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Mr. David and the Band Slut

Category: Mature
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Mr. David was in his second year of teaching Band and things were not going well. The previous band teacher had been very old, and band in High School was never really the cool thing to do, so he was having a really hard time getting kids to be in his Marching Band. He had brought in outside help in the form of one of his friends from a marching band corps, but still things were not going well.

The one bright spot in his otherwise dreary world was Melinda. She was a Senior this year, and she was one of those early birthdays who turned 18 in September. Melinda was gorgeous. She was a Student Body Officer, could have been a cheerleader except that she had decided to be in the marching band instead, and was the kind of girl who turned heads everywhere she went. All summer long, Mr. David had watched her in her short shorts and her cropped shirts as the band practiced long hours in the heat and the sun. When others would complain, she would work tirelessly. Some days the sweat would soak her t-shirt through and you could see her large nipples through the material of her shirts. On those days she would pour water from the fountain on herself and her short shorts would also become transparent, allowing you to see the outline of her trimmed snatch. After that, the guys in the band would not get any work done. All the blood would rush to their cocks.

Melinda dated her way through the drum line that summer, and rumor was that she gave great head. She refused to have one boyfriend, though, because she hated to be tied down to just one man. Mr. David would watch her as she teased the boys in his class and he lusted after her, but he knew she was off limits to him. After all, she was a student.

He frequently fantasized about her, however, and there were many nights when she spent the night in his arms in his dreams.

Melinda was always on time to rehearsals and performances. While Mr. David would have to distribute punishments to other students, Melinda never required one, until one evening when they were to march in a game and she showed up incredibly late. She did not even show up in time to play in the Pep Band. Mr. David had to go back to the school with her to unlock the uniform room so she could dress for the halftime show. Since she had a key place in the formations and a solo it was very important that she be there, and Mr. David was incensed that she would be as late as she was.

“Melinda, you will come back to the room after the performance and assist me in cleaning up and putting away the uniforms. You will not leave until it is done. Do you understand?” He asked as he almost ran to the band room.

“Yes, Mr. David, but-”

“No buts. It is either this or I will dock you a full grade for missing the pep band,” he replied.

They reached the band room, which, as usual was an absolute mess. He unlocked the uniform closet and Melinda immediately threw off her shirt, revealing her beautiful breasts, barely encased in a sports bra. She had a very large chest, especially compared to her petite body. Her long brown hair hung around her face and chest wildly, adding to the image. She then stepped out of her pants, showing her white boy shorts leaving half of her ass cheeks hanging out. Mr. David had a sudden urge to bite one of those creamy ass cheeks, and his cock stirred to life in his pants at the thought.

Melinda quickly stepped into her uniform pants and asked Mr. David to help her with the tricky fastening in the back. As he zipped her up he felt her satiny soft skin and saw the small tattoo on the small of her back in the style of yin and yang and he had to really struggle with his cock to get it to stay quiet. She put on her jacket and her hands were trembling so much that she could not do up the buttons.

“Please, Mr. David, I haven’t got time to do these twice. Could you help me?”

In his mind he was thinking “shit, she thinks of me as a girl-friend and all I can think of is burying my cock between those sweet ass cheeks!” He tried to think of something besides her beautiful tits as he buttoned her up in her jacket– there were two sets of buttons, so the first set had to be done inside the jacket right next to her gorgeous tits, and they were so soft and full that he got hard just buttoning her up.

Melinda looked down at the tent he was pitching. “Mr. David, I wish I had time to take care of that for you, but I have to run. Maybe some other time.” She kissed him full on the mouth, grabbed her trumpet and ran out the door.

Mr. David just stood there, stunned. Had the girl of his dreams just kissed him and suggested that she might be willing to fuck him, or at least suck him off? Holy Shit! But she was a student!!! On the other hand, she was 18, and able to make her own decision…

SHIT! He had to get out to the field to watch the band perform! He hurried to lock back up and hustled back out to the field as fast as his uncomfortable cock would let him.

The performance was stellar, with Melinda’s solo going without a hitch in spite of the fact that she had not warmed up. The football team won the game and the band rushed back to the room on a tide of victory. There was a party that night at one of the football players’ houses, and most of the band was going. They all quickly threw off their uniforms and left them strewn about the room like they did the music. By the time they left it looked like a hurricane had hit.

