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Russian Standoff

Category: Incest
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Author’s Note — This story is an original fiction, and not meant to display any actual events or persons. All characters within are depicted as being 18 years old or Older.

*** *** ***

“I don’t even begin to believe you’re telling the truth!”

Kita — short for Nikita — had just finished telling her part of the latest round of Truth or Dare that she and I — Sherry — had been playing.

Her platinum blond eyebrows arched as she grinned wickedly at me. “I am bound to play by the rules, Liebling,” she said, using the pet name she gave me a year ago (this was after we finished a semester in German in school).

Kita is my best friend — has been since she and her family first moved to our town ten years ago from Russia, right into the two-story bungalow next door. She was roughly eleven when we met — I had just turned nine a month prior — and once over the initial shyness, the two of us became practically joined at the hip. There wasn’t a day that didn’t go by when one of us was either spending the day — or night — over at the other’s home. Folks around town and the kids at school soon got used to seeing the gangly, tall platinum haired foreign girl hanging out with her shorter, brown-haired American best-buddy.

Over the years, we both transformed from kids to pretty pre-teens and then grew into our teenaged bodies and habits, before eventually becoming the young women we were now.

At twenty-one, Kita was brown-eyed, tall, svelte with all the right curves and just enough mass to make her the most drool-worthy subject of every male we crossed paths with. Me, I could only fall about seven inches short of her, but my body fell into a classic ‘coke-bottle’ shape; firm with just enough jiggle to get a few tongues dragging the ground in my wake too.

Not too shabby for an eighteen year-old who used to have some issues with her looks. Granted, my American-girl looks couldn’t hold a candle to Kita’s Russian ‘bombshell’ features and flawless complexion, yet she never once made me feel inadequate while she was with me.

We were both in her room, dressed in casual shirt tops and short skirts, kneeling by her queen bed on a wide throw rug; the remains of a super-schmooper pizza-deluxe left in its box, next to a half six-pack of cola and a bottle of Johnny Walker that was nearly empty (Kita had managed to squirrel it away after the last big party we’d attended together at Kita’s sorority house).

It was our usual ‘girl’s night in’ on a weekend; with Kita taking a break from her upcoming final year at college, while I was only just starting with whole admissions deal at a local community college here in town. Different levels of stress, sure, but we both had long since done this little weekend thing for a couple of years so it was a good time for us both.

We’d gravitated from listening to her latest techno disc — a gift from Kita’s cousin in Moscow — to watching late movies on the box, before ending the evening our traditional way; A game of Truth or Dare.

We stuck to some pretty tame subjects and dares, though after the alcohol had begin to take effect we began to slip over the edge of some rather raunchy stuff. It soon became a bit of a one-upmanship bout; going back and forth with questions that were meant to make each of us pause or blush before answering. I thought I finally got Kita with a real zinger . . . only I didn’t expect the answer she gave to this question:

“Tell me who was the last boy you sucked off, and did you like it?”

Kita’s answer left me staring at her in disbelief: “My brother, and no I didn’t like it . . . I loved it!”

“No, way Kita, you’re pulling my leg!” I shot a hard glare at her beaming face. “There’s no way you could have even thought about . . . well, giving your brother a blow job!”

Kita just returned my stare and didn’t back down. “Sherry, my apple-blossom, if you know anything about me, you know that I, do, not, lie.” Her voice became thick with the accent of the Old Country; a habit she had when she was either upset or standing firm to prove a point. As she was still smiling, she clearly wasn’t upset. Hell, she wasn’t even blushing! I know I’d be embarrassed as fuck if I just admitted I’d sucked my brother’s cock . . . even though I don’t have a brother. Curse of an only child, sue me.

“But, how did you–?” I tried to get my wits back on firmer ground, as her attitude and resolve to show herself as being truthful had me shaken to the core. “I mean, how did–?”

“How did Nik just let me have my way with him?” Kita’s expression turned sly; her eyes becoming half-lidded as her smile fell into a smoky quality I’d only seen in movie actresses. “It was happenstance, Liebling, but . . . mmm, neither my brother or I were dissatisfied with the whole experience, believe me.”

