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You Know I Can See You, Right? Ch. 04

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Her plane landed right on time. She had taken a connecting flight from Charles Du Galle to land here in Nice, in the gorgeous sunshine of a summer Thursday in Province. Most of the passengers had disembarked by the time she appeared at the top of the jetway.

Her smile never stopped and her eyes never left mine as she walked the dozen paces to where I stood behind the line, dropped her bags and threw her arms around my neck. We hugged long and hard, and then, in true Français style I took hold of her face and kissed both cheeks. She beamed. I then leaned in and kissed her mouth, just a bit longer than normal. We had kissed lips forever, but now it was different. She gave me a slightly scolding look, but her smile never faltered.

Once in the car I drove the whole way on the Promenade, along the beach. The traffic was pretty bad, but we didn’t care. The day was perfect, she was perfect, it was heaven. Finally I reached Vieille Ville, where I live, and turned into the old section of town. She was charmed every minute; by the shops, the architecture, the beautiful clothes. We would check her into her hotel later. I wanted to show her my flat.

We pulled into my parking spot and got out. I led her up the stairs to the building where I lived. It was on the hill and was a converted shop, with one apartment on every floor. I was on the top floor, but a woman about my mother’s age lived in a small flat built into the attic. I almost never saw her.

My apartment took up the entire top floor, but it wasn’t that large. What made it awesome was the view to the south; over the rooftops of Vieille Ville, to the Promenade and the beach beyond. I walked Mom out onto the small Juliette balcony overlooking the town. She was entranced. I was entranced; by her. She stood in the sunlight, dressed in an adorable floral sundress, pleated to mid-thigh so it swished a bit, halter top that showed a nice amount of cleavage and a lot of her back. She was tan and fit. Her legs looked awesome atop some cute wedgie shoes with those ties that wrap around the ankle.

I moved up behind her and wrapped my arms around her. One arm was over her breasts, one under. She stiffened for a moment, but quickly relaxed when she realized I wasn’t making a move. I did kiss her cheek, and when I did so I was afforded a beautiful view down her dress. She was wearing a thin, white, lacy bra that looked to barely cover her nipples. The skin at the top swell of her breast was incredibly soft and creamy looking. We stayed like that for some time, each enjoying the view, so to speak.

“Seeing this view via Skype really doesn’t do it justice.” She finally said quietly.

“It is such a beautiful view.” I responded, not looking away from her cleavage.

“I mean the city.” She joked.

“I know.” I said. “I have my own beautiful view.” I told her, grinning. Looking down she noticed how much of her I could see from my vantage.

“Don’t start getting naughty on me.” She chided, trying her best to sound serious.

I didn’t move and she relaxed into me a bit. Her hands came up and rested on my arms and we stood for a long moment gazing out at the view.

“Drink?” I whispered in her ear.

“Love one. What do you have?”

We moved to my tiny kitchen and I opened a bottle of a local red wine, produced in the nearby Languedoc – Roussillon region. I broke off half a baguette, some Pélardon cheese and we sat down on the couch. I noticed how gorgeous mom’s legs were when she sat opposite me with ankles crossed and those sexy ties curving around her ankles and calves. We chatted and flirted just a bit. I told her that I was going to take her to the restaurant where Marianne worked so that they could meet. Mom was excited to meet her. Marianne had told me that she was kind of nervous about it, which surprised me, as with most French women, she was afraid of nothing and no one.

We nibbled and drank wine as the sun dropped to the horizon and slowly sank behind the hills, providing a gorgeous amber tint to the ocean out my window. Our chit chat was somewhat perfunctory, but it was just so nice to be in her presence. There were long moments of comfortable silence.

Having finished the bottle, I rose.

“Let me change for dinner and then we’ll go get you checked in to your hotel”. I rose and took her glass, cleared away the bread remnants and then headed for the shower. I discovered just how erect I was around her when I undressed. It didn’t relax all through the shower; washing my cock didn’t help matters at all.

I got out and wrapped a towel and then went into the other room to find her standing at the window. I wrapped my arms around her again, just under her beautiful breasts, and kissed her neck. She seemed wistful, but her hand came up and held the back of my head. I was certain she could feel my erection through the towel and her dress. Nothing was said, but we stayed like that for a long moment.

