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Ashley Always Wins

Category: Anal Sex
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I want to tell you all a little story about a former fuck buddy of mine. I'm using the term "fuck buddy" here relatively because we never technically fucked per se. Suffice to say that I met a crazy girl who did some crazy things with me. OK, I'm being too vague now, and I'm probably confusing you. Here's how it all happened:
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Rubbing Me The Right Way

Category: Incest
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My wife, Peg, and I were invited to my sister-in-law's for Thanksgiving last year and we always tried to accommodate her, first, because she's my wife's sister and, second, because she's a widow having lost her husband in the Iraq War. She and Peg have always been close, there's just a year and a half difference, Janet, being the younger one.
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Hot & Sticky

Category: Anal Sex
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My lover has an Afrikaans accent. His breath whispers against my neck as he speaks gruffly in my ear, pinning me to the living room wall. I push my behind into his groin as he cups my tits, groaning he is "so glad he met me." It's a rainy summer's night, all sticky and we're slick with sweat. We're both in singlets, he's in jeans and I can feel his thick length as he nestles it between my shorts clad cheeks.
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Taking Tanya’s Picture

Category: Mature
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My name is Tanya, and I'm a chat room addict. It all started last year when I went on Facebook to reconnect with friends from all stages of my life. It was so much fun to find people and update each other on what had been happening in our lives. And that's when I started to chat. Chat really opened up the world for me. Faster and easier than a phone call. You could even chat while on the computer doing work or other stuff. Chat with friends all over the country and see their pictures. So I really got into it big time.
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Getting Pumped Up

Category: Fetish
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Chapter 1 My wife and I have maintained a few friends from college and two of them just had a baby a couple of months ago. So, we boxed up a bunch of clothes and things we had stored from when our baby was little and I took them to work, to drop them off as they live nearby my office.
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Brotherly Love

Category: Group Sex
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Karen: I've heard lots of women talk about their horny husbands and that many of these wives are not as interested in sex nearly as much as their mates. It's pretty rare when I've had a woman friend tell me that she wants more sex than what hubby is giving her. But, that's me. That's me to a tee.
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Our First Anniversary

Category: Group Sex
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Chapter 1 I suppose the title of my story could be, "I Married a Bisexual," but while that's true, there's more to the story than just that. Yes, my wife, Robin, is a bisexual. She's had sex with males and females, well, female, singular, and that would be her oldest friend, Renee. And, she's done so consensually and with complete enjoyment.
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Taken By Passion

Category: BDMS
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She reaches up & turns the radio a little bit louder. Dipping her hands back into the soapy water she goes back to washing the dishes. Her body sways as she dances & sings along with the music. He stops in the doorway, silently watching her as she moves. Looking her over he smiles, completely nude save the silver collar around her neck & the leather ankle cuffs. She has grown accustomed to being naked, even come to like it.
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Maybe Someday

Category: Fetish
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My wife and I have always had a great sexual relationship and we have been able to tell each other our likes and thoughts about sex very freely. Lately she has been hinting about a bi-curious side she feels she has had for a while. She knows I would be supportive and while making love she has fantasized about another woman being there, and has been very turned on while playing at this.
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Sue Makes Me a Present

Category: Fetish
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Last week I was sitting at my desk at work when my secretary buzzed through to tell me that there was a telephone call from my girlfriend, and did I want to take it? I told her to put it through straight away. As I picked up the phone I heard my girlfriend Sue say in a rather husky breathless voice "Jason's just leaving now, you'd better come home quickly." Hearing what Sue said had my cock rapidly stirring in my pants. I made my excuses to my secretary and told her that I had an external appointment over lunch.
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