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Rani and Her Hidden Treasures

Category: Fetish
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
1. Watching Rani reach. It all started innocently enough as far as I was concerned. I would stop at a gas station on my way to work and pick up the morning paper and a cup of coffee. The only reason I began stopping at this particular place was that it was easy to get in and out of. The reason I continued to go there was Rani.
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Not Your Average Girl

Category: Fetish
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Becky was deeply dissatisfied. It would have been hard for most to imagine that the lithe and very pretty undergraduate could have been hiding such morose sentiments; what with her well known wealth, intelligence, and good looks on the surface her life was ideal. Yet, despite widespread academic acclaim, a more-than-passing resemblance to Mary-Louise Parker, and a voracious sex life she could not shake off the feeling of an aching chasm within her, a driving and compelling need.
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Tracy Gets Reprimanded

Category: BDMS
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Greg sat in his office smiling. He could not believe his luck. The 44 year old electrical contractor had been given the CCTV system by one of his customers. The installation of the cameras was easy. He and one of his electricians had mounted the five cameras up in the various areas of the office and had the entire system up and running in less than two hours. He had no idea the benefits that this thing would reap until now.
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Puzzle Pieces

Category: Gay Male
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
*** This is a fictional story of a scenario that I think is all too real for most gay and bisexual men, even in this day and age. Too often, I think we forget that we're all just confused, lost people bumping into one another in life, and that doing so often has a long lasting effect on each other. I didn't want to spend too much time here going over relationship dynamics, just the lingering beauty in a moment, even if casts doubt and question in our hearts. Hope you enjoy it ****
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Steam Room Daddy

Category: Gay Male
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I had been going to the local YMCA after work for about a week now, I was trying to bulk up a little bit to impress my girlfriend. I'm a pretty slim guy at 6 feet, and 150 lbs. I certainly wasn't in bad shape at all, I just wanted to get a little bigger and tone up a bit. I had always known I was an attractive guy, and many people had also said as much, but despite that I had very little luck with women.
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My Neighbor the Cop

Category: Gay Male
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My neighbor across the street asked me to help him move some dirt to his backyard, which he had delivered and dumped in his driveway. It was a hot Saturday afternoon and, being the good neighbor, I walked across the street to tell him that I would give him a hand. My wife was going out of town to her cousin's house to spend the night and do some shopping. I thought I would have the weekend to myself to watch porn and jackoff, but I still had plenty of time for that.
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Pizza Boy Breaks Down

Category: Gay Male
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It was my day off, but I stopped by the shop anyway to get the address of the mechanic Cody used when his car acted up. A pizza guy's life blood is a car they can depend on, and mine had began acting up the previous night. My last couple of hours, it decided it didn't want to start a few times and I had to use a hammer to tap the starter motor to get it to roll over this morning.
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Booted Encounter

Category: Fetish
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Peter was dozing on the London bound train. It was 8.30 on Friday evening. He had had a busy week's work, and as he had nothing planned for the weekend, he had decided at the last minute to head into London in search of some fun. Aged 25, tall, good-looking with shortish, dark hair, he had little problem in pulling girls when he had the mind for it, but had no interest at present in a long term relationship.
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Workers Playtime

Category: Anal Sex, Group Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
"Wahay!" A course Geordie voice shouted as I heard someone wolf-whistle me, "Careful you don't show us your stocking tops; sweetheart!" I had arrived home half an hour earlier after finishing a night shift at the hospital and as I was hanging some washing on the spinner in the garden my nurses' uniform had risen to mid thigh. I turned to scowl at the builders who were working on the new conservatory.
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Cafe Affair

Category: Fetish
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
The way a woman smells is more of a turn on than almost anything else. Of course I do love the way women look and have a preference for those with a fuller figure and a great smile but if that womanly scent is masked with strong perfume and layers of product it just turns me off.
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