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The Visitor

Category: BDMS
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Coming out of the bathroom, hair still wet from my shower, I stop before the bed. It's all there. He's laid it all out for me, and the tension that I had been feeling all afternoon ratchets up another notch. "Oh, god, oh god," I mutter, not really aware of what I'm saying.
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Something a Bit Adventurous

Category: BDMS
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She was just kneeling on the bed, her eyes obscured by the cloth I'd tied there. I could tell she was nervous, she said she wanted to try something different and kinky; something more exciting. In recent months our love-making had become a little monotonous, we both thought it but she was the first to say it.
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You’ve Got An Hour

Category: BDMS
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Julie lay back into the car's seat, closing her eyes and relaxing into the ride home. The night out had been just what she needed after a long week; Jay had done well distracting her from thoughts of work. Their favorite restaurant had again come through with a great meal. They'd had just enough wine, lovely dessert, and stimulating conversation. But though the pleasant hours had repressed her ill mood, she now wanted a good night's sleep to escape the frustrations the work week had wrought. Climbing into bed, passing out and waking up to a lazy Saturday... That's what she needed.
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Four Handed Mystery

Category: Anal Sex, Fetish, Group Sex
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I was so glad to be on the way home. It wasn't a particularly long or difficult date; I was just ready to be home – home to my loving wife of fifteen years. I know it's a cliché, but my wife really is my best friend. They say that a strong marriage is built on good communication. Well, we have a very strong marriage. We talked about everything – all the time. We would send each other short e-mails or text messages several times a day and usually when my wife came home from work we would often sit on the couch just talking for 30-45 minutes as we decompressed (I get home an hour before she does most days).
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Used For My Body

Category: BDMS
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For the past month or so, my wife Mary had gone out every Saturday night on a "girls night out" with a bunch of her friends. They would go to someone's house for an evening of fun -- laughing, drinking, gossiping, and just doing 'girl stuff' that she would not go into detail about. The wife of a friend of mine from work had gone to a couple of these parties too.
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Happy Birthday

Category: BDMS, Fetish
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
This weekend is my birthday. The BIG 4 0. A few months ago I found out about this club a couple hours away that fulfills fantasies. So as a present to myself I booked myself for this weekend. I chose the public display fantasy. I wanted to make sure I would never forget my 40th birthday.
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Spent in Submission

Category: BDMS
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I stood there quietly waiting for him to appear. The stares from the passing airport guests were easy to feel and I did my best to ignore them. It was hard. I admit that; it still is hard to recall the lewd looks and the disgusted glares that washed over me from people I didn't know. Funny, how a person wishes to be liked by even those they will probably never encounter again.
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Heavenly Bodies in the Hot Springs

Category: Group Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
One thousand, eight hundred, and seventy-one visible stars danced above his head in the sky, circling about, scintillating, putting on their constant ballet for all those below. Not for the first time, he wondered at how many intelligences he was staring. Millions? Trillions? Or perhaps it was zero.
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Adagio For Strings

Category: Group Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
"Can you come here please?" I hear your call from the bedroom, though the question is really not so much a request. Curious, I walk down the hall noting that the light in the bedroom is still off. I stand in the doorway. I can see your silhouette against the streetlight that shines through the window.
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Zoe Takes Control

Category: Lesbian Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
This story was written a bit differently. I wanted to tell the story from all three perspectives, and do it in a unique way. Each break represents a change in perspective from one character to another, which will last through all but the last section of the story. This may seem weird at first, but read and you might begin to notice why I did it.
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