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Tanners and the Banker’s Boy

Category: Gay Male
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"Wash up, lazybones, and take those furs to Sir Charles," the tanner ordered. The day's chill turned his breath to a liquor-laden mist. "Sir Charles, Father?" Tanners asked, confused. The tanner rolled his eyes to the heavens. "Oh ye gods, why curse me with such a stupid boy?" He turned to the young man. "The banker, the one whose son you don't like. He's offered three gold for the lot."
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My Son’s Revelation

Category: Gay Male
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My name is Jack. A few days ago, I had sex with my son's friend, Gary. The fact is, I sucked his cock and then he fucked me with his huge member. Gary also told me that he and my son Bobby were also having sex together. I knew I should address this subject with Bobby but I didn't know how. I was frankly embarrassed. Gary basically forced me into sucking and fucking him.
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Category: Gay Male
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The name's Piper. Peter Piper. But I don't pick pecks of pickled peppers. I solve cases. I'm a private dick. That's a detective for those of you who don't know the lingo. A private eye. It was a miserable Friday afternoon. Cold, damp, foggy. The weather was foul. And so was my mood. My bank account was dwindling at an alarming pace. I hadn't had a case in weeks. I was sitting behind my battered desk in my shabby office on the second floor of the Burke building, downtown. Way downtown. I was sitting there and I was worrying. If something didn't happen soon, I was in deep shit. I had bills to pay.
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The Bookstore

Category: Gay Male
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I have a huge problem. I'm 22, 6'1, 175 lbs., with light brown hair and grey eyes. I'm a college student at a prestigious university, and I'm studying psychology. I'm an honor student, and I'm an athlete. I work out, play baseball, lacrosse, and basketball, and I'm in very good shape. My parents are rich, so I've never really had to worry about money.
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Sunday with David

Category: Gay Male
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Sunday with David. My name is Jason. I met David surfing the internet and using the chat rooms. It was probably the most significant time of my life when, at last I raised the courage to meet him. At first exchanging on the internet was like a bit of fun. Looking back it is simply unbelievable what guys do on there with the aid of skype.
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New Monk Arrives

Category: Gay Male
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As abbot of a monastery I sometimes need to add new monks to the fold. Our previous prior was replaced by my male lover Matthew. Matthew was our computer guru and I needed another monk to fill a position. Coming to a monastery isn't like in the old days. I need people who can serve a purpose and have modern days skills in a field. I spoke to Matthew and he asked who I was going to bring in.
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Old Desires

Category: Gay Male
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Brad lay staring into the dark, looking at an invisible ceiling while listening to a strange man's slow rhythmical breathing and wishing he were back home in his own bed with his gorgeous girlfriend. Instead of that he was sharing an anonymous hotel room with a total stranger, one who just happened to work for the same company as he did.
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Unfinished Business

Category: Gay Male
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The follwing story is a work of fiction, based on facts from my life. The names of all parties have been changed to protect their "innocence". "Hey Jim, you need anything from Supply while I'm down there?" "Naw, I'm good Marv, thanks anyway." I headed down the hall to the elevators so I could get to Supply. It was Thursday, and I was winding up some details so my weekend wouldn't be interrupted by any calls from the office.
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Tanners and the Brute

Category: Gay Male
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The boy had no real name. He was the tanner's get, below even the whore's runts, responsible for soaking the hides in urine. The tanner called the child "Boy," long after the boy had left childhood behind. The town was large enough that most forgot to which tannery the young man belonged; everyone called him "the tanner's boy" for so long that it became his moniker.
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Was It You?

Category: Gay Male
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I'm not always in the mood to have sex with other men, but when I get in the mood, it hits me pretty hard. I'm a thirty-one year old guy living in Norristown, Pennsylvania, and as far as all my friends know, I'm a straight guy. I love women, but sometimes I really want the feelings that only another man can give me.
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