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Just like the Old Days

Category: Group Sex
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I was sat with Steffi, wife of an old friend, who was currently, like me, watching her husband on the dance-floor with Jan, my wife. Now that it was towards the end of the evening it was a slower dance. Jan and Mike were dancing closely. Um, no. Jan and Mike were dancing very closely, in a darker corner of the dance-floor.
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Old Friends Become More

Category: Group Sex
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My wife Debbie received a call from an old friend who said her and her husband were coming to town for a long weekend. Jane and Debbie were real close before we were married. Jane got married shortly after us then her husband was transferred out of state.
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Doing It For The Boys

Category: Group Sex
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Sarah placed her coffee cup down and stared at her three friends. "Look, I know and you know, they're going to do it whether we allow them to or not. If not here, then somewhere else. At least here we can control the atmosphere," Sarah said, with an air of superiority. "She has a point," Barbara stated calmly. "Dean's been in trouble twice already this year, one more time and he could lose his scholarship.
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Work and Play

Category: Group Sex
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It was the second summer that I worked for our local public library but this time, I was assigned to a different branch from the one last year, which had been the branch I generally went to. Now, before I tell you about what happened, I'll tell you something about me, after all, I do work in a library so maybe I'm not the senior all-star quarterback. And I'm not.
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The Insatiable Wife

Category: Group Sex
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Beep! Beep! Beep! The annoying sound of Jeremy's alarm clock was loud enough to wake the dead, but it took Jeremy a couple minutes to rouse from his deep sleep. As he turned to shut off the alarm, Jeremy wondered why he had set the alarm to go off at 5:30 in the morning. As he sat on the edge of the bed trying to clear his head and think straight, his semi-erect dick started poking through his boxer shorts and quickly brought back the scenes of the previous night.
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All Revved Up

Category: Group Sex
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I took a big gulp of water from the wet plastic bottle, and set it back down in the cup holder of my lawn chair. The hot sun was beating down, slowly cooking my legs and bare chest, and the sound of quiet voices passing by was lulling me to sleep. "You look awfully cute in that straw hat Bobby," a familiar female voice said.
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Daughters of Priapus

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My dear sisters: I have been asked to give a history of my experience with Priapus, and my part in the revival of his ceremony. I trust that this account will not leave the walls of this sorority house. Here, as best I can recall and recount it, is the story. When I was in college in the early seventies, it was a very different environment than it is today. We were all so much more innocent than girls are now.
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Two Parties Become One

Category: Anal Sex, Group Sex
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My god she is beautiful. My wife Sharon has just got out of the shower and her long dark curly hair is cascading down her back. At 39 and three kids later she is still a stunner. A small mummy tummy is all that is can be seen, and that only by a trained eye. This morning before we arrived for our friend June's 40th birthday I shouted her a facial, wax and massage at an exclusive beauty parlour here in the Blue Mountains.
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Tuckme Into Bed

Category: Group Sex
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Betty turned off her computer and rubbed her eyes. She listened to the noise from downstairs. She shared the house with her boy friend and three others, but sometimes she felt like she had forty roommates instead of four. All four of them were wildly popular in their different "cliques" and everyone came to their house. It was THE place to be. Which was cool in a lot of ways. They always had the best parties.
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All for One and One for All

Category: Group Sex
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My wife Liz and I were enjoying our new found freedom. The worries and problems of child rearing, mortgages and financial concerns, were largely in our past. We were living a life more centered on each other. Our vacations were now of our choice, we enjoyed walks together after dinner, we dined at nice restaurants instead of fast food outlets, and our sex life had blossomed.
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