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Now and Then

Category: BDMS
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Now. I stand under the needling hot spray until the water starts to cool, and shut it off, and push the wide glass door open to release billows of steam. Drip and splash across the wide marble floor and wipe a clear circle on the mirror with a thick white towel. Behind me the sun is trying, and failing, to pierce the overcast. Not likely in February.
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Category: BDMS
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
He doesn't need to blindfold me. The room is dark as pitch, even with my eyes wide open, staring so hard that I can feel my pupils dilated fully, making my ears ring, all I see is dark in dark. The high backed wooden chair I'm tied to is the only solid thing my senses can grab hold of, the harshness of the rope that binds my hands tightly behind my back and my feet to the chair legs.
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On Three

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I can't imagine an officer, at least one like me, ending up in a situation like this. It was humiliating...and strangely erotic. There I was, tied to a beautiful woman, both of us down to our unmentionables, while she rode me like a two-bit stripper and I tried my best not to embarrass myself by losing it right in my boxers.
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Category: BDMS
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"Ah, the workmen are through for the day," Paige thought as she watched the men loading their pickups and preparing to leave. They were working to create a studio and large bedroom with attached bath out of what had been three small bedrooms upstairs in the big barn of a house she bought for a song because it was so far from town. They had been working for over a week, tearing down walls and running new wires and plumbing for the project.
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The Lesson

Category: Mature
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Latisha sat quietly while looking at the young man sitting opposite her, he appeared visibly upset by the news and she felt for him. "Duncan, I don't know what to say to ease your mind, but you know our Amanda, she can be very stubborn at times and after what she saw on that video...well it sounded pretty weird," Latisha said, somewhat sympathetically.
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Zoe Takes Control

Category: Lesbian Sex
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This story was written a bit differently. I wanted to tell the story from all three perspectives, and do it in a unique way. Each break represents a change in perspective from one character to another, which will last through all but the last section of the story. This may seem weird at first, but read and you might begin to notice why I did it.
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Submissive Heights

Category: BDMS
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
My sexual awakening really began when I finally gave in and revealed to my husband my desire to be submissive. No, not the master/slave scenarios that seem to be so predominant and to my mind borders on abuse. No, not the spank me until I cry and can't sit down for a week activities that would label me a masochist. No, I don't want to be violently raped, even by my own husband in the name of sexual freedom. What I was looking for was to be able to surrender completely to my husband and allow him to have his way with me, over and over again.
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The Birdcage

Category: BDMS
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Friday, October 30. 9:30ish. I say "9:30ish", but really I knew it was 9:23 pm, just like it was the last time I pushed back the gauntlet on my glove to check my watch. The TV above the bar said 9:27. God – David was such a flake.
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What a Day!

Category: Anal Sex, Group Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
One day I bring you home to my place and introduce you to my friend Liz. She has just showered and still has a little water dripping off her hair and down her chest and into her gown. We sit down on the couch and chat for a bit while Liz goes and gets ready in the bathroom. While she is in the bathroom, I tell you all about the day me and Liz had together.
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A Gift Returned is a Gift Enjoyed

Category: Fetish
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
"Fine!" Holly yells, as she collapses onto the couch. "Fine!" Chris yells back, as he goes out the door and slams it, hard. Holly huddles on the couch, grasping a pillow to her chest, sobbing her heart out. They just had their first real fight. She can't believe what he expects from her. How dare he assume she'd just go along with his request with no regard for her feelings on the matter.
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