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Older Neighbor Needs Love Too

Category: Mature
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Mr. Peterson, or Mr. P for short, had been my neighbor for more than twenty years. He was in his late sixties but you wouldn’t have known it by looking at him. He and I always had a good relationship even though, when I was married, he and my ex-husband seemed to irritate each other at times. His wife had died some years back, before my ex and I had divorced, and he admittedly found himself very lonely and depressed at times. I took it upon myself to go over and provide him with some occasional companionship and just make sure he was doing ok.

My ex didn’t like that I was spending time over at Mr. Ps house. He would always tell me to quit playing nursemaid to that old white man. I’d just shake my head and give him a, ‘you’re a jackass’ look and he’d walk away and leave me be.

After I shed the dead weight of my husband, Mr. P repaid my kindness by helping me out with my kids. My work schedule made it impossible for me to pick them up after school so he stepped in and helped me out. They would stay with him a couple hours every evening until I got home from work. My kids grew to love and respect him as one would a grandfather. The years passed, my kids grew up and went off to college, leaving me an empty nester. I didn’t have many friends or hobbies so I spent most of my spare time with Mr. P or at home wrapped up with a good book. During a span of about a year and a half my neighbor and I really got to know each other well. We’d sit around, talk, or watch television for hours and eventually developed a real father/daughter relationship.

It wasn’t until I discovered how sexually starved I was that our relationship became strained. I was so horny that I devised a plan to seduce my yardman into fucking me. My plan worked to perfection and after a ten-year sexual drought, he spent an entire Saturday afternoon beating my pussy into submission, and submit I did. That encounter marked the first time, of what would be many, that anyone had given me a good fucking. Sure, I had three kids, so obviously I had had sex before. But, what we had that afternoon wasn’t just sex, it was an afternoon marathon of orgasms. That day changed me drastically and initiated me into the cock lovers club. Cock became my crack, I craved it 24-7 and the more I got, the more I needed. Through my yardman, I was able to meet other guys and soon had a steady supply of cock to keep my horny cunt somewhat cooled down. There were times when I’d have 2 or 3 guys over at once. They’d have me stuffed with cock and squealing like a pig. Because of my newfound love I was spending less time with Mr. P and had actually started avoiding him. There was no doubt in my mind that he knew why I had such a sudden influx of male visitors, and I was shame to face him.

As to be expected, the day finally came that I had to face Mr. P. It was Christmas season and my kids were coming home for a visit. Therefore I decided to put up the Christmas tree and decorate the house. I had a rare evening when I wasn’t expecting any guest so I figured that would be the perfect time. When I arrived home I started gathering all my decorations, when I realized that my tree was in the attic. My son had stored it there some time back and I knew I wouldn’t be able to get it down. I contemplated calling one of my friends but I knew that would only lead to a fuckfest, and I’d never get anything done. My only other option was to summon up the courage to walked over to Mr. Ps’ and ask for help. So I did, I rang the bell and he came to the door with a huge smile on his face. “Hello stranger” he said, and invited me in. I immediately went into the reason for my coming over, trying not to give him a chance to start questioning me. I informed him of my dilemma and he was more than happy to assist me. “Sure” he said, “let me slip on some shoes and I’ll be right over.” I was a bit taken by his chipper spirit, I really expected him to be upset or at least showing signs of disappointment. At any rate I had gotten away without getting an ear full and began to wonder if he even suspected what I had been doing.

Mr. P met me in the garage, I handed him a flashlight and he headed up the ladder. He was wearing a pair skimpy loose fitting shorts. He would normally lounge around the house in those but I had never seen him outside with them on. As he reached the top of the ladder he turned to take a seat on the top step. When he did, two of the biggest balls I’d ever seen came tumbling from the leg of his shorts. My chin almost hit the floor; I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Mr. P was obviously unaware that he was hanging out because he was shining the flashlight around in the attic and made no attempt to cover himself. I was embarrassed; this was a man that I looked to as a father figure and I had no business seeing what I was seeing. I was shame also, because I found myself enjoying the view. There was a part of me that wanted to climb that ladder and run my hot tongue up and down his swollen balls. Mr. P yelled down to me that he had found the tree. He turned and disappeared into the attic. Minutes later he returned to the top of the ladder with the tree box and maneuvered to slide it down to me. As fate would have it, he sat down on the top step again so that he could ease the box down to me. From the bottom of the stairs I was looking straight up between his legs and his huge balls had fallen out again and were dangling almost touching the step below. All I could think was ‘WOW, he must have years and years of cum built up in there for them to be so big’. My pussy was moist and lust was setting in. I was hungry for this man I had looked up to for so many years. If he didn’t already think I was a slut, he surely would if he caught me drooling at the sight of his balls. I tried to suppress my feelings and get my thoughts back to the task at hand.