Finally I whispered,

“You make me so excited.” I saw the hint of a smile on her profile. “I’m going to go get dressed.” Then as an afterthought, “You make me want to be a bit naughty. I’m going to drop my towel right here and walk to the bedroom. You may watch me if you like, but … you decide.”

I moved back from her a bit and then undid the knot at my waist and removed the towel. I tossed it on a nearby chair, so she could see it.

“That’s better.” I whispered. Then, “Be right back.”

I strolled to my bedroom and, reaching the door, turned to see if she was watching. She was. Mom had simply turned her head without moving her body. I turned to face her fully, powerfully, painfully erect. She just smiled, and then turned back to the view. I went and got dressed.

I pulled the car up in front of the Hotel Mercure and opened her door for her. I grabbed her bags and we entered the lobby to check her in. It was very nice, small and quaint, just the sort of place she would love. Not some big chain hotel but the kind of place Parisienne’s might stay on their holiday.

Her room was very nice, great view of the Promenade at night, huge tub for 2 and a king size bed. Her shower was also sized to accommodate 2 people, with a rain head and multiple body sprays.

“You need to change so we can get going. Our reservation is for 10.” I told her. She gave me a shocked look. “Yeah I know, but you’re in France now. Dinner doesn’t even start until 9PM at the earliest.”

“Just let me get clean and change.” She said as she bustled into the bathroom.

I sat in the overstuffed chair in the corner and waited. Waited to see if she would match my show from earlier. She went into the bathroom and shut the door quietly. Nothing yet, I thought. I listened to the shower running and then waited from her once the water turned off. She emerged a bit later completely dressed and made up. No show tonight.

She was however, stunning in her evening dress; soft, shapely, little black dress, plunging just enough, not to create the wrong impression, but definitely competitive in the sexiness department. Her legs were bare, but tan and smooth and fitted into beautiful black pumps with a peek-a-boo toe. She smiled and turned, showing me that the back plunged further than the front. She was stunning, and I told her so. She cat-walked over to where I was sitting and leaned down and kissed my lips. Her lipstick tasted of something sweet.

Her shoulder-length soft blond hair framed her face perfectly. My erection rebounded all at once. We went down the art deco, metal framework elevator hand in hand and I opened the car door for her. She smiled and trailed a finger down my jaw.

“Such a gentlemen, I raised,” she beamed. I noticed the sexy shift of her hemline as she dropped into her seat.

I took a winding, circuitous route to the restaurant, so she could see the town. Arriving at Marianne’s restaurant, she was thoroughly charmed by the place. Tables out front, with bright conversations taking place, ivy growing all over the front façade, a warm homey glow coming through the windows. ‘Ahh France’ I thought.

Gerard, the Maitre seated us and shortly Marianne appeared, dressed for work in her black outfit and floor-length white apron, but somehow looked more elegant than usual. I stood to kiss both her cheeks. She turned to look at Mom who had a gentle smile on her face. I could tell she liked Marianne on sight.

Mom laid her napkin on the table and slowly rose to her feet.

“Enchanté Marianne.” She told her as they exchanged kisses on both cheeks. “You are more lovely then I expected. Andy told me that you were pretty, but he didn’t do you justice.” They exchanged wide smiles and the Mom sat back down. She didn’t tower over Marianne, at only 5′-7″ but was tall enough to make her feel short. We chatted a bit more then Mari had to get back to work. She dropped by our table as often as she could, along with taking our orders and being our waitress.

I discovered that Mom had kicked off her shoes, under the floor-length tablecloth, when her bare foot brushed my leg at one point. She apologized and didn’t touch me again for sometime, but later did it again, and then again.

“You don’t have to apologize for wanting to play footsy with me.” I joked her, smiling.

“No?” she countered, leaning forward, chin in hand and smiling into my eyes. “You don’t mind a bit of footsy under the table?” her foot found me again, teasing.

“I rather like footsy.” I told her, waggling my eyebrows back at her.

