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Pulled Over

Category: Gay Male
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Here I was, driving in the middle of the night from one city to another. A friend was getting married in the capitol city where we went to college, but I had since moved away. I drove back for the wedding and was supposed to crash at an old buddy's place. The buddy flaked out on me, so I had no where to stay. I really didn't want to get a hotel room because I'm always on a budget. So, I just decided to pop a red bull and drive back home that night.
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Put Down

Category: Gay Male
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I grabbed my coat and hustled out of the hotel room I had called my home for the last five months. I was running late and new that my trainer Dave hated tardiness. We were meeting to discuss the last week of my training before I finally got placed in my permanent position as a mid level manager. Dave wanted to meet at a bar and grill on the south side of town that had great food and a quiet comfortable ambiance. The problem was that this restaurant was on the other side of the city and there was no way I was going to make it before seven.
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