Nik — aka Nikolai-Yuranovich, and that’s a mouthful of a first name! — was Kita’s older brother, at twenty-five years old. He was tall like Kita, but built like a real Russian Kodiak, with muscled arms, legs and a beefy body that made pro-wrestlers whimper with shame. He was blond like Kita, save his hair was more sandy than white and he had this dazzling blue eyes. Eyes that I remember that my Mom, when she met him for the first time, compared to a favorite actor of hers; namely Omar Shariff.

I never really got to know Nik as well as his sister, since his interests and hers were as opposite as night and day. Meaning, she was into the stuff I liked — music, clothes, etc. — but he liked cars and most things mechanical. Especially motorbikes. Their father was a mechanic in the Old Country, and his craft rubbed of on Nik. So, when the arrived in the States, Nik found ample opportunity to let his interest flourish; first at his father’s side in the family garage, then later when he became of legal-working age as he found a job in a local ‘bike-shop.

Nik never was the sort to blow me off whenever I was hanging out with his sister. He always was polite in that old cavalier way, and I liked that about him. He didn’t seem like the kind of guy who’d let his own sister suck on his cock.

So you can see why I was having a time, trying to wrap around the concept, even the mental image that Kita had licked Nik’s wick. Bizzare! “I just . . . I just don’t believe it,” I said finally. “There’s just no way–.”

“Sherry, I have not been untrue on this,” Kita said with a huff of exasperation. I should’ve just shut up and just agreed with her I guess. Yet, seeing that my disbelief wasn’t going away, my best friend shifted from borderline-upset, to thoughtful, then back to downright crafty in six seconds. “Hum . . . there is only one solution to this.”

“There is?” I asked.

Kita nodded, as if some last piece dropped into the rest of a puzzle for her. “I will show you.” she said simply.

Again, I was thrown. “Show me? What?”

Kita held up one hand, then, before I could fathom what was on her devious little mind, she put two fingers to her lips and chirped out a staccato whistle. She only ever used that when asked to call in Nik from the garage or back yard; two places the strapping young man was usually found, working on another engine or motorcycle.

No . . . she just didn’t do that to–?! I stared hard at Kita, who had crossed her arms over her breasts, looking rather smug as she looked towards the door of her bedroom.

At first nothing happened — not surprising, since Kita and Nik’s folks had gone away for a week to visit other relatives in another state — and I honestly didn’t know if Nik was home at that hour of the night. Then, my heart flip-flopped when I heard the unmistakable thumping-tread of footsteps vibrating through the floor. A moment later, the door opened to reveal Nik; his torso covered with a black denim vest, opened from throat to waist, with a pair of dark jeans and steel-toed work boots. He had streaks of grease and oil on his forearms, and his cheeks were flushed.

“Da, Nikita?” he rumbled, giving me a half-smile before staring at Kita, dropping into a irritated spate of his native Russian. His deep voice made me shiver, just to hear him talk like that!

Kita made a tic-tic sound in her cheek. “Brother-dearest, you know we have our friend Sherry here. Do control that temper of yours and remember to speak English, please?” Kita’s voice was all sweet-words and saccharine; a talent she often used to defuse any angry male, but something I never could pull off no matter how hard I tried.

It worked wonders on Nik, as he sighed and stood there; one hand pulling out a relatively clean cloth to start wiping his hands off. “Okay, little snowflake,” he said, his English as thick as his Russian. “You called. What do you wish of me?”

I felt my heart jump for my throat, hoping Kita wasn’t going to tell him what she just told me.

“Oh, Sherry had asked me to tell a truth, as we play Truth or Dare . . . and, she does not believe what I have answered.” She lowered her arms and let one hand pick at the hem of the short T-shirt she wore.

“Ah, so what truth did you divulge under her questioning?” Nik’s eyes were crowded in the corners with laugh-lines. “Some great State secret, hm?”

I started to wave Kita off, but she said quite plainly, “Nothing of that sort, my brother . . . save that she wished to know who I had oral sex with last.”

I winced. Shit! I looked up at Nik, expecting him to either be mad or just furious with either me or Kita.

What he did was not what I expected; he laughed. A big, belly-lifting guffaw — which only made his toned tummy ripple — which trailed off as he looked at the two of us. “Oh, I see then.” His eyes lingered on me. “You do not believe–?”

