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My Son’s Girl

Category: Mature
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I've done something appalling, something that I have tried to stop doing but can't. No matter how severely I berate myself with a vow never to repeat my actions in moments of remorse, I can't resist such an overwhelming power. It's not lust; lust is such a puny word when I compare it to the wash of sheer, irresistible craving that I feel.
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Tracy Gets Reprimanded

Category: BDMS
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Greg sat in his office smiling. He could not believe his luck. The 44 year old electrical contractor had been given the CCTV system by one of his customers. The installation of the cameras was easy. He and one of his electricians had mounted the five cameras up in the various areas of the office and had the entire system up and running in less than two hours. He had no idea the benefits that this thing would reap until now.
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Summer Heat

Category: Mature
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It was a blistering hot summer day. I had just walked a couple of miles from the auto dealer repair shop where I had left my car for a tune up. Normally it's a pleasant walk but today it was just sweaty. I was nearly home when a voice behind me said, "Oh good, could you help me with this?" I heard her bike come to a stop. It was Kimberly, my neighbor, kitty corner from across the street. I was standing right in front of her house. Kimberly and her husband are a young couple that purchased their first home here several months ago. Kimberly is a grade school teacher.
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The HT Diaries

Category: Mature
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I was just checking my calendar for counseling sessions for the day when my neighbor George poked his head in the door of my office. True to his monthly habit, he winced and asked "you got time for some quick advice?" He always said this as he was walking in to sit down and start what would always be a free session. About once a month George would come in to unload all of his latest concerns over his 20 year old daughter Hanna.
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Older Neighbor Needs Love Too

Category: Mature
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Mr. Peterson, or Mr. P for short, had been my neighbor for more than twenty years. He was in his late sixties but you wouldn't have known it by looking at him. He and I always had a good relationship even though, when I was married, he and my ex-husband seemed to irritate each other at times. His wife had died some years back, before my ex and I had divorced, and he admittedly found himself very lonely and depressed at times. I took it upon myself to go over and provide him with some occasional companionship and just make sure he was doing ok.
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Category: Mature
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
My sister Annette was gazing at me with a super serious expression. As a critical care nurse, she was concerned for the state of my well being. "You need a break from all this craziness, I'm worried about you," she said. "I'll be ok," My voice sounded unconvincing. "Can't you take any time off? Go away for a week or two and relax. Remember you've already had a heart attack and..." "Jesus sis that was twelve years ago and it was minor..."
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The Nanny

Category: Mature
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I was recently divorced and needing a change when I saw the ad online. "Live-in nanny needed A.S.A.P!" It read. Noticing that it was in the New Jersey area, I decided to check it out. I had been living in the Midwest, and I couldn't think of a bigger change. I hadn't had any formal nanny experience, but I loved kids and I had taken some childcare courses in college. Deciding to take a risk, I sent in my resume and continued on with my job search. Little did I know how much my life was about to change.
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Sarah’s First Lesbian Encounter

Category: Lesbian Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I suppose you need a bit of background on me first, to set the scene as it were. My name is Sarah Matthews having married (can you believe it) Matthew Matthews some 10 years ago. To this day I can't believe anyone could give their son a name like that, but his parents - who are perfectly nice and sensible - didn't seem to think it was odd.
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The Midnight Train Going Anywhere

Category: Mature
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
It wasn't until that very moment that the full gravity of the nation's economic downturn hit Lisa Ross. The newly hired Vice-President of marketing at an upstart South Florida publishing company, the previous handful of jobs Lisa had, air travel (usually first class) had been the mode of choice. Now she found herself seated and staring out the window of an Amtrak train as she prepared to embark from Miami to Washington, D.C. for a weekend conference.
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Lactating Secretary

Category: Mature
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
"What the hell was that," Jake Armstrong said to himself, as he walked passed the closed office door on his way to the copy machine room. The long corridor was empty, as most of the staff was out to lunch, and Jake wondered who could possibly be using the vacant office at this hour. Well whoever it was, they sure as hell were making quite a racket in there. Jake put his ear to the door, listened for a few moments, and then slowly turned the handle and pushed into the supposedly empty office.
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