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Stella Days

Category: Mature
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At what point does a preference become a fetish? I met Stella at a party. She had arrived with the critic Darian Fellini. Back then, Fellini was one of the art world's big stars. His book -- All the Naked Women -- had just come out, and everyone was talking about it. Was it art criticism? Or was it pornography? As a 19-year-old art student, I didn't really know. And I didn't really care.
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Upgrade Ch. 01

Category: Incest
BadFairGoodInterestingSuper Total 1 votes
Part One: Backstory There are many up-sides to growing up without a dad, but dealing with your mom is not one of them.... To say that my mom loved my dad would be the understatement of the century. They were married just days after they turned eighteen and actually walked down the aisle together at high school graduation. No one had ever seen a couple so in love.
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Monica the MILF

Category: Mature
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It was my fault, I'm sure. I was preoccupied and I was piloting the shopping cart very poorly so it's no surprise I bumped into somebody. I clipped her cart with a bit of a jolt which brought me out of my distraction in a hurry. "Sorry! Sorry, that was my fault." She gave me a smile, a sweet, forgiving thing that was a tiny ray of sunshine in my personally overcast day.
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School Daze

Category: Mature
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During my final year of high school my English teacher, Miss Jacobs, became pregnant. This alone is not so remarkable. The problem, however, was that Miss Jacobs was a miss and not a missus. Once the members of the school board found out about Miss Jacobs' pregnancy she was given the option of pregnancy leave (firing her was only an implied threat), after which she was shunted off to another school. Those who banished her probably thought it magnanimous of them to not sew a red A to her blouse before sending her off.
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Mrs Austin and Jared

Category: Mature
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Margaret Rose Austin -- Meg to her friends -- grinned as she stood in her kitchen and listened to the hullabaloo from across the lounge. It was her son Todd's 18th birthday, and he and his buds were noisily discussing their plans for the evening, in terms that suggested they'd forgotten there was a respectable middle-aged lady just across the hallway. Not that she minded so much; she'd known most of the boys almost since the day they were born. Heck, she reflected as she washed up the greasy plates from the chili dogs and brownies she'd made for them, she'd grown up with most of their parents.
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The Sweet Jules

Category: Mature
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You're never going to believe this. Honestly. I can hardly believe it myself, it's why I absolutely HAVE to tell someone. I'm not normally like this. It's just so unbelievable. But so fucking fantastic. It's kind of like finding out you've won the sexual lottery. I'm rambling, I know, but when something like this happens to you, you'll understand why.
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The Teacher

Category: Mature
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Alison May sat in her classroom, her delicate fingers tapping on the processed plastic-for-wood top of her desk. She had watched thousands of students sit in their rows as she droned the same information to them year after year. She watched them fix their eyes on the clock above the chalkboard, trying to mentally will the hands of the timepiece to move faster. This desperate act of telekinesis was a common one around the world, and she believed that it wasn't wholly unjustified on their part.
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Proud to be a Mommy’s-Boy

Category: Incest
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My mother has to be the sexiest MILF on the planet, that's what my friends tell me and I agree. As a child, I took for granted how sexy my mother looked parading around the house wearing nothing but a bra and panties during the summer months. Now that I'm older and attending college, I'm beginning to see my mother in a different light. I love going through the photographs of Mom and me together.
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Category: Mature
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My sister Annette was gazing at me with a super serious expression. As a critical care nurse, she was concerned for the state of my well being. "You need a break from all this craziness, I'm worried about you," she said. "I'll be ok," My voice sounded unconvincing. "Can't you take any time off? Go away for a week or two and relax. Remember you've already had a heart attack and..." "Jesus sis that was twelve years ago and it was minor..."
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Public Professions Ch. 01

Category: Incest
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This is just a short little story. It has been a long time since I posted on here so I thought I'd get back into it with something light. Not sure about doing any more in this series, maybe if this is received well enough. I know there is definitely story for more and I even rewrote the ending to be more open. If you like this well enough, let me know and I'll do more. However, I do have a few others projects I'm working on, some new stuff and some other chapters for what I already have written. Hope you enjoy! It's fairly short, quick, and to the point!
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