“No, my handsome bear,” Kita said smoothly, cutting him off before he could inquire me further. “She did not, and still does not believe me . . . so I came to conclusion; I must show proof, to make her see the truth.”

By then, I was starting to feel dizzy from all the unexpected turns this conversation was taking. The proverbial cat was out of the bag . . . but, what was Nik going to do now? Was he going to think this was all a joke? Or was now the time he was going to get angry with his younger sister?

“Ah, little snowflake, you use old country logic,” Nik said. With a grin, he stuck the rag back into his pocket, before staring long and hard at his sister. “So do you intent to show this . . . proof, right here? Now?”

At that, Kita’s smile went all smoky, as her eyes got this sensual glow while looking up from the floor at Nik. “Unless you do not wish to help me in this matter, my brother?” Shifting from her knees, Kita’s body seemed to slither as she shifted onto her hip, stretching her legs out as she pointed her toes like a dancer. “After all . . . it would be tragic indeed, if from now on my Sherry continued to believe that I am a liar.” She dropped her gaze to me, winking one eye before she turned her face back to Nik. Her tongue slipped out from her pink lips to run across the upper one with a seductive stroke. “Do you think you could bear the shame of such an onus on your sister, Nikolai?”

As friends, confidants and ‘sisters-in-all-but-blood’ that we were, I thought there wasn’t anything about Kita that I hadn’t discovered . . . well, I guess I was wrong. Fuck! If she was trying to seduce Nik . . . hell, if I was him, I’d have had my pants down in a heartbeat!

Chuckling, Nik just shook his head. But, instead of leaving or doing anything else to the contrary, he stepped over to where Kita was, standing with his legs slightly apart as he stared down at her. He said something else in Russian; what Kita told me later was “Little Sister, I cannot bear to have a liar for a sibling . . . so, let us show your good friend what you last did to me.”

With a grin, Kita rose up a bit, running her hands up Nik’s legs; the sound of soft skin gliding over denim sounding loud to me in the confines of her room. She glanced at me for a moment — her lips curled with a smile — before she turned her attention and hands to the belt and zipper on Nik’s pants. With a flip, a dingle of the metal buckle and a soft zzzzzzip, Kita had his fly wide open and her hand inside in a flash.

I couldn’t stop the gasp that burst from between my lips! Nik wasn’t wearing underwear, and in seconds Kita had his pecker out in the open; hefting the thick, short column of dick flesh in her fingers as she let out a sigh of anticipation. Rubbing it slowly, she coaxed it up and made it thicken and swell, right before our eyes. With a grunt, Nik crossed his arms over his beefy chest and stared down at his sister. In no time, Kita had his cock standing out rigid from the nest of blond curls; it looked as long as a can of beer and as thick across as one of my Dad’s old gold Double-Eagle coins.

Shit! I couldn’t help myself. I was panting as I watched Kita fist his dick. My own pussy was clenching and making a wet spot in my panties, but I couldn’t tear my eyes away from what was happening.

“Mmm, yes,” Kita said, her voice trailing off with a sibilant hiss as she eyed Nik’s prick. “A wonderful specimen of sex, my handsome-bear.” She scooched closer, bringing her face up alongside his cock as she breathed in deeply, obviously savoring his sex smell. “Are you fully prepared again, my brother? Are you so ready to have my mouth upon your cock, hm?” She slipped closer, barely brushing her lips against the side of his turgid flesh, humming softly as she let her head drift side to side.

I looked up into Nik’s face; he was sporting a flush of blush, but his eyes were wide-open and bright with lust as he looked down at Kita. “Mm, you know the answer, little snowflake . . . do not tease.” He chuckled as he lifted his gaze to take me in. “Your little friend is apparently . . . quite anxious to see you prove yourself.”

Now it was my turn to blush scarlet. Geez! Couldn’t he just ignore me and let her get on with this?

Kita sighed and rolled her fingers along Nik’s dick gently. “Oh, fie . . . well, if I must proceed then–?” With that, she moved with such speed and control I almost missed it; dipping her head to the side to run the flat of her small tongue along his cock, before reaching the end to flutter the tip against his fat glans.

Nik’s legs tightened up like steel cords, and his hiss-sighed with delight as the sensation of her wet tongue raced along his nerves.

