
She'd been planning this day for weeks. He didn't celebrate holidays much, just marked the time passing. But she meant to change that. Holidays should be special, she mused happily. Valentine's Day especially! It's the perfect day to celebrate being alive and in love, a day to enjoy! He'd had to work that morning, but the evening she intended to be devoted only to him.
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I met Thomas and his wife Vera on the plane down to the Bahamas. We shared seating in first class. I was headed for a vacation and they were returning home from Houston. Thomas had an automotive paint supply company and had been in Houston setting up connections with suppliers. He was a tall older man with graying hair and a friendly outgoing personality. Even though I was half his age, we hit it off from the start.
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This is a stand-alone story but the characters are the same I used in my story 'Get A Room'. It's not a sequel but more another episode of the same show. Let me know what you think about it. - Rose
"What do you think you're doing, young lady?" The deep, booming voice sounded angry.
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Bethany hated Valentines day with a passion. As a child, plain and unpopular, she had resented this awful holiday which seemed to involve immature boys chasing girls with chocolates, cards and posies... every girl but her, anyway. She had grown up, and in college the guys had begun to notice her occasionally, but even then she hated Valentine's day - she saw it as a pathetic excuse for losers to try to use corny one-liners on the assumption that "the season" would make her respond. Fat chance.
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I hadn't known Briana very long, maybe six months or so. She was a pleasant young lady that recently filled a vacant spot in our departmental secretarial pool. Being somewhat outgoing and wanting to stay "in good" with the secretaries, I did my best to socialize whenever I stopped in to get my mail or with an administrative need.
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This is my entry in the 2015 Valentine's Day contest. It's much shorter and very different from last year's entry. I hope my message about love will resonate with you. All characters are over eighteen. Please vote (once) and comment if you like.
Thad crouched in the bushes, waiting for his opportunity to jump the delivery guy. Jimmy, the cool guy, called to have the roses delivered.
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Jordan was being tortured. It was the day before Valentine's and Glen was torturing her with her gift. He wasn't torturing her with intrigue and suspense. On the contrary, she knew exactly what she was getting. She had known for a long time, and he had purchased it a long time ago. It arrived a full two weeks before Valentine's Day. But rather than give it to her, he taunted her with it. He constantly flaunted it in front of her but wouldn't let her have it.
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After 32 Valentines Days spent together, her mind contemplative as she thinks of something unique, something that will take his breath away as surely as the merest glimpse of him turns her to a quivering mass of aroused and wet female flesh.
There is time, she grins and reaches for the phone. She spends the next three days buying and arranging her assortment of Valentine gifts for her husband.
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Heather let herself into the house, kicking off her high-heels the second she set foot inside the door. She was taking the afternoon off; getting things ready for what she was hoping would be a night to remember. The suit jacket was next to go, tossed haphazardly across the arm of the couch. She would need it again later but for now, it'd be too warm.
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I was standing in front of my tiny, jumbled closet looking in vain for suitable clothes to take to New Orleans. It had been sooo easy down in the Caribbean because all I needed was a couple pieces of floss to wear over my itty bitty titties and Brazilian waxed coochie. Rich, poor, who knew when you're half naked and dripping wet?
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