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Puffy Nipples

Category: Incest
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My sister Alicia has taken to showing off her tits. She is eighteen now and I guess she figures our parents can't tell her how to dress. I am her older brother. I am twenty two now and I have been noticing that she goes around without a bra. I have my own small apartment and Alicia sometimes comes over when she wants to escape from our parents. It was one Saturday morning when I heard the doorbell ring. I looked out and saw my sister standing there. Sure enough she was wearing a tight shirt and no bra.
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Quiet Lust

Category: Incest
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Soft feet padded down the hallway toward where I was lying in the rec room. I heard them pause at the door. I knew that she saw me. I knew she wanted to sit by me. "Chuck?" her soft voice drifted across the room. "Yeah?" "Can I talk to you?" "You can come in, but you have to be quiet."
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Ryan and Hayley

Category: Incest
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Plot teaser: Jake shot Steven a look as Ryan left the room, and he leaned over to talk to him, too quietly for Ryan to overhear. "Serious, man... without knowing it was her, he'd so tap that," he speculated, cockily. *The following is a description of characters. I tried to edit in the descriptions to the story, but if you'd like to read them anyway, here they are. Otherwise, feel free to skip the note and continue to the story.
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Pure, Respectful, & Passionate

Category: Incest
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
My heart started to pick up speed as the bus got closer and closer to Brawly. The road was framed with beautiful fields of green and yellow. Tractors and trailers were moving around carrying farm supplies and farm workers to their designated destinations. Many fields were shimmering under the bright afternoon sun, indicating the presence of water as the irrigation canals emptied into them. Rows of white birds were spread all over those fields, searching for food and maybe even socializing at the local watering holes.
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Zack and Zoey

Category: Incest
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This submission is written for the enjoyment of the readers of this site. Any distribution through any other means including other web sites, electronic format or in ink print is prohibited without the consent of the author. Readers should feel free to share this story with friends via of this web site and links provided by this web site.
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Russian Standoff

Category: Incest
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
Author's Note -- This story is an original fiction, and not meant to display any actual events or persons. All characters within are depicted as being 18 years old or Older. *** *** *** "I don't even begin to believe you're telling the truth!" Kita -- short for Nikita -- had just finished telling her part of the latest round of Truth or Dare that she and I -- Sherry -- had been playing.
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Category: Incest
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes

It was all because of Doris.

We all live in or near Southampton, Sally is off to study music at a prestigious academy in Edinburgh. And she needs Doris to go with her. Taking the train would involve crossing London to change stations, flying would mean Doris needing her own seat, together with all the other paraphernalia. So, using our own transport is the only option. Dad owns the Volvo, it's new and ideal for the 450-mile journey, but he works as a senior air traffic controller and can't get four days off, and Mum won't drive that distance, especially having to return alone. So, they need a mug who can take the time off, and that mug is me.

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Category: Incest
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 0 votes
I am the main character. I am 18 years old. My sister is Sally. She is younger than me but also 18 years old. We are both of the age to legal consent. Even though incest is still illegal anyway. Deeeerp. Now I tells story...
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Wrestling with Incest

Category: Incest
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 1 votes
I got the bug to write this story last night and finished it quickly this morning. I don't use an editor so normally I'll put stories away for a period of time and then pull them back up, read them objectively, and correct errors (there always are some). But lately I've tended to put away unfinished stories for a loooong time before finishing them, or put away finished stories and then later decide to write more. So this time I decided to give it a quick once-over and then publish. I apologize in advance for any problems with spelling, grammar, sentence construction, or continuity. Happy Summer 2015, y'all.
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Wrong Room

Category: Incest
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 1 votes
"You ready for another one?" he heard his buddy Tony ask. "No man." He responded with a drunken slur, not even bothering to lift his head from the bar. "I'm good." "Where you staying tonight?" Tony questioned. "Probably at my folks house." he slurred in response. "Thankfully ... my mom hasn't ... touched my room since I moved out."
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