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Do You Believe?

Category: Mature
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When I left the big city I had lots of good reasons. I hated having neighbors twenty feet from my bedroom. I hated that there was always machine noise; from cars, TV's, sirens, brakes, and leaf blowers. I liked that if I wanted something it was close. I hated that whatever it was I wanted I had to stand in line to get it. I was in my mid fifties and figured I'd spent at least a year in line! I got lucky. I came into some unexpected money. I decided that all the reading and work I'd done on me deserved a reward.
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You’re My Cousin?!

Category: Incest
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"What are you looking for?" "Mermaids," the young woman replied without hesitation, without even lowering her binoculars. Her Irish accent matched the fiery mane of curly red hair that had first caught my eye. She was currently leaning against the railing at the bow of the ferry, scanning the horizon, her plump bottom pushed out behind her, an attractive target for the flat of my hand, but I resisted the temptation.
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Three-Input Lady

Category: Anal Sex
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 1 votes
Jasmine and I have been seeing each other for about three years now. Although I was totally in love with her, I have to admit I was getting a little bored with our sex life, and I found my eyes were straying a little more than they should. I most definitely did not want to cheat on her, though, so I figured it was time to try and make her into a three-input lady.
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Category: Group Sex
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The gentle breeze from the sea stirred small grains of white sand and tickled the tiny hairs on Alice's brown skin. It also ruffled her fine, blonde pubic hairs and she opened her thighs slightly to enjoy the sensation more. Lying naked on a French beach in warm, late summer sunshine was proving to be one of the most enjoyable experiences so far of her backpacking holiday with her boyfriend Tom, who now lay on his towel dozing alongside her.
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Nothing You Don’t See Every Day

Category: Incest
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Mom and I hadn't been up to visit Aunt Sandy, Uncle Bob and Cindy in three years, but I hardly had to wonder what Cindy would look like: our mothers were identical twins, and Cindy looked just like me: tall, slim, redheaded, and small-chested. Well, not exactly: seeing her with her hair cut short was a surprise. So that's how I'd look with short hair, I thought.
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An Extra Marital Fling

Category: Anal Sex
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Chapter 1 It was a warm early summer day, the kind of day you look forward to all winter long, so I cashed in a vacation day. A bike ride along the coast would be just the ticket on a day like today. I stopped for a quick breakfast before heading out to one of my favorite areas, looking forward to cruising along the narrow cottage-lined streets.
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Rajasthani Interlude

Category: Gay Male
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I had just turned 30, had left one job and was about to start working for a new company, but wanting a break from the routine of the daily grind, decided to take a road trip through the deserts of Rajasthan before starting the new job. The old Jeep was cleaned up and packed with all the necessary gear, spare parts and tools to keep it running, my tent, and of course provisions, as I was headed into a rather sparsely populated area where the villages and towns were few and far between.
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Summer Heat

Category: Mature
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It was a blistering hot summer day. I had just walked a couple of miles from the auto dealer repair shop where I had left my car for a tune up. Normally it's a pleasant walk but today it was just sweaty. I was nearly home when a voice behind me said, "Oh good, could you help me with this?" I heard her bike come to a stop. It was Kimberly, my neighbor, kitty corner from across the street. I was standing right in front of her house. Kimberly and her husband are a young couple that purchased their first home here several months ago. Kimberly is a grade school teacher.
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Farmhand with a One Track Mind

Category: Anal Sex
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The Chapman farm in the sleepy town of Clinton in upstate New York was a modest operation back in the late 60's, but while the family members did most of the work during the year, come harvest time they needed to hire some outside help. There were a number of such workers who made a circuit of the area farms each summer, usually going back to the same places each year if they had been reliable and did good work.
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Kilohana Lookout

Category: Gay Male
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When I got to the first turnout up the Waimea Canyon Road and couldn't see anything I knew that my worst fears had come true. The fog had beaten me. If I'd just gotten up a little earlier I might have had a better chance of getting clear weather. But it was late morning now and things weren't going to get better. Kauai, the smallest of the major Hawaiian Islands, is a tropical paradise. But it's also one of the wettest, mistiest places on earth when you get up into the mountains.
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