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MaryAnn, Josie, and Hedonist Resort

Category: Mature
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Divorce didn't figure to be a matter of any particular concern to Josie. Both she and her husband had done well in their careers. If need be she could live well on her own salary plus royalties, but she didn't need to. Rod had been so anxious to shed his middle-aged wife in order to marry the girl barely older than their daughter he agreed to give Josie whatever her lawyer asked.
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Just Another Rainy Day at The Beach

Category: Group Sex
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I discovered very early in my life that I am an inveterate voyeur. My most fulfilling, most erotic sexual experiences have always involved watching. Watching movies. Watching television. Watching on the Internet. Even watching in my minds eye as I read stories. Naturally, I simply enjoy watching women as they go about their daily activities.
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With You, Anything

Category: Gay Male
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Tucker Williams almost missed his flight. His mind was a thousand miles away as they called for the last passengers to board the flight for San Diego. If it hadn't been for the attentive gate agent, he might have been staring into the distance while his flight rolled down the runway without him. Shocked back into the moment by a gentle tap on his shoulder, he quickly grabbed his backpack and boarded the flight just as they were closing the doors.
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Summer Time

Category: Group Sex
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I love summer time. Especially the clothes. Naomi was wearing those short shorts over her bikini. You know the type, the ones that would show off the color of her panties if she went for the full-bottom briefs. She even decided to forgo a shirt over her top. I'd pulled on a muscle shirt with my suit and we were off for a day at the beach.
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Nude Beach Campout

Category: Group Sex
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We have a really nice girl friend, named Donna, who lives near us. She is a bit shy, but she likes to do stuff with us, including sex, now and then. One of the things she really likes, is going to the beach, so we take her with us whenever we go. For being a 40 year old woman, she looks pretty hot in a bathing suit, although she does not think so.
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Losing Pieces of You

Category: Lesbian Sex
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The roses are blooming in the rather plain jar on my desk. It's a canning jar, it once held pickles I think, like the jars that used to line the shelves in your kitchen. The florist thinks I'm ridiculous for my regular purchase of three roses, one pale pink, two darker pink, but they remind me so much of you.
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Beware of the Sirens’ Song!

Category: Group Sex
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Jason stood on a rock overlooking a deserted beach beneath him. The cool sea breeze that sent an occasional whiff of salt up to him was a delightful refreshment under the glaring sun. He felt slightly dazed, uncertain if that was due to the heat, the amounts of red wine he had been drinking the night before, or ... he rubbed his eyes, incredulously.
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Describing Beauty

Category: Mature
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I can describe beauty. It stands tall and slender at the rails of the boardwalk, allowing the sea breeze to dance with white hair glowing in the moonlight. It is elegance wrapped in a cream-colored mock turtleneck sweater and matching cashmere slacks. Beauty is a countenance of serenity, absorbing the power and wonder of creation knowing all share a common source.
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Teacher’s Day Off at the Beach

Category: Group Sex
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Sometimes you just need to take a break. It has been four weeks since school has gone back and when I woke up this morning to a glorious sunrise over Port Stephens I decided it was time to have a sickie. I called in at about 7.30 and faxed my lesson plans at 8.30. By then the sun was blasting into my lounge room window and I knew that it would be another hot day. I have numerous beaches to choose from and with the wind coming from the west I decided to go to Hardwood Bay surf Beach.
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The Beach Voyeur, Caught!

Category: Group Sex
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I kissed my wife good-bye. Then I watched as the car pulled out of the driveway of our beach rental with her and my sister. I didn't waste time before I pulled on some swim trunks and headed down to the shore. I made my way across the street and up the public access out to the beach. There was nearly no one around as made my way across the sand. It was no wonder, the waves were pounding hard on shore and the water was still too cold for swimming long this early in the season.
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