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Mrs. Armstrong Shows Me The Way

Category: Mature
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I grew up in a very small town. Well, I didn’t even grow up in it, I actually had to grow up outside of town. It was a simple life for my family. Starting in our early teens, my brother and I started mowing lawns. It was a good job for us, being in school. We’d go to school and mow lawns in the evenings or weekends. When summertime rolled around, we’d do even more.
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It was a sunny Saturday afternoon and I was at home doing nothing, and doing it quite well. I was sitting back on the couch, idling watching the TV, and enjoying a quiet beer. That's when Cathy showed up. Cathy is a friend of my daughter, Christy. They've been best friends for years and are always hanging out together.
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Nick and the Librarian

Category: Mature
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Here I am sitting here all alone on a Friday night again. My mind is not upon the books in front of me and once again I am thinking of other matters. I frown at that thought, for I am getting behind on my studies. I guess I should tell my story from the beginning. My name is Nick and I am a twenty two year old man attending university and this is my last year of school. I live in a small apartment with my friend of many years.
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Sympathy or Love

Category: Incest
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Warning -- This story contains parts of incest. If you are offended by it, please continue reading with caution. As I looked out the window while thinking about my life so far, I saw the child with an adult body, playing around with two other children in the garden. My life in the past few years, had been an emotional roller-coaster. I spent a very normal childhood as a girl except for that my parents died in a car crash when I was twelve and lived my teen years in the protection of my aunt. I lived happy life with my aunt and she was very caring. Everything started to go out of ordinary, when I was nineteen. This is my story; Melissa's story.
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Quick Seduction

Category: Incest
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'Knock knock', Ron's knuckles tapped against the glass. There was no movement. 'Knock Knock', he tried again, looking at the handle on the door. Stepping back, he peered up at the top windows. The only sound of life was the sound of a police siren a couple of streets over. Spattering rain annoyed his eyes. He tapped on the glass panel of the front door again, and ran his nails over the flaking paint on the wall of the porch, picking at chunks.
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My Sister’s Boyfriend Joey

Category: Gay Male
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The summer after I graduated from college I crashed on my big sister Trish's couch for a few months. What else was I supposed to do? I had earned a bachelor's degree in anthropology, which translated to no money and no job prospects. She had a little house in the woods outside the town we grew up in, and she said I could stay there as long as I needed. She'd mentioned something about having a boyfriend, but I didn't realize until I got there that he was pretty much living with her.
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Seducing Denny

Category: Gay Male
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While serving in the Navy, I had the opportunity to attend some training in New England. Denny, another First Class Petty Officer, and I had orders to attend several weeks of computer schools before returning to the Navy and teaching a course. Since there were no Navy bases nearby, we were assigned to bachelor housing on an Army base.
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Meeting Robby

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Sunday Morning in early March. I joined the regulars for coffee after a disappointing Saturday night; I hate to be part of a closing crowd, and so I'd left the Paradise Bar with fifteen minutes to go before the bitter end. It's my age, I suppose. As fine as I know myself to be at thirty-five, I just don't feel like competing at singles bars any more. So there I was, listening to the morning-after banter about the night before: Who did, who didn't, who got lucky, who got away.
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Mrs. Jones Serves Dessert

Category: Mature
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Kevin was grateful when his boss invited him home for dinner one Friday night. He had only been at the accounting firm for three months. He was fresh out of college and trying to fit in. George Jones, his boss, had built the company into one of the biggest firms in their town. Kevin was lucky to have landed there. He wasn't very social in college but in accounting that was okay. He minded his own business at work which was easy because of natural shyness and the general environment at the office.
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Stacy’s Surprise

Category: Group Sex
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Prologue Stacy and I met as sorority sisters in college and have been soul sisters since. Our relationship blossomed into true sisterhood in a way only possible as roommates in a sorority house. We both arrived at college looking for more than a good education; we came to have fun. It was like showing up for a four-year all-inclusive vacation with academic requirements on the side. Three years after graduating, we are now 25 and working. Little else has changed.
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