Her foot worked its way inside my pant leg, finding the bare skin above my sock. Mom waggled her eyebrows back at me. We had made this same facial gesture to each other for years, when joking each other over stuff. Now it held a completely different meaning. Her foot moved away each time Marianne returned to the table, but immediately found its way back to my leg when she exited.

Several times throughout dinner she patted my hand, or squeezed it to emphasize a point, or smiled at me in a way that really drew me in. She also traced her fingertips over the neckline of her dress in an absent-minded way, drawing my attention to the exposed skin above her breasts. I couldn’t tell if she was wearing a bra, but the tiny straps of her dress couldn’t possibly cover any bra straps. Her dress was so smooth at the bodice that I decided that she must be braless, but couldn’t be certain.

Later her fingertip tracing, actually went inside the neckline, stroking the soft skin of her breasts that I couldn’t see. My eyes drifted from this sight to her eyes and I was totally caught watching. She was watching me watching her. She smiled wickedly, gently shaking her head. She then slowly pushed her fingers in until they must have contacted a nipple. I watched intently as she worked her fingers a bit and then, removing her hand, sat up quite straight, pushing her now erect nipple against the thin fabric of the dress. Now I was certain; no bra!

She actually laughed out loud at my reaction. I did as well. I then watched as her reaction shifted completely. Her eyes had twitched over my shoulder and she went beet red and dropped her eyes to her plate. Confused, I turned to see that Marianne was standing some distance behind me and had been watching this little display. She smiled at me, and turned to the kitchen.

“Are you totally busted?” I grinned at Mom. She looked chagrined

“I think so.” She whispered. “I am so embarrassed.” She looked panicked.

“Don’t be. What’s the big deal?”

“Your girlfriend watching your mother play with her nipple at the table?” she whispered. “I can’t believe I just said that out loud.” She chided herself. I just chuckled.

Mom had a more panicked expression when Marianne appeared a moment later with a glass of cold water, which she placed in front of my mother.

“You look kind of bit warm.” She told Mom, in her funny english, then leaned down and whispered something in her ear so quietly that I didn’t hear. Mom slowly turned to face her, placed her chin in her hand and smiled and blinked at her exaggeratedly. Marianne just smiled and gently stroked her shoulder, walking away. Mom rolled her eyes to me and heaved a big sigh.

“What did she say?” I asked, curious. Mom just shook her head and smiled.

The footsy resumed a bit later and over dessert and coffee she stroked her foot all up my leg. I finally took gentle hold her foot, massaging her toes and then brought it up between my legs and though she resisted at first, allowed me to press her naked foot against the wild bulge of my erect cock. Her eyes glazed a bit and her toes worked a bit as it stroked the length of me. I gently ran my tongue all around my lips and her eyes rolled closed, but her foot continued to stroke my cock.

Marianne returned to refill the coffee and Mom’s foot remained where it was. Marianne asked about our plans for tomorrow. I suggested some sightseeing and maybe the beach. Mom just looked glazed and a bit drunk. Marianne suggested that I take her to a remote stretch of beach that she frequented and then gave me a quick little wink. I just returned a confused look.

“You will love it, I promise. It is very beautiful there.” She finally stated.

When we were finally done the restaurant was starting to thin out. A few couples remained, gazing lovingly into each other’s eyes and sipping the last of their drinks. I rose and then went around to pull out the chair for Mom. Marianne joined us as Mom rose from her seat swaying slightly.

“Whoa.” She said. “Maybe a bit too much to drink? And at the end of a very long day.”

“You will sleep so deeper this night” Marianne told her in her broken English. “Andy will take you in bed, I think.” She continued.

Mom gave her a jolted look, clearly misunderstanding the intent of Marianne’s words. I admit that I did as well for a moment. I just smiled at Mari and we each took an arm and walked Mom to the car. The girls exchanged cheek kisses again and then Mom dropped heavily into her seat. Mari walked me around the car and then wrapped her arms around me in a big hug. We had been out a few times but had never gotten to the heavy kissing stage.

“I like very much your mother.” She told me quietly. “She is most beautiful.” She gave me a long even look. “She loves you very much.” I nodded in agreement. She leaned in and kissed my ear then whispered, “I enjoy to watch you sexy tease each other.” I drew back to look into her eyes, which glinted naughtily. “Beautiful.” She whispered.