Trailing her tongue along the rim of his dick head, Kita hummed and moaned like a porn star. Her eyes drifted closed, but she clearly wasn’t out of touch with what she was doing to her brother. Soon, her licking turned into wet, liquid smooches as she placed kisses all down and up the length of Nik’s hot rod. The feeling must’ve been awesome for him, as the column of flesh was practically vibrating in his sister’s fist and his voice now rose in soft moans.

In due time, Kita stopped kissing and licking and turned to put the head of her brother’s cock at the portal of her lips. Glazed with his pre-cum, she slipped them down the stiff column of flesh, pausing only for a moment before making the return trip back to the plum-sized glans at the tip. As I watched, she made several return strokes, sucking deepling on Nik’s prick, making sounds clearly speaking loudly of her enjoyment of his flesh.

For his part, Nik was moaning softly, his eyes half-shut as he craned his head down to watch his sister. He had one large hand slowly trailing through her hair; the fingers sifting the long strands as her head bobbed back and forth. His growls were mostly in Russian, peppered liberally with spates of “Mmm, yes!” and “So sweet, little sister . . .”.

At one point, Kita slipped his prick out of her wet mouth and grinned at me. “Mm, it is you who are sweet, my brother!” Smooching his dick, she popped it back in and made more wet sounds of bliss.

For myself, I was shaking with a sudden rush of heat. Fuck! Watching Kita and Nik like this was turning me on something fierce. Looking down briefly, I saw that Kita, at some point during this sex-play, had managed to pull up the front of her skirt and had a hand tucked under the front of her panties. From the way the fabric bulged and moved, she was clearly working her pussy with one hand while she sucked her brother off.

God! I couldn’t help myself. By then. I’d somehow got my skirt up around my waist and had my right hand jammed down the front of my crotch. I had two fingers plugged into my snatch, while I rubbed the wet head of my clit with the pad of my thumb.

Soon, all three of us were moaning with the sensations generated from our manipulation of two pussies and one thick cock. The bliss radiating out from my own sex had me rooted to the floor. There was no way in Hell I was going to be dissuaded from stopping, even if something as drastic as an act of God happened just then. Clearly Kita wasn’t going to end her actions; if anything, she was wrapping her mouth even tighter around her brother’s prick.

Yet, it was nearly the shock of Kita’s next words that sent me flying out of her bedroom, when she pulled Nik’s prick out of her sucking mouth and turned to look at me. “Sherry, Liebling . . . do not just Jill yourself all over my carpet. Come, for my brother has more than enough delicious cum for both of us.”

Oh, my . . . Fuck! She just didn’t say what I thought she said!? I gazed at her through glazed eyes, my hand still entrenched in my panties, now still as a dead fish, as I processed her words.

When she saw my hesitation, Kita waggled Nik’s prick and said, “Come, dear heart. You’ve watched us long enough. It’s time you sampled just how scrumptious my brother really is!”

I felt like I was in a daze. I knew I should’ve stopped jilling off and got the hell out of there, yet my body refused to listen to that small, sensible part of my brain. Unable to stop myself, I scooted across the carpet and got up close on the other side of Nik; now just inchest away from Kita’s face and her brother’s turgid cock. This close, I could see how wet his dick was from the mix of pre-cum and her saliva, as well as smell the musk of his maleness and the honeysuckle-scent of her pussy.

Encouraged, Kita fisted his prick slowly, watching me with lusty eyes. “Yes, Sherry . . . come, my brother is very scrumpcious. I think you will love the flavor of his cock.”

I couldn’t speak, so I just nodded as I edged closer to the hard dick in her hand. Without further prompting, Kita tipped it to the side, offering the thick cap to my slightly-parted lips. From the moment the head grazed my lips, I literally mewed as I felt the pure heat through my skin, tasted the slick, salty flavor of his pre-cum and felt my nose fill with his unique scent. Opening my mouth like a baby bird begging for food, I let Kita feed Nik’s intimate flesh between my lips.

Soon, Nik’s sighs and moans took on a new pitch as he felt my wet tongue wrap around his cock; feeling every ridge and vein bulging through the slick skin as his sex thickened further in my mouth. I began sucking his dick with all the enthusiasm of a neophyte discovering something they really, really liked doing . . . and believe me, at that moment I really, really did like sucking on his hot dong. Soon enough, I felt the large paw of his hand palming the crown of my head, guiding me as his hips slowly bucked forwards to meet my mouth.