We got the tree down and I was relieved to be removed from such a tempting situation. Mr. P offered to stick around and help me decorate. He never questioned me about my visitors or my sudden absence from his life. We had been at it for about an hour and were just about finishing up. I was on the stepladder putting the star at the top of the tree. Mr. P stood below holding me around my midsection trying to keep me steady as I reached to place the final ornament. I was also dressed rather revealing in an old pair of jogging shorts that my ex had left behind. I often wore them around the house because they were big and comfortable. I never wore panties underneath; in fact I never wore panties around the house at all. I ended up on the very top step in my attempt to finish our little project. The more I stretched the lower Mr. Ps hands dropped till I felt him squeezing my ass. I wanted to believe that the firm grip he had on my ass was an innocent attempt to keep me balanced on the ladder. However, even though I was unable to confirm it, I had a suspicion that he had pushed my shorts to the side enough that he could get a peek at my pussy. I quickly put the thought out of my mind and began rationalizing his behavior. I kept telling myself that there’s no way Mr. P would ever make a sexual advance towards me. It was just coincidental, and his squeezing my ass had more to do with steadying me on the ladder than any sexual motive. I tried to convince myself of these things because if they weren’t true and he actually had aspirations of fucking me, I knew I would not be able to resist. How would that affect our relationship in the future?

I placed the final ornament on the tree and began a hasty retreat down the ladder. Mr. P was still holding me as I came down, so much so that as I went to step to the floor I ended up on top of his feet. I stumbled and fell back into him; I was immediately wrapped in his arms. One of his hands cupping my breast while the other nestled just below my waist. He pressed his pelvis hard against my backside and the unmistakable feel of a throbbing hard cock was poking me in the ass. His cheek rested against mine and his breaths were heavy and hot. I could feel his heart pounding in his chest and I knew with no uncertainty that our father/daughter relationship would be no more. I flashed back to earlier in the evening when I saw his swollen balls and reflected on how bad I wanted to lick the cum out of them. I was about to become the easiest piece of ass he probably ever had. I wanted him to use me, to release the years of cum he had stored in his big balls in me; on me; or however he pleased. My body melted back into his, I reached down behind me and squeezed his rigid cock through his shorts, it felt nice and thick. One of Mr. Ps’ hands went under my shirt to find my nipples ripe and ready for picking. His other hand slid down the waistband of my shorts and found the valve that made my juices flow.

Neither of us had uttered a word, we were operating off of pure instinct and desire. He pushed my shorts down to my ankles and like a good girl I bent over, totally submitting myself to him. Mr. P put his hands around my waist once again, but this time there was no mistaking his intentions. He plunged his fat cock into me with one powerful thrust, and started an assault on my pussy that had me screaming with joy. I reach between our legs and found his balls. His sac was heavy and felt like it contained two large Grade-A chicken eggs. I gently massaged them, hoping they’d reward me with lots of cum. In the midst of all the pleasure I was receiving my conscience kept trying to remind me that it was Mr. P. who had his cock in me. That as much as I was enjoying myself, somehow this whole thing was taboo. Mr. P was obviously not struggling with his conscience he was plowing into my pussy like a man possessed.

Mr P finally broke his silence and began confessing his feelings to me. Telling me that he had been wanting me for a long time. He told me he knew that my pencil dick ex-husband had never given me a proper fucking. “Oh Yes Linda” he cried, “I’ve fantasized about getting you in this position for years.” “I’m going to give you the good fucking you’ve been needing for so long.” He smacked me on the ass and told me I should’ve brought my horny little ass to him instead of seducing a bunch of strangers. The smack burned my ass, but his words set my ears on fire. First because he admitted to knowing that my visitors were really sex partners. Second because I had no idea that he had intimate feelings for me. While it was shocking to hear, it made an already erotic experience even hotter and had me bucking, and slamming my pussy onto his cock. Suddenly Mr. P pulled his cock from my pussy and motioned me over to the couch. He had me lay over the arm of the couch so that one of my legs was on the floor and the other was in the cushion of the seat. It was much more comfortable and provided him perfect access to both of my horny holes. I felt his tongue on my hot box as he lapped away some of my juices. He didn’t spend much time cleaning me up before he was pounding me again with his fat fuckstick.

