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Massage Surprise

Category: Anal Sex
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A client of my wife's had given her gift certificates to a massage parlor as present during the holiday season. Neither of us had ever been to get a massage but we figured with the stress of work and everything else it would be relaxing. We called and scheduled appointments for the upcoming weekend around 3 pm when we would both be off of work. I had always been curious when it came to massages; I read many stories people had written about receiving happy endings during a massage.
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Rubbing More Than Elbows

Category: Incest
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 1 votes
"You won't have even have to deal with his cock at all," Susan said. "I'll handle all of that. I just need you to be eye candy and help out on the rubdown. And you'll get half." Jenny listened to her college roommate's pitch skeptically but curiously. Susan had been putting herself out on an online classified advertising site for "sensual massage" for a few weeks and had brought back a good amount of money. Now one of her customers was requesting that she bring a friend for a "four-hand" massage, and Jenny was who she turned to for the assist.
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Oh My Aching Back

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Crap! My back was killing me so I called up my masseuse. I've been seeing the same massage therapist for a couple of years now. Mindy is great and works around my busy schedule. She went into business after she lost her job in banking and was able to convert one of her spare rooms into her massage spa. Thankfully she's been making enough money to keep her home out of foreclosure.
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Surfer Massage

Category: Gay Male
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I had just turned 21 years old and every gay male who reaches that age does what every male gay or straight will do and that is to legally drink and go out and hit the bars and clubs. That day finally came in the summer of many years ago and I hit my first gay club with some friends. We were partying it up seeing the male strip show and then having shots, drinks, and just having some fun.
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My First Male Massage

Category: Gay Male
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I was worn out from a hard weeks work. At last my construction business was picking up, only I had some bills and didn't want to take on adding an employee. My first goal was to dig out of this hole then I would worry about expanding my business. So, that meant that I had to help pitch in and do some of the constructions. 

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Seduced at Hotel Bar

Category: Gay Male
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This is the true story of my first time with another man. I was 31 at the time. Since this time, I've had many hot stories I'm hoping to share, but there is always something special about the first time, right? I was in downtown Dallas to for my work, meeting with some clients there. I was in a nice hotel (Hyatt I believe) and after a long day of meetings, I headed downstairs to grab something to eat at the bar.
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Anal Cherry Popping

Category: Anal Sex
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It was the first time in my life I was living together with somebody else. It was thrilling. I remember the first time we went together to the supermarket. I was used to buy just a few things and spend some metal coins just not to use the Credit Card... I left there half of my monthly pay! We bought an unbelievable amount of stuff to start our household, most of which I would never think of.
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The Way Love Goes

Category: Anal Sex
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Every once in a while there comes along a piece of poetry that can capture the essence of a moment within its words. Sometimes these words languish undiscovered for years and sometimes they are discovered by someone with talent. Only then can these words of knowledge, passion and other emotions be put to music and become a true piece of art.
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Beware of the Sirens’ Song!

Category: Group Sex
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Jason stood on a rock overlooking a deserted beach beneath him. The cool sea breeze that sent an occasional whiff of salt up to him was a delightful refreshment under the glaring sun. He felt slightly dazed, uncertain if that was due to the heat, the amounts of red wine he had been drinking the night before, or ... he rubbed his eyes, incredulously.
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Cat’s Discovery

Category: Group Sex
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How do I get myself into these things? Because I'm a sucker for men who beg, that's how. Look on my forehead, see the big "S"? It magically appears whenever a man gets down on his knees, clasps his hands together, and says "Please, please, oh pretty please?" It must be some sort of motherly instinct. I never had any kids, and I always thought I transferred my need for raising children to my dogs.
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