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Anal at Last!

Category: Anal Sex
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Karen smoothed the sexy black nightie over her hips. She had been so embarrassed when she bought the nightie at a sex shop downtown. The nightie was sheer black silk with lace over her small, pretty breasts going down into a deep "V" past her belly button. The lace teased her sensitive nipples making them jut out. The hem of the flouncy skirt just barely covered her irresistible rounded ass. She wanted to pull the hem down but it bounced right back up.
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Submissive Saturday Ch. 01

Category: BDMS
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I was very curious about the lifestyle of the submissive female and how it would feel to surrender complete and total control of myself to a very dominant male. After several days of chatting with various men online, I finally found the male I was after. He was very cocky and sure of himself. I was made to call him Master from the moment we met and was instructed to write to him using only the color pink in my messages.
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Category: Group Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 1 votes
As long as I have been working as a school librarian, I have traveled every August to a convention the state's Education Department sponsors for teachers, administrators, and anyone else involved in schooling. Usually, my husband, Dan, accompanies me on these trips, and for the last eight or nine years, we have been joined by Janice, a Spanish teacher at the high school where I work, and her husband, Bill.
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Girl’s Night Out

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Kim and I have been friends for a while. She's a cute brunette in her early 20s, kind of petite and small framed. She had just broken up with her boyfriend of 2½ years and wanted to go out and really raise some hell. Well, I'm always up for some fun. Friday night - party time! I decided to invite my girlfriend Michele to go with us, though she and Kim had never met. I knew we were in for one wild evening.
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Category: Fetish
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Jessica pulled into the Mall parking lot and always parked as close to the handicap parking spaces as she could. She got lucky today and found a space right next to one. She always liked to either sit and watch them or walk by as someone was getting out of their car. Someone had just pulled into the HC spot just before her so she sat for a few minutes to see what would happen.
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Category: Mature
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Kevin reached for the keycard when his mother handed it to him, and fought the urge to grin. Her guilt trip had been working. After a month of insisting that he had to go on one last family vacation, because he would be going off to college and they were never going to see him, he was ready to cave. If she'd waited until he got home that evening instead of calling his cell with the offer to give him his own room, he'd be bunking up with his younger brothers.
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Freak in the Sack

Category: Anal Sex
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This is another true story. This one took place several years ago at an old job I had. I met Jacey at work and immediately I noticed a sexual spark. She was a short girl, about 5'3" with jaw length straight blond hair with big brown eyes. She was 23 and I was 28. She had great skin with a few freckles here and there. I later found out her light bronze skin tone was because she went to the tanning bed.
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Heidi’s Revenge

Category: Anal Sex
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Some days, I just love my job! Free lance woodworker here in Los Angeles...I have the freedom to work the hours I please and meet lots of women. Of course the reality of my situation is that most of the time I'm behind schedule, work like a dog and take a lot of shit from people who don't really appreciate what I do. But then there are days like today. I finished my job in Malibu early and got a nice check.
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Forcing Angela

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It was getting to the end of one of those, long, miserable winter days. All day the storm clouds had been building up; black, threatening monsters heavy with rain. Although it was bitterly cold outside, the temperature inside the office that I shared with Angela was warm, even slightly too so. I watched absently out the windows as the first of the thick, heavy raindrops began to splat onto the pavement outside.
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Breakdown in Redlands

Category: Anal Sex
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Late July is a time for some serious heat on the I-15 corridor between Las Vegas and San Bernardino, and the temperature was well over 100 F degrees still, even in the early evening. Most people looked at the Dakota pickup full of scrap metal and wondered why the Iowa plated pickup was so far from home and so heavily loaded as the driver exited I-215 southbound for I-10 eastbound.
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