Mr. P was driving me wild with his vigorous attack on my aching little hole. Suddenly he stopped and again pulled out abruptly. I figured he was on the verge of cuming but wasn’t ready to do so just then. “You like taking it up the ass too don’t you?” he asked. Without waiting for confirmation he torpedoed into my asshole without mercy. I screamed in pain, but Mr. P had his own agenda and my cries fell on deaf ears. Luckily for me I was not an anal virgin and had taken cocks bigger than his before, nonetheless, it hurt like hell at first. Mr. P had tremendous stamina for a guy his age, and his cock stayed as hard as a hammer. Once the initial pain from his aggressive entry had subsided, I found myself enjoying a very impressive butt fucking. He laid another smack across my ass and asked, “Do you like your daddy’s’ big white cock?” By then I was once again throwing my ass against his cock, meeting his thrust in perfect rhythm. In between my screaming at him to fuck my harder, I managed to say “Yes Sir, I love daddy’s’ big cock.” His tone was as aggressive as the fucking he was giving me. He told me that he’d heard my screams lots of times and would masturbate while listening to me getting fucked. “No More jacking off,” he said. “From now on you will service my cock and provide a hot hole for me to deposit my load.” Mr. P was using words I never would’ve thought he’d say. The dirtier he talked, the bigger his cock felt in my ass. He was really pounding me good and his big balls were banging against my pussy sending chills throughout my body. I could feel my pussy lips gripping his balls each time they collided. My clit was swollen and sensitive but welcomed the pounding it was getting. I had experienced lots of hot tongues on my pussy but nothing compared to the beating it was getting from Mr. Ps’ big knockers. The pressure soon became too much for me to handle and I erupted with a powerful orgasm, showering his balls with pussy juice. Squirt after squirt splattered Mr. P and ran down both our legs but it didn’t seem to deter him. He plowed my ass even harder which only made me hornier and brought out the slut in me.

On the verge of blowing his load, Mr. Ps’ cock popped out of my battered asshole, needing no instruction I dropped to my knees. I kneeled at his feet with my mouth opened as he stroked his cock furiously. Although I had seen his big balls earlier, this was the first look I had gotten of the jackhammer he’d been using on me. It was beautiful, not enormous but long and thick enough that I was on my knees ready to worship it. As he stroked his cock I took advantage of the opportunity to do what I had wanted to do all day. I leaned in and ran my tongue across his balls, cleaning off the cream I had just spewed all over them. Mr. P offered encouragement, telling me to lick his balls. He told me I was a good cocksucker and confessed to seeing me swallowing a friend of mines’ cock in the garage one day. Of course I was once again shocked to learn that he knew these things about me but, no longer embarrassed. I was on my knees juggling his nuts with my tongue so I was well over being embarrassed.

Mr. P grunted, I pulled my face off his balls and opened wide to receive his load. I expected him to shove his cock down my throat. Instead he let it rest on my tongue and fired off a wad that hit the back of my throat anyway. With one hand holding chin he used my face for target practice, splattering me several more times. He finally slid down my throat and I welcomed its entry. Hungrily, I gobbled down his cock. His dickhead was still throbbing and delivering sweet hot cum. I used my throat muscles to massage his dickhead as my hands massaged his big ball sac until he had no more to give. Mr. P pulled out and rubbed his cock across my face spreading his seed all over me as I still had both hands wrapped around his balls. They were still big and heavy even after shooting such a huge load. I remained on my knees until I had thoroughly cleaned his cock and balls to his satisfaction.

Mr. P and I jumped in the shower and cleaned up. We sat and talked for a while as he revealed several other shocking tales and/or desires that eventually relit the fire inside of me. I led him to my bedroom, stretched him out and worked his cock to another raging hard on. He spanked and fucked my little asshole again and taught me to call him Daddy. After that night I was free of any shame so we were able to reestablish our relationship and our visits were even more pleasurable. Mr. P didn’t always have the energy to keep up with me so sometimes he would just lay back and allow me the privilege of licking his big daddy balls. I have since awakened many mornings with my face nestled under his warm sac.

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Bernard tell wrote

Wow thts freaking hot ,lucky old man .. I want to be tht old man n tht happen to me