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Penny’s Progress

Category: Group Sex
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Most women have a secret indulgence: chocolate, maybe, or shoes; jewellery for some, soap operas or magazines for others. Penny's indulgence was lingerie, and where lingerie was concerned she had firm principles, which didn't include thrift. Her underwear wardrobe was extensive, varied and expensive.
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Category: Lesbian Sex
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I hadn't been home in nearly three weeks and it felt good to be alone in my beach house finally, as I lazily began to strip off my clothes and make my way to the staircase that led to my bedroom. Past all the unopened mail that lay scattered across my pool table without a second glance at it, I flung my clothes haphazardly as I peeled them off sending my grey tee across the leather chair in the corner and my bra somewhere behind me as I reached the staircase.
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Nice Memories

Category: Group Sex
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"Hi Jim" I heard a call from behind me. Turning I saw an old friend of mine that I hadn't seen for a long time. "Well hello stranger, where the hell have you been, It's been at least two years." There stood Ralph, an old buddy that I used to hang with. My ex and I had been real tight with Ralph and Sandy for several years but had lost touch after I got transferred to another state with my company.
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Kimberly, My Plaything

Category: Anal Sex
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She came for the second time that night as her husband continued to pound away at her by now dripping pussy from behind. She loved the way he manhandled her in bed, and loved to feel dominated by him. And his much larger than average size always left her feeling well fucked and satisfied. Jamie and Steve had been married for a little over a year. And although their marriage was a happy one, they both felt a constant threat from others who wanted them to split up.
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Not Just Another Tequila Sunrise

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When I was 25, I lived alone in a one bedroom apartment in a rather large apartment complex with 1, 2, and 3 bedroom units. I had moved there after breaking up with a long-time girlfriend, and was enjoying being a single, independent adult for the first time in my life. One Saturday night, I had decided to stay at home, mainly because I had just paid the rent, and my cash flow situation was not very good at the time.
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Surprise! It’s a Nude Cruise!

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Marie boarded the plane to Florida sighing as she sat down in her seat. "Finally, I'm free to do as please," she quietly muttered to herself. "Marie, did you say something?" Nan her traveling companion asked. "No...well, yes...I was just thinking how amazing it is finally to get to go somewhere without having someone to answer to for my actions," Marie said.
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What The Thief Wants

Category: Fetish
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The great walled port city of Sirtus sat on the edge of the Mycean Sea. A many thousand ships hove into its port each day, and a great deal as many departed in the same. No market square was empty, and few pockets hung limp in the trousers of their owners. Trade boomed, honor ruled, and hearts loved. But Paolo the merchant had, as of late, found himself distant from his wife Francesca. To be sure, she was pleasing to look upon. But the women of Sirtus were in no short supply, and all of them seemed so much fairer than his own.
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Creaming for Carmela

Category: Lesbian Sex
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We moved to New Mexico when my husband's father decided to retire early from his business and pass it on to his son. I had visited here many times but never quite took to it. My family is from Maine. Thanks to the exclusive country club membership sponsored by my in-laws and a ton of charity work, I was able to quickly adjust and make some new friends.
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Sweet Little Coed Ass

Category: Anal Sex
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First let me say that this story happen rather unexpectedly this last winter at a medium sized college in the San Diego area. I am in my mid-40's, average looking kind of guy who happens to be a professor at a local college-teaching students studying to be in the medical field. As the story unravels I must say that I was in the right place at the right nothing like this has happen before in my 16 years of teaching. Just to be on the safe side I have changed the people's names including the woman who is the main subject - whom I will call Mary.
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Can I See It

Category: Fetish
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Amy was a few minutes late getting to my place. I had plans - bedroom plans. We weren't even dating, and were never exclusive. But we did get together occasionally for dinner and a night in bed. She said she appreciates the way I look at her when she's naked, her legs spread, as I'm about to enter her.
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