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Not Part of the Plan

Category: Incest
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She sat on the edge of the bed and gazed at his cock. Still wet with her juices, it seemed to glisten in the light streaming in from the outside street lamp. It was a beautiful thing; still fairly ridged despite the last hour's activities. She gently traced the thick vein underneath with her fingernail, causing him to squirm slightly, stopping at the smooth head of his penis. She smiled as she stood; she was more satisfied than she could remember. She felt sexy, confident... and vindicated.
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Younger Sister Ch. 02

Category: Incest
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So it had happened. I had taken my sister with no forethought, standing in her kitchen, directly in front of her daughters hidden only with the island counter without the slightest fear. And after the girls finished their breakfast and got off to school, my sister had requested more. We fucked again, then we made love.
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Lizzy, Queen of Blow Jobs

Category: Mature
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My name is Mark and I have a confession. I'm an attractive 35 year old man with a pretty wife and two great little kids. I have a good job, a nice house and what appears from the outside to be a perfectly normal life. But I have a secret...a hot, sexy, naughty, filthy little secret named Lizzy. Lizzy was 19 when this all started (actually she had just turned 20, but that didn't make me feel any better). She was the daughter of Tom, one of my two bosses and a guy that could ruin my life if he ever suspected that I had done anything with his gorgeous daughter.
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Rubens and Telemann

Category: Incest
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All Characters In This Story Are 18+ Years Old. ***** **TUESDAY 1 to 8 P.M.* The trio moved through the halls onto the campus. "I think we'll all easily fit in my Taurus," Carter suggested, "I can run you girls back to campus later, as you like." He looked at Peri on his left, giving her a wink.
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Two Sisters from the Borderlands

Category: Incest
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Notes: This is a deviation from my standard fandom of Mass Effect, but I couldn't help but ship these two characters together after playing Tales from the Borderlands. Note: This does contain some spoilers from Episode 5 of the Telltale game, as well as incest and content that will probably anger hardcore Rhys/Sasha shippers.
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You’ve Got to Be Kidding… Ch. 01

Category: Incest
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
All characters are 18+. This is my first submitted story and I would welcome any advice on how to further improve my writing skills. Enjoy! ***** The back door was shut slowly. A quiet wine emanating from the hinges as the latch flicked into place. A small, young raven haired girl turned around. Her beady eyes looking towards the clock upon the kitchen wall. It read 1:36.
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Zoe Pt. 01: Zoe Loves Ryan

Category: Incest
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Zoe sat at the kitchen table across from her brother, and as their parents got up from the table, the conversation turned to sex, as usual. Zoë and her brother Ryan were very close. So close, in fact, that they would openly walk around the house half naked, and talk about their sexual experiences with each other as well. They were pretty much best friends. Ryan began telling Zoe about how his girlfriend was being a prude and that she would not give him sex when he wanted it. Ryan and his girlfriend were, after all, a young couple, and in Ryan's opinion, the two should be having sex almost every day.
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A Friend In Need

Category: Lesbian Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
It wasn't what I wanted to do on a Friday night, but I knew that I had to. Not because Joann and I were best friends, but because she had been there for me more than once when I needed some support. See, Joann and her fiancée had broken up on Tuesday and I hadn't seen her out jogging -or doing anything else for that matter- since.
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My Sister’s Boyfriend Joey

Category: Gay Male
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The summer after I graduated from college I crashed on my big sister Trish's couch for a few months. What else was I supposed to do? I had earned a bachelor's degree in anthropology, which translated to no money and no job prospects. She had a little house in the woods outside the town we grew up in, and she said I could stay there as long as I needed. She'd mentioned something about having a boyfriend, but I didn't realize until I got there that he was pretty much living with her.
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The Case for Doing Debbie

Category: Anal Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
The tedium finally broke at a quarter to seven, late that Friday night. We had been on the contract for almost two months, making sure that the details were all ironed out and then ironed out again once the two parties took turns changing their minds again and again. I should have been happy about the billable hours, and the generous amount of money those hours constituted, but these are the proceeds that contract lawyers commonly refer to as blood money.
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