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Promenade in the Park

Category: Incest
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
((I usually detest the idea of using toys in a movie or a story because it generally means that the writer has just run out of ideas and the toys are used to take up space, which is almost always the case in commercial porn. The toys also usually sever the story line because they put space between the participants and eliminate flesh-to-flesh contact. However, in this particular story with a "Mother-teaches-daughter" theme, I felt that the use of toys was appropriate to the plot.
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Summer Job

BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Bradley slammed the door to her room and leaned back against it, gasping for air. Shit, shit, shit. She held out her hands -- they were shaking. She couldn't believe she'd just had a screaming match with her employer. For the past two months she and Parker MacKenzie had coexisted peacefully in the large, empty house. She cleaned and looked after the grounds, and he spent all his time in his office working.
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Switch-On: Uncle Understands

Category: Incest
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
--commercial begins-- Do you struggle with bad habits like smoking, drinking, or gambling? Does your spouse tell you he wants to clean, but constantly forgets? Do your kids constantly back-talk or struggle with their grades? Tired of throwing away hard earned money on tuition, just to have your son or daughter fail their classes? Then we have a solution for you! Switch-On!
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The Goats

Category: Gay Male
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I hadn't even wanted to go on the Senior camping trip. It all seemed so fake. But after the guys on the basketball team begged me, and after my parents badgered me that it was 'part of the experience' I finally agreed. I felt like I would have been fine if we stopped the high-school bullshit and just lined up for a diploma, but nope. Senior overnight it was.
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Teenage Witch Gets Poked in Rear

Category: Anal Sex
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The Teenage Asian Witch Meets the Fat Fairy and Gets Poked in the Rear Emi & Bet hadn't done anything for Halloween in several years. However, this year they had to work at the mall, hand out treats to little monsters, and close-up shop. When the night was done they even had a bag full of candy to take home with them.
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Symmetrical Petals

Category: Incest
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She was gorgeous. Oceanic gaze peered from behind thin silver frames of which she wore only because she was afraid of contacts. She stood at the height of five foot five, long raven hair pulled back away from her pale smooth face in a pair of red chopsticks. Finally her voluptuous frame was wrapped in all kinds of fabrics of flow yet B-cup breasts were pulled tightly together just above a silk ivory sash. Her colors today were of deep reds and blues with bare minimum skin exposed...and I got to see it all.
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Getting Caught Isn’t All Bad

Category: Anal Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I didn't hear the garage door open so I barely had enough time to hide my hard-on and zip up my pants before the Marek's opened the door. What I didn't have time for was to stop the VCR. When they came in, they were greeted by the sounds of fucking coming from their widescreen TV and their "Debbie Does Dallas" video that I had found stashed behind all the other tapes.
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Ashley and Her Lust

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Ashley's mother got married again for the sixth time and she now had a stranger named Blake in her house. Her mother was 44 years old and throughout her life, she constantly changed the men that she had like changing the clothes on her back. There were numerous men in her mother's life and Ashley herself had no idea who her father was. She met her stepfather one morning when she woke up and found the man in the kitchen drinking coffee.
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Wanting What You Got

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Something very traumatic happened to me recently - something that could have killed me. Since then, I have been reliving all of the major events in my life. Fortunately, I have plenty of college friends and family to discuss things with. However, there is one event I must keep secret and anonymous. During my senior year in high school, I was a determined, albeit slow, member of my school's track & field team.
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Pontoon Boat Party

Category: Group Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Ever since Katie fucked the pool boy, she's had her eye on younger guys. Of course, that is fine with me as we are as open to new stuff as any couple around. We never went out specifically to find somebody for her, but she obviously saw plenty of potential any time she was out and around. She was even checking out some younger ones of 18 and 19 years old.
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