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Unconditional Therapy

Category: BDMS
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Doctor Charlotte Preston sat in her dark grey wingback chair and quietly tapped her pen against her folio papers as her client rattled on about his latest setbacks, as he saw them. She had been trying to concentrate all day with little success, Jackson was coming in for his appointment right after lunch and she could barely contain herself.
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Anal Anastasia

Category: Anal Sex
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Sitting in the airport is never much fun, regardless of the reason behind traveling. I'm a seasoned traveler though and even despite all of the new security measures and increasing delays, it seems that I'm at the airport more often now than not. In fact, with my relatively new job, I'm traveling more now than ever. But who's complaining, right? After all, it's putting food on the table. I've never been one to complain too much anyway.
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The Leatherneck Comes Home

Category: Mature
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My parents had prepared a welcome home party for their Marine Sergeant son coming back from a tour of combat duty. It was a food and booze feast attended by various relatives, neighbors and family friends wanting to hear war stories. As glad as I was to be home among relatives, I had a problem that overshadowed all feelings. I was horny, extremely horny after a year of living in a hostile land, masturbating to keep my sanity.
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Support Our Troops

Category: Group Sex
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We were standing in line to register at the hotel when we first saw them. Six young men in Army Class A uniform lined up behind us. Being a veteran myself, I couldn't help but look at their uniforms. What I saw impressed me. The Sergeant, 2 Corporals, and 3 Privates First Class all nodded at me as I looked them over one by one. Each had obviously seen combat duty, as they each wore various medals, awards, and decorations that can only be awarded in combat.
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Wounded Warrior

Category: Gay Male
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This story began a bit over five years ago as I write this, little did I know when I accepted this assignment that my life would be changed forever. United States Marine Sergeant Robert A. Whitson and I would begin rehabilitating him physically and mentally as he learns that the roadside bomb in Afghanistan took only his feet. He is still every bit the man he was prior to his injury. This is our story.
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Welcome Home, Soldier

Category: Anal Sex
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It had been a long night. What started out as a welcome home get together had quickly turned into a full-blown party. Not that she minded spending time with his friends. They had all been deployed for quite a long time. But looking at Chris from across the room, she didn't know how much longer she'd be able to keep her composure. She had been celibate his entire deployment but now that he was home, her panties were feeling a bit like a chastity belt that's time had come to be removed.
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Mountain Memory

Category: Gay Male
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We both were wearing our fatigues and bundled up against the fall night air at the edge of the woods behind the mess hall. So far there was no reason to adjust our warm clothing beyond my fly being unbuttoned. My cock was out as I leaned back against a tree trunk, but it was being kept warm by Corporal Hart's mouth enveloping it.

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Training Asu

Category: Gay Male
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"You cannot put it off any longer, my friend. If you do not choose for Asu soon, the priests will take him. The choice will no longer be yours—or Asu's. He is of age for starting the life chosen for him. He cannot do other than meet his destiny."
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A Night for Firsts

Category: Group Sex
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"So, come on, tell me!" Jessica looked up at me, smiling, her head resting on the pillow next to me as we lay in bed, our naked bodies still glistening with sweat. Her left wrist resting on my chest, her thin fingers tracing tiny circles as I breathed heavily, having just had an orgasm a few minutes previously.
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Naval Dilemma

Category: Gay Male
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Dutch came first. It was a particularly busy and boisterous night in the Dick Hut, tucked in the back shadows of an alley off the Nuuanu Stream in the heart of Honolulu's red light district. The sign over the door actually said "Richard's," but that's not what everyone called it. Naval ships were in harbor, more than ninety of them, I was told, and all of Oahu was abuzz at the rumbling of war, with the Japs getting more belligerent with each passing day.
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