
When I left the big city I had lots of good reasons. I hated having neighbors twenty feet from my bedroom. I hated that there was always machine noise; from cars, TV's, sirens, brakes, and leaf blowers. I liked that if I wanted something it was close. I hated that whatever it was I wanted I had to stand in line to get it. I was in my mid fifties and figured I'd spent at least a year in line!
I got lucky. I came into some unexpected money. I decided that all the reading and work I'd done on me deserved a reward.
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I didn't think that I quite understood what I had just heard. My face must have been quite red and Brittany admittedly blushed as well, realizing that she had just said. My lovely, nerdy young tenant and neighbor (her husband and she leased a home from me) had just propositioned me in a way I couldn't quite forget.
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Jonathon J. Pierce was neither a morning person, nor a Monday person, and this moment happened to be both. Amy, his primary partner, devoted submissive and beloved pet, had been away since Thursday on a company trip to a marketing conference in Atlanta, GA and would not return until the coming weekend. While he missed her terribly, he got so little personal time that he jealously guarded what he did manage to scrounge up, so he'd had all weekend to himself and he was very "not ready" for this work week to begin.
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Chapter 1
It seemed like the thousandth time that I'd taken that trip to San Jose, but this time it was different. I was going for good this time.
After years of talking to people out there, it seemed that just moving out was the smart thing for my career. It'd certainly make a difference in my wallet.
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Sandals flopped against her feet as she charged down the sidewalk. A few heads turned, noticing her slightly disheveled clothing and the flush spread across her cheeks. A tight t-shirt was shifted to the side, thrown on in a hurry. Her white jean shorts were left unbuttoned, barely clinging to sweaty hips as she walked.
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When the phone stopped ringing I heard a soft feminine voice at the other end.
"P.S.L. May I help you?"
"I think you can." I said, "I need to hire a female model for a two hour assignment."
"Yes, Sir." She connected me to another young sounding woman who asked lots of questions about the assignment and the look I was after.
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Shortly after I turned thirty-nine my mother died suddenly of a coronary thrombosis. Dad had died seven years earlier. So since my brother Kenny, a journalist and my only sibling, was living in London at the time, and my daughter was in her second year of college, I was left alone with the task of going through my mother's things and deciding what should be kept and what should be thrown away.
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In his novel "I Will Fear No Evil," One of Heinlein's female characters remarks that, until a woman has been in bed with two men who love and trust one another as much as they love and trust her, she's still got "One virginity to go, and an important one." When I first read this as a teenager, I felt a visceral response. Yes, I thought to myself with deep conviction, that's for me!
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"Good morning. Please sit down." He spoke softly. She looked him over and realized she hadn't really known what to expect, physically. The man standing in front of her, holding the door open for her was just who she expected him to be, without ever seeing him before.
Their relationship had gone from code names and distance to an experimental next step.
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