I soon felt Kita’s face next to my own; her cheek pressing in as she tried licking against the side of her brother’s prick as it pumped in and out of my face. Not one to begrudge her, I let Nik’s wick slip away from my lips so Kita could get her fair share. With a murmured sound of gratitude, Kita slurped him up with relish, sucking him for several moments before letting him pass back to me. In due course, between the two of us we swapped Nik’s cock back and forth several times; drawing his pleasure out and bringing him closer and closer to the edge of his own release.

God! Was there anything more sexy to me than this scene, right then, right now? Me, helping my best friend give her big, strapping hunk of a brother a double-blow job? Fuck!

By then, it could’ve been twenty minutes, maybe longer since we started this surreal scene. Nik was grunting and groaning, his legs stiff and hard as he tried to keep his balance while Kita and I kept on double-teaming his prick. All the while, the two of us girls were still fingering our respective cunts, filling the air with our own sticky counterpoint to all the slurps, sucks, moans and smack-kissing from our blow job. I swear, I’ve never felt my pussy churning out as much cream as it was just then. My hand felt positively bathed in my own sexual honey.

As for Kita, she must’ve been putting out as much fuck-milk as I was. We had the room smelling like a cathouse, and there didn’t seem to be any end in sight.

That is, until Kita suddenly pulled back a bit from where she was sucking on the upper part of Nik’s prick — while I’d been lapping away at his impressive balls from below. Her lips remained parted around his dickhead, while her breath exploded out in hot gusts over his rigid flesh. With a heated moan, she panted, “Oooh, FU-UCK! FUCK!” Suddenly, her body began to shake and shiver, and she fell back onto her brother’s cock with a vengeance.

Oh, shit . . . I don’t believe it! She was actually having an orgasm, just by sucking her brother’s dick! I had pulled back to watch, awestruck while Kita’s long body writhed on her knees, her hand clamped tight between her thighs as they slammed shut around it.

Nik growled from above us, his eyes wide and fiery as he watched Kita convulse with pleasure. “Yes, little snowflake, cum. Cum for your brother . . . show Sherry how much you like it!”

Dazed and amazed, I rocked back on my heels and just stared as Kita’s climax overtook her, making the blond Russian teen teeter and fall over onto her back. With little shrieks of joy, Kita arched her back as her pussy was wracked with more spasms of release . . . then she suddenly went limp as a rag-doll on the carpet. With a last, hissing sigh, her mouth curled up in satisfaction as she lay there before us.

Oh, fuck me! That was just too hot to believe!

However, I’d forgotten two rather important facts just then: the first, was that I hadn’t gotten off myself, and that my own pussy was crying out for its own relief.

The second, Nik hadn’t gotten his nut, either.

Before I realized what was happening, I felt two big hands clamp down around my waist, a second before my ample body was lifted from the floor with a rush. Squeeking with a bit of fear, I started to flail my arms and legs to reconnect myself with the floor . . . only to gasp as my back collided with the solid wall of muscle that was Nik’s chest and belly, as his arms wrapped around me; his big forearms tucked just under my heaving breasts. Before I could protest, a gust of hot breath curled around my right ear, just as I felt Nik capture my earlobe between his sharp teeth to nibble and nip at it. That alone was enough to make me groan out loud with renewed passion.

“Mmm, little girl . . . so horny, watching little sister-bear suck her big brother, eh?” Nik’s deep voice was a growl of pure heat and distilled sex, all rolled together.

Before I could answer him, he dropped one paw down and got it under my skirt and between my legs. Curling his fingers underneath the edge of my panties, he pulled them aside to expose me, before he put those thick, callus-laced digits between my wet pussy lips, dragging across my hard clit in the process.

“Hmmm, yes! Little American honeypot is practically drooling, yes?” Nik kissed my neck, just below my ear — one of my hot spots! — as he growled softly. “Perhaps little girl would like to feel as good as my Nikita just did, da?”

I wasn’t able to focus that well, so I didn’t quite know what Nik had in mind . . . but, if he was promising to make me have a cum that was just as good as Kita’s, then fuck! I was all for that! I didn’t exactly say ‘yes’, but the moan that bubbled up from my throat must’ve been all the answer Nik needed.

