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Swedish War

Category: BDMS
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"Damn it all, why cancel tonight of all nights?" She slammed the phone back on its cradle. "Friday night, new shoes, shaved my legs and everything, and the bastard cancels last minute. Men!" Amy had been looking forward to going out, to alleviate the monotony, get away from the rut she had been in for so long. All of a sudden it was another Friday night just so many others...
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The Usherette

Category: BDMS
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Cruise Ship Cinema was an older style movie theater that had been converted to a multiplex as best as the architecture of the antiquated building would allow. There were eight theaters and an oversized entry lobby. The projection loft was on a second floor that ran above the lower ceiling hall that separated the theaters into two banks of four.
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My Last Chance

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PART 1 I race to a halt and stand panting outside the office. My feet are killing me. These new high heels are not made for sprinting. Gulping a few nervous breaths, I smooth down my pink top and white mini. The door is ajar but I knock anyway then take a few steps back. I look down at my fluffy pink purse swinging back and forth across my thighs as if it's as anxious as I am to get this thing over with. The door jerks open and I watch two slightly scuffed, black shoes step towards me. I dare not look up.
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Zenith’s Humiliation

Category: Incest
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This was the test. "Zenith, take down your pants, NOW." 25 year old Enrico said to his insolent young wife. Zeni tossed her hair at Ric "What the hell are you doing, this is my family reunion." But Ric could see the challenge in her eyes, and he was enthralled by the way her light brown curls bounced against her shoulders as she attempted to flounce away from him.
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Used For My Body

Category: BDMS
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For the past month or so, my wife Mary had gone out every Saturday night on a "girls night out" with a bunch of her friends. They would go to someone's house for an evening of fun -- laughing, drinking, gossiping, and just doing 'girl stuff' that she would not go into detail about. The wife of a friend of mine from work had gone to a couple of these parties too.
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Breeding Season

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Breeding season was always a bitch. Jasper knocked down another drink as he took in his surroundings. He wasn't generally a fan of women - he preferred his fuck toys to be men, but breeding season came with the overwhelming urge to mate. He needed to fuck his cubs into some bitch, and unfortunately, she couldn't be a werewolf. Women of his own species couldn't carry cubs to term - they lost them at the first change. This meant that males had to outsource, and as the leader of the pack, he needed to find a woman to pump his cubs into.
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Happy Birthday

Category: BDMS, Fetish
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
This weekend is my birthday. The BIG 4 0. A few months ago I found out about this club a couple hours away that fulfills fantasies. So as a present to myself I booked myself for this weekend. I chose the public display fantasy. I wanted to make sure I would never forget my 40th birthday.
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Meeting Miss Ma’am

Category: Fetish
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
"Sure" you texted me. It was a simple, unvarnished word, but in this instance, laden miraculously with the stuff of utter elation. I had arranged a trip out to the mountains on a pretext with the hope of seeing you for the first time. It was a very adult thing, I reflected on the flight over.
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Lucky with Kate

Category: Mature
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The early morning flight settled softly onto the runway rousing us from our light slumber, the heat of the day burst into the cabin as the main doors opened and the fragrant smells of the island filled the air. We made our way out, gathered our luggage, & shuffled through customs before we finally climbed into our rental car. Kate navigated as we made our way across the island the small beachside villa we'd rented.
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Collar Me

Category: Fetish
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"You just don't get me, Marcus." The words pierced right through his seemingly frail exterior. This kind of fight had been all too familiar for the last few weeks of their relationship. Kim wanted him to give her more satisfaction in the bedroom but Marcus was too much of a worrywart and relaxed man to give her the kind of action she so desired.
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