Melinda quickly walked around the room picking up pieces of uniforms and putting them together. Mr. David almost felt sorry for her. She looked quite subdued and not at all like most of the students had, with their anticipatory grins and their victorious attitudes.

“Is it so terrible to miss one lousy party?” he asked sharply.

“It’s not that, Mr. David. You see, the reason I was late is because my car died on my way here and I had to run the rest of the way, and I was hoping to catch a ride home with one of the other kids. Now I guess I have to run it again and it will be kind of late.”

“Your parents wouldn’t come to pick you up this late?”

“Oh, they would, but they are in Europe this week. I am kind of on my own and with the party tonight…” she trailed off, leaving the rest to his imagination.

“And you think I would let you walk home alone? You REALLY think I am that heartless?” Mr. David put down the sheet music he had been gathering and took her by the shoulders to look into her eyes.

“Well, you were awfully mad when I was so late for the performance tonight. I was a little afraid you might bite my head off again if I rode home with you.” Melinda gave him a sheepish grin.

“I promise you, nobody has ever been bitten in my car.”

“Nobody?” Melinda looked up at him with a twinkle in her eye and he understood what she meant.

“Nobody, okay? It’s actually a new car. I’ve only had it two months.”

Melinda smiled, and he smiled back.

“Now lets get this room cleaned up so we can both get home and get to bed!” Mr. David tried to shut out mental pictures of Melinda in various places; in his car being bitten in all kinds of fun places, in his bed, and him in her bed, which he imagined to be a frilly canopy with teddy bears on it.

Finally they were finished cleaning up the room and it was time to leave. Mr. David locked the uniform closet and turned to go.

“Do you mind if I run to the bathroom really quickly before we go?” Melinda asked.

“Be my guest,” he replied. “Do you mind if I wait in the car?”

“Please! Go ahead. It has been a long day for you.” With these parting words, Melinda ran off into the dimly lit corridors of the school.

Mr. David took his briefcase and walked out the door to his classroom, locking the door behind him. He wearily climbed the stairs to the exit and walked to his car. No sooner had he sat down than Melinda was back. Just watching her made him feel older than his true age of 23.

“Thanks for waiting, Mr. David.”

“You were quick. I just barely got out here myself.”

“That’s because you had a long day. I don’t know why they make you go to the Junior High Schools. It doesn’t seem fair to me. It’s not as if you don’t have enough to do here, what with AP Music and Jazz Band and stuff.”

“But without the Junior High stuff I would not technically be a full time teacher. I kind of like being full time.”

“I guess so. They are just such jerks.”

“SO… are we going to sit here all night, or are you going to tell me where you live?” Mr. David looked over at her and smiled.

Melinda blushed. “Oh, my gosh! I just kind of figured everyone knew.” She leaned over very close to him and he could smell her clean scent and feel her soft breasts pressing up against his arm. “Do you see that light up at the top of the hill? The furthest one up? That’s me.”

She pressed a little closer before sitting back in her seat. Mr. David looked at her in astonishment. She did not act like her dad was the richest guy in the valley. How could this be? How could he still be fantasizing about fucking this girl when it was obvious her dad could have his job in a New York minute? But as he looked over at her he noticed that her nipples were contracted and showing through her shirt. Was it really possible that this girl wanted him as badly as he wanted her?

He shifted into gear and took off up the hill toward her house. He decided that he would take a detour and find out just what was going on.

He tried to make small talk as he drove up the hill, but his mind was on what he could possibly do to bring this girl to him without losing his job.

Halfway up the hill, she laid her hand on his cock. He nearly jumped out of his skin, and came close to stacking his new car up against a telephone pole.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you so badly, I was just running out of options to get you to notice me!”

“I noticed you, baby. I’ve been noticing you since the day I first walked in the classroom. I have been incredibly excited by the fact that you were 18, but I never in a million years thought anything would come of it!” he replied.

“Well, if we are good, we can both ‘come of it’ a few times” Melinda smiled as she began rubbing his cock in earnest, pressing her tits up against his arm. He now began to see what her trip to the bathroom had been about; she was no longer wearing a bra, and her tits felt soft and inviting against his arm.