“Yes,” he hissed, just before muttering something in Russian. A heartbeat later, I felt his had bunch up the front gussett of my panties in his fist, before he ripped them away with ease. He ignored my shocked gasp, curling one arm around my waist to keep me pinned against his chest as he hooked the other one around my right leg, under my thigh to lift it high.

It was then that I felt the presence of his lower body underneath me, and the hot line of thickness of his dick slapping up against my soaking wet pussy.


“Nik!?” I tried to squirm out of his clutches, but it was no use. His arms were like iron bands, and I was too far gone — made weak from unrequited passion — to put up any sort of struggle. I felt his cock nosing around down there; the thick head and column slipping through and over my cunt, but unable to find purchase to slip into my fuck hole. His voice was heavy with frustration, trying to keep my body upright while being unable to put his cock where he most wanted to . . . .

Then, much to my surprise, I suddenly heard Kita’s sexy purr through the fog of my own arousal: “Let me help you with that, my handsome-bear.” Dropping my head down, I spied Kita — now once more on her knees at Nik’s feet, her eyes bright and filled with renewed lust. She had her hand wrapped around the base of his prick, and was angling it upwards to find the opening of my hot box.

“Kita?! What, the, fuck–?”

“That is the idea, Liebling.” A moment later, the fat head of Nik’s cock found the way between my labia, and the instant the nose was socketed against my fuck hole, Nik groaned with triumph and shoved it upwards.

With a squeal, I felt the first inches invade my cunt; stretching my sugar walls and making me moan with a mixture of pain and pure pleasure.

Nik backed up a bit, then he thrust upwards again, seating more of his flesh into my pussy; making it slick with our combined juices. With a growl, he slid back once more, before shoving home and filling me to the limit with all of his hard cock.

“Oooh, oh, Ohhh, FUCK!” I couldn’t help myself. Nik’s dick seemed to flow into places I never knew were deep inside of me. When I could make some sense of things, one of the first things to hit me was just how full I felt, as well as just how . . . well, how good Nik fit inside my pussy. Shit! Even if I hadn’t thought it would’ve gone up into me, just from wiggling my lower body a bit, I could tell that Kita’s brother was a damn-near perfect fit for my dripping hole.

From below, I could feel Kita’s presence, as she leaned in close to stare at where Nik and I were now fully joined. “Mmm, such a wonderful sight, my Sherry-lamb. So full of my brother’s wonderful cock . . . yes, how does it feel, Liebling?”

“Shit, Kita! Do . . . oh GOD! Do y-you have to even a-ask?” I mewed, feeling Nik slowly rock his hips, feeling that cock of his stir deep inside my honey-pot.

“Mm, since I have not had the . . . pleasure of my brother, put deep inside me, I must ask you, my sweet Sherry.” Dipping closer, Kita’s lips brushed over the top of my mound, her breath feathering through the fine curls on my pussy skin.

“F-fuck, he feels . . . mmmmm! Feels, so, damn, good!”

Nik’s breath rumbled at my back, as he slowly trailed kisses down my neck. “Yes, my sister, it feels good to be inside our little lamb,” he murmured with a timbre of such lust and affection.

I heard Kita blow him a kiss. “Then, my handsome-bear, do not keep our little Sherry waiting. She clearly needs to have a climax . . . and I know you are desperate in need, too.” There was a pause, then Kita hissed lovingly, “Do it, Nikolai . . . fuck my sweet Liebling’s pussy. Make her scream with the joy!”

I groaned softly, only to have my voice climb in octaves and volume as Nik clutched me tight and began to saw his prick in and out of my wet fuck hole. He didn’t just start pounding away, eager to get his own rocks off. No! That burly Russian man started out on a slow, even tempo; his hips slapping with a firm cadence as they met the soft round globes of my ass. Sliding back and forth between my pussy lips, his cock made the sparks fly along my nerves, setting my whole crotch ablaze with the fires of lust-driven sex.

Crying out in counterpoint to his groans, I couldn’t keep my head from spinning. The one stray thought that popped up while I was suspended in mid-air, was the fact that I was being thoroughly, and masterfully fucked by my best-friends brother. It was generating such a feeling of bliss and sensual fire inside me, that I didn’t know what more could happen to make this serendipidous moment even hotter that it was.

