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Roommate Adventure

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Shay's college roommate had moved out for the summer to study abroad. This left Shay with an empty room and not enough rent money. She decided to put an ad in the university newspaper in hopes of finding a girl to live with for three months. Sure enough, not long after, Kate moved in.
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Tracy Gets Reprimanded

Category: BDMS
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Greg sat in his office smiling. He could not believe his luck. The 44 year old electrical contractor had been given the CCTV system by one of his customers. The installation of the cameras was easy. He and one of his electricians had mounted the five cameras up in the various areas of the office and had the entire system up and running in less than two hours. He had no idea the benefits that this thing would reap until now.
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Two Moms, Two Laps: Innocence Lost

Category: Incest
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Mom is off-limits, but Jeremy has a plan to make her accessible again. There was an error in the original submission process, and only part of the first page got through. This is the full chapter. Sorry. When I woke, I could tell it was late from how bright the room was. One glance at my clock confirmed it. Almost 10:00 am. What the Hell, it was vacation, I'd earned it.
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Category: Fetish, Gay Male
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I just finished unpacking my last box in my new apartment. I spend the next hour or so putting things in their place, setting things up and untangling computer cords. After it's done, I put my hands on my hips, admiring my accomplishments. I finally did it, I finally got my own place. I decide to go out on the town, maybe try to make a few friends in this high-wired town. I check my pockets, only 47 bucks. Damn, I need to find a job very soon.
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My Naughty Little Secret

Category: Anal Sex
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Have you ever had a dream that you were having erotic sex with a gorgeous girl, only to wake up in the morning disappointed to find out it was just a dream. My story is about a dream like that, only this one became reality in the tropical rainforests of Kauai. I will never forget the amazing events that unfolded from this chance encounter. I woke that morning with a yawn and was startled to find that I had slept in.
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8 Days

Category: Anal Sex
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I sat with my feet up, flipping through random television channels as I repeatedly glanced at the clock on the wall. Although I fully trusted my fiancé, I knew how crazy bachelorette parties could get. Even so, it wasn't Lacey's behaviour that I was concerned about. I was far more worried about how my friend Jenna was fitting in with my girlfriend and her comparatively snooty friends.
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Choosing a Harem Life Pt. 02

Category: Lesbian Sex
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After a long restful night's sleep in the arms of Salina and Maria, Brigette retreated to her arch room to prepare for the day with her new gift, a wooden cock. Her loving teachers admonished her to practice her poetry and calligraphy by composing around the topic of her first true sexual experience with them the previous night as well as use her new gift. They then retreated to their own chambers to handle their individual morning oblations.
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Hannah’s Anal Curiosity

Category: Anal Sex, Lesbian Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 1 votes
Hannah finished packing her things. The divorce was nearly finalized. The split was mutual, with no hard feelings. The 36 year old corporate executive closed the last box and stood in the bedroom she had shared with her soon-to-be ex husband. It was a sad ending to her fairytale life. One by one she carried the boxes away to her car. It wasn't as painful as she expected. She just didn't find the right person.
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La Lectura

Category: Gay Male
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"He was an old man who fished alone in a skiff . . ."

The rich, resonating, calming baritone of the La Lectura began to weave Ernest Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea for us for perhaps the hundredth time, as we Torcedores settled once more into the rhythm of preparing our bunches of tobacco leaves perfectly for the press. We could not have done our demanding work without La Lectura, the reader who sat on the dais on the cigar factory floor, reading to us, first from the daily press and then from classical works—and sometimes, to our great privilege, reciting poetry to us in perfect rhythm to the set movements of our leaf bundling.

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German Vacation & First Times

Category: Group Sex
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Several years ago, my wife and I vacationed in Europe for two weeks. I knew that Europeans tend to be more casual about nudity and sex than Americans are, but I was still unprepared (as was my wife) when we decided to visit a spa (called "bad") in Germany. We took a tram up the side of a steep hill to the top and looked down over a beautiful view and a large pool with an even larger deck. "Oh my God," my wife exclaimed as she saw that almost all of the women were lying topless on the deck or soaking that way in the pool.
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