He slowed the car, thinking madly of someplace they could stop where they would not be seen or disturbed. He made a quick turn and headed up the nearby canyon, then parked on a dirt road just off the main street.

He turned toward Melinda. “Sweetie, I have never done this before.”

“You mean I am going to take your cherry?” She asked the question in seeming innocence, but there was a sparkle of wickedness in her eyes that made him laugh.

“No, I am talking about the student teacher thing. I have never been this attracted to a student. What you do to me, girl!”

“Go with it. Lets just go with it.” She pulled his head down for a kiss and he was lost. Any thoughts of protesting were gone. Any thoughts at all were gone. Their tongues tangled in a passionate kiss, their breath coming faster and faster. He ran his fingers through the silken strands of her long brown hair, then pushed up her shirt to have better access to her beautiful breasts. He fondled and tweaked at the breasts and nipples as she moaned and groaned in his mouth.

Melinda was meanwhile paying his cock some much needed attention, She pulled down his zipper and worked his thick, long cock out of his briefs where she began running her fingernails over the tip, then she gripped the shaft with one hand while playing with the balls with the other. She began to pump the shaft, slowly moving her hot hand over his hard cock.

Mr. David transferred his attention from her mouth to her breasts, licking and sucking her gorgeous tits. He bit the nipples gently, causing her to moan loudly. Meanwhile he unsnapped and unzipped her pants and slid a hand inside, quickly noticing that she had also taken off her panties on the bathroom trip. He also noticed that her snatch was dripping wet. He easily found her clit and began to rub in circles around it, causing her to lift her head, tense her body and cry out in ecstasy. He gently inserted two fingers into her wet snatch, and she squeezed, as if she was sucking him up into her. He began to finger fuck her, rhythmically rubbing her clit as he moved his fingers furiously. Melinda threw her head back and cried out as she orgasmed.

Suddenly Melinda knelt on the floorboards of the car and put her hot, wet mouth on his cock. Mr. David thought he would die of happiness. Here was this hot senior he had been fantasizing about for over a year, and she was licking his cock! He could hardly believe his luck. His cock grew even larger under her attentions as she licked the large head, then gently nibbled her way down the vein on the underside of his cock. As she moved down his cock, he leaned back in his seat, straining to keep his hips in contact with the seat and away from the steering wheel. He would hate to brain the girl by starting to fuck her face!

She slowly sucked his balls in her mouth one by one, running her tongue around each of them before licking her way back up his shaft. She then looked up at him with hot blue eyes and then opened her mouth before engulfing his cock with that hot wet mouth. She worked him into her throat, taking him into her mouth clear to the root of his cock. No girl had ever been able to do that for him, his cock was too thick and long and made them gag long before they got the whole thing down. He looked at this tiny little slip of a girl slurping down his cock as if it was no big deal and felt the tightening in his balls as he fought down the urge to cum. At that point, she cupped his balls in her hand, opened her mouth, and incredibly licked his balls.

That was it. He lost all control and came, shooting cum down the throat of this incredibly talented teenager. She backed off his cock, licking up every bit of cum streaming out of his cock, lapping it up as if it were a delicacy, moaning in extasy as she did.

Mr. David could not believe his eyes or his senses. He had never been this turned on in his entire life! Instead of softening after he came, his cock stayed hard and ready for action. He gently pulled Melinda off his member and looked at her, kneeling in the passenger seat.

“God, I want to fuck you, Melinda. I want to fuck you like you have never been fucked before. I want to fuck you until you don’t know which end blows the trumpet and which end my dick is in. I have been thinking about this for a year, and now I can’t believe I am going to put my cock in your hot cunt.”

“Less talk more action,” Melinda panted as she raised herself to her seat, shucking her pants and shirt and reclining the seat at the same time. “If I did not get your cock inside me soon I thought I was going to have to resort to jumping you in the uniform closet. You are the hottest teacher there is and I had to have you, now fuck me NOW!”