Our gaze continued for a moment longer, then she leaned in and kissed me wetly. Her lips were heaven, soft and warm, just enough pressure. After a brief moment I felt her tongue lick my lips and then she pulled away.

“See you when?” she asked.

“Tomorrow?” I offered. She shook her head.

“Mercredi?” she asked. “I am at work until. Hiking?”

“Sounds great.”

I took her face gently in my hands and kissed her mouth softly again. This time our tongues gently caressed each other. Mari looked a bit faint when I pulled back.

“Ton Mere, … your mother stays with you?” she asked. I smiled.

“No, she’s is at a hotel.” Mari’s smile returned, then she walked back into the restaurant.

I helped Mom into her room and knelt to remove her shoes. Gently touching the backs of her calves as I did so. I moved to unzip her dress and she stopped me.

“No Andy.” She had a stricken look on her face. She shook her head.

“Relax, I am putting you to bed and then going home.” I gave her a strict look to show her I was serious. She relented a bit, very hesitant though. I moved behind her, pulled the zipper to the bottom and gently worked the thin little straps off her shoulders.

Her hands come up to cover her breasts, which made the whole thing even sexier looking. I had to work the material over her hips, revealing the tiny black thong she was wearing. ‘Gorgeous’ I thought, ‘What a perfect bottom.’ I hung the dress over the back of the chair and moved to turn down the bed clothes.

“After you go.” She told me, standing firm.

“I got a key to your room anyway. Trust me, Mom.” I thought about it a moment. “Trust me Judy.” I kissed her mouth gently and then moved to the door. I turned just before turning the knob. She stood still for just a moment and then, slowly moved to the bed, still cupping her gorgeous breasts, one in each hand. She looked me full in the face.

“Goodnight sweetie.” She said, slowly dropped her hands, revealing her perfect tits, and climbed into bed.

“Goodnight Mom.”

The door clicked quietly but firmly behind me. In no time I was naked in my own bed, having weaved home via back streets. I took a quick glance at the clock and my eyes drooped shut; 2:34. I was out in a moment.

That same old “Boop Bee Boop” of Skype woke me not 20 minutes later. I clambered sleepily out of bed and went to the desk, coming wide awake when I noticed who was calling; Mom!

“Hi sweet love. Did I wake you?” she asked, knowing that she had.

“Oh, well, …” I stammered, not wanting to let her know that, yes, I had been dead asleep, “No I was just dozing off.”

“Oh god. I just can’t sleep.” She said. I noticed that she was sitting in bed, with the covers pulled up to her neck. “Being with you tonight was just so wonderful. And I don’t know what came over me, teasing you like that.”

“I don’t know, I thought it was quite sexy, really.” I countered.

“I wasn’t sure if Marianne, really saw me or not, but if she did, … I am simply mortified!”

“Oh she definitely noticed it.” I told her. She looked shocked and a bit panicked. “She told me though that she thought it was very sexy.” Mom gave me an equally shocked look. “Apparently it turned her on.” Mom’s shocked look didn’t dissipate, but after a moment’s thought she gave me a small smile, but it faded quickly. She suddenly said,

“I feel so wicked sweetie. This is so wrong. Isn’t it?” she asked me.

“Do you love me?” I asked her after a long moment of considering her question.

“Of course I do, sweet love, always.”

“Well … I love you … very much … always have! I don’t think it’s wrong. Do you?”

“Well Andy, the whole world thinks …”

“Forget the whole world.” I interrupted. “I don’t want ‘The whole world’ making decisions for me, or for us. Do you, … Judy, … Mom, … do you think it’s wrong?’

She considered it for a long time.

“I love you Andy, my sweet son. I love you so much.” She finally said quietly. “And …” she was thoughtful again for a while, “…I can’t really help that … well … you turn me on. A lot!” I smiled broadly at her. “You do, you know.”

“Not nearly as much as you turn me on.” I countered. She smiled as well.

“You didn’t mind my little tease at dinner?” I chuckled at the recollection.

“I think you have perhaps the most gorgeous breasts that I have ever seen. Seeing you toy with those sexy nipples made me very excited!”

