped off the bus double checking the address on the slip of paper I held in my hand. The small theatre I'd been told to arrive at appeared to be just around the corner. I was early yet, and decided to take advantage of the time walking into a nearby Starbucks ordering a coffee. While I sat sipping that, I checked myself out in a small mirror I kept in my purse.
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You Get My Vote

Category: Lesbian Sex
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The idea for this story was inspired by memories of another story I read a long time ago, the title and author of which I cannot remember. But at least some credit should go to that forgotten writer, and so to him/her, thank you.
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Carol and Tammy

Category: Lesbian Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 1 votes
Carol could see the crotch of the girl clearly, sitting at a small table in the ice cream store where she was enjoying a butterscotch sundae. The girl was perhaps five feet away, sitting and talking with another girl. Carol knew the girl slightly because she lived in the same suburban neighbourhood, and Carol had seen her walking by her house occasionally.
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The Game is Afoot

Category: Fetish
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When I first came to terms with the fact I was attracted to women, I did the typical thing. Internet porn was in its infancy, but I was a teenager with nothing but time to learn. I bought magazines as well, flipped through the bare, enhanced, airbrushed breasts and landing strip pussies, and never really got that thrill. I knew I liked women, but these... mutants barely registered on that scale. "Feather your hair, open your eyes as wide as possible, smile wide. Wider. Okay, now, pretend like you're playing baseball and you forgot your uniform pants. Perfect!"
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