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Pearls and Pussies

Category: Group Sex
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The theatre was dark with a single spotlight centered on the two figures on the stage. It was the final act, and Jayne realized with a start, that she had missed most of the dialogue that had passed between the actors. Instead, her focus had been on the slow rhythmic sound of Steve’s steady breathing and the warmth emanating from his closeness. The faint masculine scent of his body teased her and flooded her senses with intoxicating arousal.
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Our New Resident

Category: Group Sex
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I was one of those young people who didn't really give much thought to what I would do with my life as far as a career went. Oh, I had interests, sure, I even majored in one, biology. It was after I graduated that I realized that industries hired lots of chemists, but few biologists. The states hired a few each year but no where near the number that flooded into the job market every spring.
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Pleasuring The Stress Away

Category: Group Sex
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"Are you feeling stressed?" "Yes," I muttered to the screen. "Is life getting on top of you?" "Yes again," I sighed. "Well I can help you – with a spiritually uplifting Aromatherapy massage." "Why not?" I asked myself, looking at the screen again before reading on. "Provided by a fully qualified Masseuse ...."
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Boyz in the Woods

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Elena was a quiet, thoughtful young woman, not yet completely comfortable on the new campus. She'd transferred from her local community college at the beginning of her sophomore year, and was finding the large state university to be not only hundreds of miles from her home, but worlds away from it as well. She dressed modestly for classes, and on first glance, most would not notice the beautiful figure she kept well-hidden.
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All About Anal

Category: Anal Sex, Group Sex
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My life was a wreck. My marriage had failed and six months later my wounds were far from healed. It was early evening when I heard a dull wrap at the thick green door to my small tenement block apartment. I peered through the small spy hole at the slender and petite shape of Natalie, my wife's best friend, standing nervously at the other side.
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Reindeer Games

Category: Group Sex
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I teach at a small university in the Midwest, in a small town, the usual place where gossip spreads faster than the common cold. Those of you who live in one know exactly what I mean. My department moved into our new building after a year of construction and got two new secretaries about the same time. Our secretaries used to be spread all over the building, but now were concentrated in one room.
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Primal Lust

Category: Group Sex
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It had been the worst possible day for Luke. Everything that could go wrong had gone wrong. As he drove home all he could think about was cracking a cold beer and watching television. He pulled up in front of the house and noticed all the blinds and curtains closed. He wondered if Lara must have been taking a short nap in the living room, something she often did when they'd stayed up too late the night before.
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Rock God

Category: Group Sex
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The first time Kevin Roach was mistaken for Tommy Ross he was in the White Lion. The mistake's maker approached him when he was at the bar, getting in a round of drinks for himself and his workmates. She had bobbed red hair and neat, pretty features and she wore a T-shirt displaying her allegiance to the rock band White Noise.
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Riding Lessons

Category: Group Sex
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"Ouch! Damn it Rocky, cut it out, that hurt!" Tanya's skin burned where the wet tail had slapped onto her arm and back. She was in a foul mood already and her bay gelding's uncharacteristic fidgeting was making it worse. She aimed the cool water at his tail which immediately clamped firmly between his legs. "You big baby, the water isn't that cold."
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Surprise Dinner Party

Category: Group Sex
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After the shock of walking into the house from work and seeing my girlfriends, after the kisses and hellos and a scolding, affectionate look at my husband, I sat at the patio table and was handed a beer and got the details. My silly husband, bless him, knew how I enjoyed my nights with the girls, without our husbands, just chatting and eating things we shouldn't and laughing at our lives. He had conspired with Mona, my best friend of the group, to get the girls to my house for a night.
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