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The Captive Flame

Category: Gay Male
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Derek leaned against the metal railing as his grey eyes passed over the crowded cafeteria. With the entire population wearing the same uniform he had to focus on faces in order to differentiate each inmate.
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Late Night Park Adventure

Category: Gay Male
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I was always fascinated with oral sex, i'm not sure what started it or why it appealed to me so much but it just does. If I ever started dating a chick and found out she didn't go down that would be it for me. It was a deal breaker she had to suck cock or i wasn't interested. Swallowing wasn't as important but it was preferred. When watching porn my favourite part was the blowjob watching the girl on her knees being fed a thick meaty cock was the epitome of sexy for me.

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Yours Truly

Category: Gay Male
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Miles stared intently at the Sharpie pen clenched so tightly in his grip that his knuckles were blanched white, at the lined notebook opened to a fresh, new page. It was college ruled, perforated, with exactly thirty-three blue lines running horizontally across each page. He'd studied it with such intensity, such scrutiny, noting every detail about it that his vision was beginning to blur.
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Category: Gay Male
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Last winter I decided to get back into snowboarding on a more regular basis. It was something I did a lot when I was younger and thought it would be better that sitting on my ass all winter. I got a season pass to the small resort that was close to my home and started riding a couple of time a week, that is, if you can call it a "resort", it's really just a small group of hills.
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The Story of Us

Category: Gay Male
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The day of The Dance finally came. Actually, come to think of it, it was not a dance at all! It was just a huge party that was held annually at one of the mansions in the neighborhood and everyone was invited to it. Nobody knows when the exact date of The Dance was. Hell, none of us knew who the organizers were because the mansion where The Dance was held had no records of any owners, dead or alive.
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True Love Found

Category: Gay Male
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Jeff and I had been hanging out for about six months. We didn't live together but we might as well have. We spent a lot of time together when we were able. I am a photographer and I frequently am on the road doing shoots. Jeff is an engineer and has to travel once or twice a month. When we found ourselves at home, we usually were together.
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New Year’s Eve

Category: Gay Male
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So it was New Years eve, the time to party, to celebrate, and with any bit of luck, get laid. And in the past I've had absolutely no problems getting laid on New Years Eve. Sometimes it was because I was lucky, others it was because I lowered my standards, or alcohol lowered them and I got laid. In either case my main goal of having sex has been accomplished on NYE since I turned 18, and I'm now 29. So I guess I am at least guaranteed to get laid once a year.
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Taylor and Kai

Category: Gay Male
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Tay opened his eyes, waiting for the headache to kick in. The night before had been great, they had finally managed to get the whole group together again for the first time since they left University. With everyone scattered across the country it had taken a year to manage.
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Nick’s Christmas Presents

Category: Gay Male
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Cosmic Charlie "Hey, Nick." I said as I stood in the doorway. Nick looked like I had woken him up or, more likely, I had woken up his parents' dog and the dog had woken him up. "I told your Dad I'd bring his drill back before he came home on his lunch break. When'd you get home?" "Uh . . . yesterday. Sorry, man, come in. Its so fucking cold outside." I walked into his parents' living room. I had bought the house next door seven years ago when I was 22.
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Self Seduction

Category: Fetish
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The lights low, his glistening contours barely visible in the mirror. I step closer. So does he. My eyes slowly adjust to the near dark, and I see me, staring back. Blue green eyes drinking me in, a closed circuit of self lust. I step closer. Six feet of rock climber, six feet of swimmer, six feet of dirty hot mind wrapped in a perfect body. I tilt my head. A shaft of light slashes across a sculpted cheekbone.
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