Instead, he knelt on the floorboards himself, after transferring to the passenger side. The quarters were a bit cramped, but he was grateful that he had not chosen a compact car. He looked at Melinda, holding her gaze as he lowered his mouth to her wet snatch.

“OH, GOD!” She exclaimed. “You are a GOD!”

She spread her legs wide, putting her feet on the seat to receive his attentions as he licked her outer lips slowly, then slowly circled her clit. It was beautiful; proud and erect and standing free of her pussy lips. When he touched it with his tongue she jumped, and when he sucked it into his mouth she came, the juices flowing down his chin. He continued suckling it, biting it gently, then finger fucking her while he worked her over with his tongue. She came and came and came, until she was making noises he was sure would bring dogs running. She pushed at his head and pulled at it alternately but he stayed where he was, bringing her pleasure so great that it was painful. She arched her back and exploded in one more orgasm and he decided he wanted to fuck her right then.

He mounted her without preamble, sliding his cock into her tight pussy. She was still in the throes of an orgasm, and the spasms massaged his cock as he struggled to fit it into her. She was tight and he was big. He would wager she had not had many men as big as he was. The tightness was eased by the wetness in her hot cunt and he slowly started to move. She made little sounds of pleasure in the back of her throat as he buried himself in her, finally reaching his depth and feeling himself hitting her cervix. He couldn’t hold back and he thrust into her, each time feeling her cervix, feeling his cock sheathed in her hot, wet cunt. The tightness and sensation of her continual orgasms were incredible as her pussy contracted even more on his cock. He leaned down to take one of her tits in his mouth. She ran her beautiful, small hands up his muscular arms and across his chest. She looked at him with hooded eyes, dazed by passion, moaning with every stroke that he rammed into her willing flesh. She was bucking her hips against his and his cock was rubbing against her interior walls. He could feel that he was stimulating her clit with every stroke, the engorged organ rubbing against his cock every time he pulled out of her.

He bit her neck, sucking and licking her pale skin, not caring that he would leave a mark. He was beyond caring. He finally felt the churning sensation in his balls that meant he was going to cum and he looked down at the girl he was fucking.

“I’m going to cum. Do you want me to pull out?”

“God, no. Cum in my pussy, please! Fill me up with your hot cum!”

The thought of cumming in this hot teenager without even the benefit of a condom, something he had not done in years, set him off again. He shot loads of boiling sperm into her willing cunt and she went over the top one more time with the sensation. Her pussy milked every last bit of cum from his cock, and he collapsed, exhausted, on top of her.

“Holy shit, Mr. David. If I had known what kind of awesome cock you had I would not have been able to wait til I was eighteen. I would have raped you in the uniform closet last summer!”

“Melinda, you can’t rape the willing. But you know I could lose my job over this.” He heaved himself off of her and into the driver’s seat, almost feeling remorseful about their encounter.

“Of course I know that. And if you lost your job I couldn’t ever fuck you again, so it is obviously in my best interests to keep this a secret.” She leaned down and gently took his cock in her mouth, licking off their combined juices.

“Oh, god,” he moaned. “Um. Yeah. Um. Are you going to be okay? I came inside you. No OH GOD protection.”

Melinda lifted her head, licked her lips and gave him a long, tongue tangling kiss. She tasted like sex, like herself and like his cum. The flavor was like an aphrodisiac.

” I am on the pill. No worries. I love cum, but I am not having any babies. I am not stupid.”

She pulled on her pants and her shirt.

“Mr. David?”

“Yes, Melinda.”

“Would you stay the weekend with me? I think I might get lonely in that big house with nobody to look after me.”

“Was that the plan all along, Melinda?” He tried to look stern, but he was thinking of all the things he could do to that hot body over the course of a weekend.

“Well, I was thinking about it, but I had to try you out first, to see if I liked your cock. I do, so will you come and stay the weekend? You won’t need to pack anything because you won’t be wearing anything, and you can park your car in the garage so nobody will know you are there.”

“Lets go, sweet girl!”

“Oh, I was hoping you would punish me… all weekend long!”

“Have you been naughty”

“Very naughty, Mr. David. I think you need to keep that cock in me all weekend long as punishment.”

“That might be arranged, Melinda, that could be arranged.”

He put the car in gear and they headed for her house.

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