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Cajun Voodoo

Category: Fetish
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I got good grades in Classical High School, Providence, Rhode Island not because I was endowed with great brains, but because I studied hard. Basically all I did was study and play a little High School football, but to say I was the best back-up running back for Classical wasn't saying much. I wanted to date but that didn't go far since I was tagged "Mikey the Geek boy".
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The Skater

Category: Fetish
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I hated it when they first built the thing. It came up almost over night, and when the construction noises faded I thought I'd have peace. No such luck. The sounds of jackhammers and cement mixers were replaced with the endless endless clattering roll of skateboards. The skate park was an atrocity that could not stand, and I was determined to see its eyesore slopes and rails and endless graffiti tags bulldozed to the ground and repaved over.
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The Laundry Room

Category: Mature
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John got up from the couch and headed down to the apartment complex laundry room. He wished that they would get washing machines and dryers right in the apartments like management had promised but he had to do what he had to do. John was in his first year of college and his folks had helped him get this off campus place. He was an accounting major of all things and a bit of a recluse. He wasn't bad looking. John was 6' about 180 and had a lean athletic build. For all of that he was still a bit shy with the ladies though.
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My Hawaii Beach

Category: Anal Sex
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Sure, it all sounds great. I'm 29, I have my own business. A great house with way more bedrooms and bathrooms than I'll ever need. Plus, my work brings me to Hawaii every 6 months. You see I own a surf gear company. We make wet suits and boards, tees and shorts with our logo on them. Every six months I go to Waikiki to our head plant. I check that everything is being made properly and legally.
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The Stars Are Ours Tonight

Category: Fetish
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"Reception to Tom, over." The radio on his belt squawked softly, and his friend Gina's voice beckoned to him from his reverie. "This is Tom. Go ahead, Gina, over." "Tom, I have a guest request for an unusual repair, over." "What do I need to bring up, Gina? Over." "I don't really know, Tom. Can you come to the front, please? Over." That was unusual for Gina; she's a great communicator, so it must have been something "Personal" that the guest needed.
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Mother-In-Law Massage

Category: Fetish
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My name is Jason and I have been married to my wife Jo for 5 years now. I love her dearly but there is someone else who has the power to make me just as horny.....her mum. My obsession with my mother-in-law began the first time I set my eyes on her; she has always been one of the most beautiful women I have fantasized about. She's not most people's cup of tea but to me she is just perfect.
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Loved by Late Mom’s Dear Friend

Category: Mature
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Brad was an only child. He was six years old when his mom, Karoline, died in an accident. He had fond memories of his mom, especially of the one summer he spent in Northern California at her family's beach-front home. Often, he looked at a photo taken on a beach that showed him being hugged by his mother and a woman with long neck and legs. The woman called him, Berde, a Danish name. After his father remarried, he did not have a good relationship with his step mother, Brigitte. He saw her as an immature and selfish woman.
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Auntie Lola

Category: Mature
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I'm Brad, 27 years old, 6 ft 2 in, 190 lb, brown hair, and light blue eye. I exercise regularly and am in reasonable shape. Lola Monroe, my partner, is 48 years old, 5 ft 4 in, 115 lb, short and dense blonde hair, green eyes, short nose, and high cheek bones. She is a positive person with a bubbly personality. Lola is in good shape: a relatively flat tummy, plump-34C boobs, narrow 22-in waist; she also has a flawless complexion. Besides inherited good genes, couple of times during a week, she played doubles tennis and exercised on a treadmill at home.
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Later Saturday Afternoon

Category: Group Sex
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I don't know how long I had slept, when I was pleasantly awakened. Jennifer was softly running her hand up and down my thigh. As I awoke, I saw Jennifer's beautiful blue eyes gazing down into mine. They were sparkling with excitement. Her eyes drifted down as she drank in the sight of my nude body. Her gentle caresses continued as a look of passion and wanting started to fill her eyes. I had seen that look from many men, but never from a woman.
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