And then, much to my further surprise, I felt Kita socket her mouth over our joined cock and pussy. Her lips buzzed against my labia and pussy lips, while her tongue snaked out to rub against Nik’s dick and — with every other thrust — flutter against my pebble-hard clit.

Oh, my, fuckingGODthatwasfelling, so, damn, GOOD! With a cry, I felt the first spirals of my climax beginning to pool between my legs. Tensing up, I rocked my head back to fall onto Nik’s chest; tipped away to let him have full reign to suck and bite my neck and shoulder. “Oh, Gee-SUS! CHRIST! Nik, Kita . . . I, oh GOD!”

From below, Kita pulled her mouth back just long enough to growl up at her brother; “Do it, Nikolai. Do it! She’s about to cum . . . give her what she wants, my brother! Fuck her hard! Make her bathe your sweet cock with her own sweetness!” She then popped her lips over my clit, fluttering her tongue tip right on top of it with rapid strokes.

For his part, Nik obeyed and begain to up the tempo of his thrusts. His hands were hard on my leg and body; holding me tight as he drove us both onwards to what was sure to be a scorching end to this three-way fuckfest. Panting like a clydesdale, he rumbled a groan that soon climbed into a full roar of desire as he popped his dick repeatedly into my pussy.

Ten seconds . . . twenty . . . then thirty, and then a second later I felt the tell-tale quiver in my thigh that told me I wasn’t going to be able to hold this one back! “Oh . . . oh, God, yes, yes, YES! NIK! Oh, fuck-fuck-fuck, I’M gonna pop!” With that, the last vestage of control flew out the window, and my orgasm boiled up and over me like a geyser of hot steam. The sensations and fire rolled me over with the force of a tidal wave; smashing me back against the rock of Nik’s body as I convulsed and screamed my release.

Nik followed me right into the bright sun of passion; his arms pinning me down onto his dick as it rippled and spewed hot cum right up into my womb. His own deep voice joined my high-pitched one as his climax melted into mine; joining us together, literally body to body, sex to sex and soul to soul. For what must’ve been ages, we rode the current of our coupling’s outpouring of passion . . . before I felt the world appear to drop out from beneath us.


Actually, it was just Nik and I, dropping to the floor of Kita’s room; after his legs gave out from trying to hold us both up, while still in the throes of our mutual orgasms. Sprawling alongside his big body, I mewed with the aftershocks and shivered as I rode the crest down from the heights of our fucking, while he landed right behind me. Without preamble, he tugged me in close, spooning behind my butt as he wrapped both arms around me. I should’ve protested, but at that moment as I felt him close around me, I decided I liked being wrapped up in his arms. Even while I still had his still-thick cock plugging my pussy from behind.

“Oh, oooh, fuck . . . Nik!” I sighed, closing my eyes for a brief moment . . . .

**** **** ****

I don’t know how long we lay there, but eventually I opened my eyes . . . to see Kita, now lying on her side in front of us both. She was now topless — having discarded her top at some point, exposing her creamy, marizpan-tipped breasts — laying with her head pillowed on one outstretched arm, watching me with bright, clear eyes.

“So, Liebling,” she said softly, with a new fondness I found both surprising and comforting at the same time. “Do you still think I was lying, hm?”

I shivered, feeling the warmth of Nik’s body behind me, as well as the light, even sounds of his breathing. The big Russian bear had clearly dropped off to slumber! “Mm, no.” I said at length. “No, I don’t think you wre lying, not now. Not after–.”

“Shh, do not speak.” Kita smiled; her expression a mix of licentiousness and warmth that further shocked me. “We will speak more of what has happened . . . but later.”


“Mmm-hmm.” With that, Kita slipped closer, raising up onto one elbow over me as she reached out with her free hand to brush some of my hair away from my sweaty face. “Because, my Liebling . . . if you believe that this little, tryst, was just a one-time affair?” She paused, and chuckled warmly. “Then you will soon be very much surprised. Very, very, surprised, my Sherry-lamb.” With that, Kita dropped her face down to mine, and parted my lips with her tongue as she kissed me with a passion and fire that shocked me into utter silence . . . and complete acceptance.


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