
My name is David Vervier, I'm 19 years old and this is my story...
The last week of high school was a long one for me. It wasn't so much that I was going to miss my friends, despite the fact I had grown up with them all since we were little. My hometown was small, a population of only 2,500 in a good year, and even then you're counting the tourists who came in from all over the west coast to fish and hunt. Don't get me wrong, I like my friends a lot and have had some good times with them.
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"Maggie - please don't," Oliver Taylor said as he took the last step backwards before he was up against the wall of the guest room of his daughter's house, and as he looked into the eyes of his daughter's only child all he could think of is what his late wife had often said.
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Penny finished off her drink and set it down on the table. She eased herself off the stool, mindful that her short skirt didn't rise too high on her slender legs. Picking up her empty glass, Penny turned to make her way through the other partygoers towards the wet bar. Along the way, the pretty blonde girl scanned the room for her friend, Jenna, who had brought her here in the first place.
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My name is Jennifer. I'm a thirty-nine year old divorcee and mother of two precious little boys. Of course, they aren't so little anymore for Seth just turned twelve last month and Cody will be ten next month; but they are still my babies. And like any mother, they are my whole life; my whole world and my very reason for living. I spoil them rotten and dote on them constantly. Their father and I have been divorced for nearly five years now and according to the divorce decree, he has visitation with them one night a week, every other weekend and two months over the summer.
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I guess I should start with a little history. I was born in the late 60's. My dad was a United States Marine. I had a fairly average childhood, went to college, and joined the corps as soon as I graduated. Shortly after I joined the corps dad and mom came to visit. They had some news. Mom was pregnant. Soon after she had my twin sisters Rose and Lily. Being so much older and being on active duty I didn't get to spend much time with my sisters as they grew. Time past and I was doing well in my career.
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Standing at the mirror, Sandy brushed back the stray hair from her face. Then she stepped closer and frowned at the reflection looking back at her. When did the wrinkles appear? Had they always been so deep? Her friends told her she could pass for 40, but she knew they were just being nice. The mirror didn't lie, and it was telling her she looked every one of her fifty-one years.
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I was a pretty normal teenage jock. Women, sports, and partying were my priorities. Like nearly everyone I knew, I was generally repulsed by the thought of two men doing anything together sexually. I had certainly never been attracted to men in my life.
In fact, the summer after high school was spent in pursuit of girls. I was lifeguarding and teaching swimming at a private club.
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I spent most nights of my senior year in high school babysitting. It was my parent's fault, really. Apparently having a real job would affect my grades too much, so I was stuck earning my money by spending my nights in various houses, feeding Kraft Dinner and hot dogs to hyper-active kids while their parents took a night off.
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"You two take care now."
"Bye mom." Gen called, closing the front door.
"I cannot believe your parents are letting you have an open house for the weekend." squealed Natalie.
"I know. I don't see why it would be a problem. We're both eighteen now anyway. You're folks are okay with you spending the night, right?"
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Marion was beginning to wish her best friend Caitlin hadn't persuaded her to sneak back into school with her to retrieve her purse. The two 18 year-old sixth-formers were best friends. Marion was Head Girl and Caitlin was Sports Captain, yet as they stood by the sign reading 'Staff Only -- Entry to all pupils forbidden' that stood on the gate to the courtyard she was worried.
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