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Lights, Camera, Action Part 02

Category: Gay Male
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For a moment Yanik fought for control, Nathan had backed up, trying to get away from the onslaught, until he was up against the wall and had nowhere else to go. "Did you think I'd knock you back too? Or maybe you make a habit of lying to those you sleep with. That's what hurts the most, the lying. You really had me fooled, Nathan, I thought, maybe, I had finally ..." he trailed off, suddenly realizing where the words would take him. "Oh, just go to hell, Nathan, go to fucking hell and stay there."
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Category: Gay Male
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I was tightly surrounded on the subway train by four young toughs, and I had a cock up my heretofore heterosexual ass. How could this have happened to me?

It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon and my wife, Florence, and I had taken a taxi downtown to Lacey's Department Store. We needed a new bedspread as the old one was getting pretty threadbare.

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My Teenage P.A.

Category: Gay Male
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Starting a successful home business is a hard thing, that's for sure. There were many obstacles and difficulties when I started, but now the 'Watson & Co.' is a popular branding. Being an entrepreneur is not easy, let alone when the '& Co.' part of your brand is nonexistent. That's right. There is no one else helping in managing the company but myself. Alexander Watson worked solo.
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My Trip to Miami

Category: Gay Male
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I flew into Miami International on a typical south Florida day. As I headed for the car rental desk I thought about all I had heard about South Beach. I was jolted back to reality by the clerk welcome and I handed over my papers. He quickly told me my car would be around shortly. As we completed the necessary paperwork he said there she is. He proceeded to offer his hopes for a good trip and also told me if there was anything I needed during my stay to not hesitate to call and gave me his card.
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My Valet

Category: Gay Male
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I am a very wealthy, single businessman, who made his fortune in high technology. I have an aptitude for computers and it has made me rich; very rich. So rich in fact that I have great difficulty meeting women. They are blinded by my wealth and cannot see me for myself. This has led to a rather solitary lifestyle, which suits me as I'm am forever working.
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Mudchute Services

Category: Gay Male
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If you're driving along the motorway and feel like a break, I would strongly recommend Mudchute Services. They're fairly easy to find, right next to Brown Wood, and you'll find the toilet facilities make a very worthy detour.

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Prom Night Ch. 02

Category: Gay Male
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For Evan, wherever you are... It was twenty minutes after James's confession of age that I lay in his arms, my head on his chest. It was a new experience, and all of the new feelings were washing over me. I could not believe that not too long before I had had sexual intercourse with a man. I had always considered myself straight, never had once looked at another man or considered what it would feel like, but now I was in uncharted territory. What did this mean? Was I gay? No, I couldn't be.
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Unfinished Business

Category: Gay Male
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The follwing story is a work of fiction, based on facts from my life. The names of all parties have been changed to protect their "innocence". "Hey Jim, you need anything from Supply while I'm down there?" "Naw, I'm good Marv, thanks anyway." I headed down the hall to the elevators so I could get to Supply. It was Thursday, and I was winding up some details so my weekend wouldn't be interrupted by any calls from the office.
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Category: Gay Male
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His name was Roland and he was from Jamaica. I'm guessing he was about 30. He had deep ochre skin, eyes that were almost black, closely-cropped hair, and was tall, lean and very graceful. At one point in his life he'd been a dancer, but was now a set designer for one of the larger theater companies in Amsterdam. He was just a little bit effeminate, and overtly gay.
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My Older Man

Category: Gay Male
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Last fall, when I was starting my graduate studies at NYU film school, I found myself sexually frustrated and unhappy with the guys I was meeting. The sex was OK, but nothing really special. I think that's kind of understandable because, after all, we were mostly all in our early 20s and not very experienced. Plus, if I was to be really honest, the guys I met (and I include myself here) were kind of immature and unworldly. We barely knew who we were, let alone capable of thoughtful, meaningful and satisfying sexual relationships.
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