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I couldn’t Unfasten Her Safety Belt

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I couldn't unfasten her safety belt. Have you ever heard those lyrics? They're part of a song that Chuck Berry put out in the sixties. Basically, the song gives the story of a young lad who took his girlfriend for a drive. He tells of how, when they parked and wanted to go for a walk so he could pitch a little wooing, they couldn't undo her seat belt. She was stuck in the car and he had to home, wooing being deferred to another day.
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"I cannot stand Cynthia and her more virginal than you attitude," announced Amelia, looking over at where the offender was currently flirting with a couple of boys. "I know what you mean," grumbled Marie. "The way she acts we're all sluts because we're not virgins. Just because we're not virgins doesn't mean we're free and easy. Or that we had any choice in the matter, anyway."
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The whole thing was Margaret's idea, not mine. You could say I was more a reluctant victim rather than an eager participant. It was late spring and the weather was warming up nicely. Still too cold to go to the beach in my opinion, but it wouldn't be long. It was a Saturday afternoon, reasonably warm, and Margaret came around with her bright idea. She wanted to go to the beach and get an early start on a suntan.
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Rain, on the Beach

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Rain smiled as she walked down the beach with her fiancé and lover, Marina. The Pacific Ocean was so... BIG! It was the first day since their arrival from Alberta, and she had dragged Marina down to the beach before they had even made it to her house.
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Project Down Under

Category: Lesbian Sex
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The Law firm Samantha worked for, Johnson, Bollocks and Hymen, had recently expanded their practice into other cities; moving outside their corporate Los Angeles location, and opening two new office locations in Australia and New Zealand; Sydney and Auckland respectively.
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