
Mom had asked if Marianne was ready for my cock. Mari's eyes burned with excitement, but flickered with a bit of trepidation. Mom picked up on this subtle look. "May I ask you something, sweetheart? When is the last time you were with a man? Marianne admitted that aside from being raped at 13 she was in all other ways, a virgin!!! The idea that I was to be her first, perhaps not technically, but certainly emotionally, her first lover was a bit daunting.
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For a moment when she woke up the next morning Dana was confused. She was alone in her bed. Had the previous night been just a wild, intense dream? From the aching of her head she knew that her drinking hadn't been a dream. It had all seemed so real, but where was Mike? Had he been so freaked out when he sobered up and woke up beside his mom that he ran out of the apartment?
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Dana was a little embarrassed and nervous about returning to her apartment on Sunday. After all, Mike knew that she had gone out with Gina on Friday and knew that she hadn't returned home until Sunday.
Dana had called Saturday morning and let him know that she was going to be crashing at Gina's place so he wouldn't worry and made up some excuse about why she stayed there. On her way home she worried that Mike would see through her cover story and know what Dana and Gina had been doing.
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It hadn't been one of those messy breakups that you hear about on soaps, or in woman's magazines, actually after 20 years of marriage we had just grown apart. It was a gradual thing, slowly over the years I had changed but my husband didn't want to change with me. I found as I entered my 30s that I wanted to try things, open my mind to new ideas, experiment and live a little. I felt that now our son was no longer a baby and he wasn't so dependant on me that I could think about myself for a change, do things that I wanted to do.
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As the school year progressed Dana felt happier than she had in a long time. She knew that a large part of this was her very satisfying affair with Jack. She also loved the way her body looked and felt as a result of her regular workouts in the pool and weight room. To keep herself busy she also kept in regular contact with the swim coaches and helped some of the other boys on the team make summer training plans.
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Hot morning sun blistering one side of my cheek, along with the sound of a shrieking bird outside my window as I lay on my bed woke me up. I scrambled to the floor, forgetting for the moment, in my sleepy state, that it was Sunday and I didn't have to go to work. Looking at the clock on the bedside table I saw that it was eight thirty. I felt like going back to bed but habit got the better of me. Growing up, I had heard my late dad on numerous occasions speak on the virtues of early rising, claiming that persons who liked to sleep late got nowhere in life. I usually got up at around 5:45 to 6:00 am to start preparing for work.
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