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Sharon Intervenes

Category: Mature
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Sharon Jameson stretched out on her belly on the patio chaise. She tugged gently at her bikini swimsuit bottom, which had crept up a bit too tightly between her legs and threatened to leave an unwanted crease mark alongside her pussy. It was a good day for her to add to her already attractive tan, and to give some serious thought to the current state of her life.
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My Older Secretary

Category: Mature
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I'm 32 years old. My divorce was finalized about six months ago (no children). I consider myself to be good looking man, am in good shape, have a good high paying job, and somehow managed to keep my large house in the divorce. Prior to getting married, I had had sex with two women. My wife and I had a decent enough sex life before things fell apart, though certainly nothing interesting enough to write about.
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Good Girls Aren’t Gay

Category: Lesbian Sex
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Prologue Today I can't believe I'm smitten by her. Me, a thirtyish professor of psychology at a prestigious liberal arts college—smitten—of all things, by a young counter girl just out of high school. "May I help you, Miss?" she asked in an inviting tone. I stood silent and frozen, staring like a cougar. In her early twenties, the young counter girl looked like an angel. Almost old enough to be her mother, I felt stupid.
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She Helped Me Forget

Category: Mature
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I walked up the sidewalk in the rain towards the lighted porch. The weather matched my mood. I had come home from my office on campus and found a note. "Sorry, I don't think this is going to work our. I've gone back to Tennessee. Karen." I guessed that she had gone back to stay with her aunt. She had left me and I was stunned and angry and depressed and sad-and somehow lighter and freer. But I needed to talk to somebody and that's why I was walking up to Greg and Rosemary's door.
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Girlfriend’s Mum’s Panties

Category: Fetish
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I have had a fetish for panties ever since I was about 18. I would sneak into my mother's panty draw whenever I got a chance. She had many pairs of all different colours and materials but my favourite were her silky panties. Thongs didn't really do it for me as there isn't enough material to rub over my cock.
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The Lesson

Category: Mature
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Latisha sat quietly while looking at the young man sitting opposite her, he appeared visibly upset by the news and she felt for him. "Duncan, I don't know what to say to ease your mind, but you know our Amanda, she can be very stubborn at times and after what she saw on that video...well it sounded pretty weird," Latisha said, somewhat sympathetically.
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All in a Day’s Work

Category: Mature
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"So, what are you going to do for a living?" Vivian asked the young man who was visiting along with her son from college. "I'm retired," Paul Redman replied with a grin. "Uh, you're kind of young for that aren't you?" Vivian asked in confusion. "Yes ma'am, I am." Vivian's son, Cal, said, "Paul was a millionaire by the time he graduated high school." "More like five million," Paul corrected. "Five million by the time you graduated high school! You must be some kind of a genius," Vivian said in shock. She had never met anyone worth that much money.
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Krystal’s Family Values

Category: Mature
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Hello. This may sound strange, maybe even a bit false but I swear it's true, I am carrying a lot of guilt. Every so often it plays on my mind. So, through you, the readers, I intend to unburden myself. You see, for years, well more or less since my divorce, well lets put it this way, over the past four years I've become steadily attracted to my son-in-law, Graham. Culminating with us fucking. It started out as one of my teases, but things went a lot further than I originally intended. All the teasing and flirting came to a head a year ago.
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Wrong Room

Category: Incest
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Well it looks like no matter how hard I try I can't stop writing long stories. Oh well...I hope you all enjoy this one. If you like it drop me line and let me know. If enough people like it I'll continue, if not, I'll move on to another story. ENJOY! * The Schaffer family was all smiles on this particular Friday afternoon. They were leaving for their annual summer vacation. Their bags were packed, the SUV loaded, and all that remained was for them to load themselves up. Every year they took a weeklong road trip with no fixed destination.
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New Job

Category: Group Sex
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Chapter 1 I walked into her office and closed the door. She had a large black desk with glass on top, a leather chair and two chairs in front. She offered me one as she sat down behind her desk. A name plate, resting on her desk, said Susan Conner Pres. and she had a few other items for decoration.
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