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Training Rebecca

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Rebecca prepared for the day as usual. Out of bed extra early, a workout in the home gym, breakfast prepared to a tee as usual by the maid, a shower, and then up to change. John had just come out of the shower. He still possessed the hard lean body that had attracted her a dozen years before. As she donned conservative, but expensive lingerie followed by a dress suit, he reminded her that his plane would be leaving in 2 hours, so they had to hurry.
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Reunion Revenge

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Traci and Heather were discussing whether or not Karen Cambell would show up at their five year class reunion. They could hardly believe that the 'bitch' would show up after what had happened just over three years ago. But if she did Traci had some three and a half year old pictures that would insure a memorable reunion for her classmates.
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Pet misses Sir

Category: BDMS
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My pet had been very bad today. She was taking the day off from her internet professions and I was going into work. She begged and pleaded with me to stay home with her but I said I couldn't, and went to work. I hadn't been at my desk for five minutes before my phone went off. I checked it, and it was a picture that my pet, Rebekah, sent me seemingly in retaliation for not staying home.
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The Emergency Call

Category: BDMS
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It is Saturday, mid-morning. My cellphone rings, I pick it up and see that it is my answering service. I take the call. "Yes, speaking...What are the symptoms?"...looking for a pen and paper. "What is her number?...OK. Thanks." I jot down the number. "Stephanie! What have I gotten myself into now?" I say to myself.
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Snowed In

Category: BDMS
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It'd been storming outside for what seemed like days. Thankfully, my Dom and I had been well prepared -- we knew what was coming, so we stocked up on movies and groceries. Personally, I love nights like this, when the snow is falling and the world outside looks crystallized and beautiful. I love it even more when I can stay inside with friends or family and spend time together, warm and snug inside away from the chill.
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Some Like The Thorns

Category: BDMS
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I wanted to grab a fucking bottle of vodka and chuck it. Or throw it. Or burn it. Extraordinary stress, huh? Yeah that is what I am feeling. Damn pissed off at Daniel. We had an argument last night about where we are headed and in the midst of it, he said we should part ways for a while.
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The Request

Category: BDMS
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The moment he put the phone down I felt a surge of joy rise inside of me. Okay, that's strictly not true; it had been there all day, like a troupe of ballet dancers in steel-toed boots had taken up residence in my gut. I was behaving, I knew, like some dorky teenager about to embark on a first date. The fact was, I wasn't and neither was he.
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There’s a First Time for Everything

Category: BDMS
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She'd been planning this day for weeks. He didn't celebrate holidays much, just marked the time passing. But she meant to change that. Holidays should be special, she mused happily. Valentine's Day especially! It's the perfect day to celebrate being alive and in love, a day to enjoy! He'd had to work that morning, but the evening she intended to be devoted only to him.
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Category: Gay Male
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The following story is informed by real experience, but borrows liberally from long held fantasies and the promise of more. It is the first session of a D/s couple that will be followed by several more before their relationship reaches its peak. * It wasn't the most gradual start to a relationship, Jack mused as he shook hands with the dark-eyed receptionist who had given him directions with an easy smile and seemingly genuine good cheer.
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Under My Thumb

BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 1 votes
I joined the Navy fresh out of high school. Good paying jobs were tough to find in Western New York. The steel mills were shutting down. Heavy industry was re-locating down south and paying only one third of the previous wages. When my tour of duty was over I took the civil service test for Correction Officer and passed. My permanent assignment was at a Class-A Max, and eventually, I lucked out and got a wall tower on days.
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