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A Friend in Need

Category: Group Sex
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As I looked from the ocean to my friend Carol, I wondered how much longer she wanted to stay. Our plan had been to come and hunt for guys but there weren't any guys that interested me, although Carol never seemed to tire of pointing out ones I should approach. Walking up to a guy I didn't know wasn't my style. According to her this is why it had been several years since the last time I had sex. I was lost in thought when she suddenly spoke up.
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Guessing Game

Category: Group Sex
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My wife and I had been together for several years. Among our friends were the obligatory one or two exes. In particular was my ex fiancé. One week, she was feeling especially down so we decided to invite her out with us to the comedy club for some laughs and a few drinks.
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Ginger’s Works On The Beach

Category: Group Sex
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Attending a collage in the south has many benefits not the least of which is frequent road trips to the beach. On this particular trip it was myself and five fraternity brothers looking for a little fun and sun down on the gulf coast. We arrived Thursday afternoon around 2: PM and checked into our hotel. Typical collage guys on a budget, we were jamming the room.
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Helping Hands

Category: Group Sex
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Liz sighed, watching an especially amorous young couple who had obviously forgotten they were on a public beach. He was gorgeous, and as much as Liz would have liked to live vicariously through the redhead he was pawing for a few minutes, she blew her whistle anyway. The pair looked more than a little embarrassed when they finally realized after the second tweet that the whistle was meant for them.
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Late Summer BBQ

Category: Group Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 1 votes
It was a glorious late summer evening on the south coast of England and the sailing club BBQ was going like a bomb. At least thirty people were still there at midnight and there was no sign of the party slacking.
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Playing With The Boys

Category: Group Sex
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Cheryl turned from the guys, shrieked with laughter and ran back towards the water.... As soon as caught up with her, I gasped, "Oh my god Cher, you planned that out perfectly! I thought you were serious!" "Katie, I was!!!! I would have fucked Chris right where he sat if I thought I could have gotten away with it and still shown our faces at this beach again! I'm so horny right now, if they followed us into the water, I'd fuck them standing up!!!
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Plump Beach Girl

Category: Anal Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
"Hi I'm Steve." The girl looked up quickly and turned slightly away, hands defensively covering her middle. She needn't have bothered. I had always liked curvy girls and when I had come around the corner of the narrow overgrown trail that led down the hillside to the secluded beach I had stopped to admire her.
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Category: Group Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
The gentle breeze from the sea stirred small grains of white sand and tickled the tiny hairs on Alice's brown skin. It also ruffled her fine, blonde pubic hairs and she opened her thighs slightly to enjoy the sensation more. Lying naked on a French beach in warm, late summer sunshine was proving to be one of the most enjoyable experiences so far of her backpacking holiday with her boyfriend Tom, who now lay on his towel dozing alongside her.
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Sex at the Beach

Category: Lesbian Sex
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I was on vacation from the States. One bright, sunny day which is often most unusual in England while strolling along the beach, I listened to the ocean waves swishing onto the sandy-small rock strewn shore to kiss the land before returning out to sea from whence they came.
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The Beach Hut

Category: Anal Sex
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"The ocean is so beautiful. I wish I could stay out here all night." Cadence said, snuggling closer to her man. She sat and watched as the beautiful sunset was slowly dipping below the horizon. To her right the lifeguard was closing shop in his hut, leaving them alone on the beach. Most of the other people had already left; on occasion a couple would walk by, completely absorbed in each other.
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