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Smoothing Uncle

Category: Mature
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I was brushing my hair in the small dressing room of a unisex bathroom when my new father-in-law's brother walked in and strode up to the facilities behind me. A commode and a bit further away a urinal were attached to the wall. He stood in front of the commode. An impossibly loud ...Z-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-P... echoed in my ears as he opened his fly. This couldn't be happening.
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Two Sides to Every Story

Category: Incest
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Una's stomach tingled. Jesus fucking Christ, why can't I ever say no and mean it? She knew the answer well enough. She loved men. She craved their smell, how their asses moved while they walked away from her, and most of all she absolutely slobbered thinking about their penises. She loved them all, big and small. She loved long, skinny ones, Short fat ones, bent ones and meaty lengthy ones, and even iddy-biddy-teeny ones. They all had what she considered too be personalities of their own. And she talked them, one and all.
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Cheerleaders’ Slumber Party

Category: Group Sex
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When my older sister Kate turned 19, she joined the college cheerleading team. She was so hot, strutting her stuff, her big, firm, knockers always pushing at the fabric of her tight top. Her miniskirt was so high on her well-toned thighs that you could nearly see the bottom of her pink cuntlips. She was not the only cheerleader who wasn't wearing panties during football practice.
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My Little Fetish

Category: Fetish
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I was a freshman in college, a virgin, and as luck would have it sharing the dormitory floor with more females than males. In fact there were two beauties just across the hall from my room that I shared with Kevin Morris, a very religious kid who was penciled in as next year's starting quarterback.
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About Dick Size and Cuckolding

Category: Fetish
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Since my last essay about How To Have a Successful Cuckold Relationship was such a smashing success, and since most of the men who commented acknowledged that the were 'small' in the dick department, I thought it might be appropriate to talk a little about this subject.
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English Tteacher’s Oral Skills

Category: Fetish
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 1 votes
Hi, my name is Tim Donehy. I discovered my special gift when I was 10 and I measured my cock at eleven inches erect! I’m now eighteen years-old and my dong has expanded to over fifteen inches in length and nearly 10 inches in girth (that’s a little over three inches wides, ie : larger than a can of Coke). Not only is my dick massive, but, through an intense bodybuilding programme I started when I was ten-years old in order to build up my muscular mass, it is absolutely rock-hard when erect, unlike most hung men whose smaller cocks never really harden.
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It Matters

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In sex education we were told about average sizes for a man's penis. It was pointed out that average means just that, average. They can be bigger and they can be smaller. It's not the size that matters we were assured. It's how the man uses it. Lying bastards. Size does matter, and I damn well know. Hells bells, take a moment to do some basic arithmetic. I'll do some for you. Mr.A has a penis one and a half inches thick and six inches long. We'll call that about average.
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Prison Break & Storm

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Ann opened the drape and looked outside and everything was white. It took her back to her childhood when she eagerly anticipated the first snowfall. Oh, how she loved sledding, building snowmen, and snowball fights. Now the 37 year old housewife saw the snow as a nuisance; snow was something that made it difficult to drive and gave you a backache when you had to shovel it.
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Category: Anal Sex
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Jeremy is by far the nicest guy I know. His warm eyes aren't afraid to look into mine. His touch is gentle, communicating respect. He has a great sense of humor even though he doesn't know any jokes. His humor comes from everyday life. He never misses any silly little thing that I do; he is always paying attention. Almost nothing is sexier than that. And he seems to genuinely like women, especially me.
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Does Size Matter

Category: Anal Sex
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Well most women would say no, but when you are my size I would have to say yes it does matter. You see I'm not exactly small, my cock is around 8 inches long and around an inch in diameter, a nice size I hear you say, but that's 8 inches before being erect. When I'm erect, it is usually around 10 - 12 inches, though when I'm super excited it can measure up to 14 inches and a diameter of around 2 1/2 inches.
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