“I could tell, when you made love to my foot.” She giggled. “You felt so hard, baby.”

“Well, you make me very hard. I blame you completely.” We both laughed.

After a long pause she asked,

“What are you wearing? As you sit there at your desk?” I grinned

” I happen to be wearing a nice tight pair of bollocks.” It took her a moment to understand what this meant, but then she laughed. She then twiddled her eyebrows at me questioningly. You’re wondering if I’m excited right now?” She just smiled and put the tip of her thumb in her mouth, eyebrows arching.

I pushed back from my desk and slowly stood to show her my erection. “This is what I think of your little tease at dinner.” I told her. She just moaned and stared. I slipped my hand down and began to caress my balls and then the length of my cock. She moaned a bit louder.

“Oh Andy! That is so, so beautiful!”

“Yeah? You want some of this Judy?” She moaned that she did. “You want some of this Mom?” She moaned that she did. “You want my cock … lover? You want to be my lover?” She was watching intently, nodding slightly. I continued to stroke my hard cock for her. “Tease me again.”

She seemed to be considering the risk of continuing this illicit affair, but was rapidly losing her internal argument. Her thumb went back to her mouth, but deeper this time.

“Show me.” I repeated. “Show me those perfect tits, Mom. I want to jack off while watching my mother’s breasts.” Slowly her free hand came up and began to slowly pushing the covers down. First one then both of her nipples came into view, and then both of her entire breasts were on display for me, only for me.

“Oh!” I hissed. “So perfect! So fucking beautiful!”

“Yeah?” she asked a bit timidly, “They look okay to you?”

“Mom, your breasts are incredible!!” My hand was jerking faster now. “Tease those nipples again for me, just for me.”

“Oh yes sweetie, just for you.” She moaned as both hands came up to cup and knead her big tits. She began gently pinching both nipples which were already so hard. “Oh Andy, your penis, … your beautiful penis! You have the most beautiful cock sweetie.”

“It’s yours Mom. All yours!” She moaned loudly and one hand dipped beneath the covers. “No. Don’t hide it. Let me watch you. Let me see that perfect little pussy.”

It took awhile, of us masturbating together, for her to cross over this last boundary, but then in a rush, she kicked off the covers and displayed her pussy to me lewdly, legs spread wide apart, her fingers stroking and caressing.

“Oh yeah!” I hissed again. “God you are so sexy, so beautiful! This cock is all yours.” I repeated. Mom moaned that she liked that notion. “Yeah? You like that idea? My cock is all for you?”

“Oh Andy, yes!” she cried out. “I wish I could! How I wish I could!”

“Could what? Tell me.”

“Oh sweetie. How I wish I could have that gorgeous, big, fat dick fucking me so deep right now!” My eyes rolled closed and I almost shot my cum right then, hearing that.

“Oh yeah! Wouldn’t that feel incredible? My hard cock pushing deep into your sexy body? Hold you down and give you every inch of my hard love? Fill your sweet wet pussy with my fat cock, again and again?”

Mom’s head flew back as she began to cum loudly.

“Yeah feel my hard cock in you!” Her hand was a blur on her clit. “Let me pound it into you so deep, so hard!”

“Oh! Cum in me sweetie love! Shoot that cum in me lover!” She sounded like she was crying. Her head was rolling back and forth. It was incredible to watch her breasts sway and bounce gently as she came and came. “Fill my pussy with your sweet cum, Andy.” She moaned quietly. “My son’s creamy cum in his mommy’s pussy!” She moaned again.

“Here mommy! Take this cum. This is for you!” I murmured as I began to shoot. “Oh yeah! Take it from me. Take all my cum!” I opened my eyes to see her watching intently, her fingers still gently strumming her clit as she watched the arcing streams of my cum shoot out towards her, but falling short of landing on the computer.

“Oh Andy.” She said at last. “You are so incredible! How I wish, … How I wish I could take your cum. And your cock, your lovely cock. God how I wish we could fuck and fuck and fuck, …” Her voice trailed off.

“But we can’t. Andy we can never …” She had turned thoughtful again. “What would people …”

“What would people …?” I interrupted her. “What would people think?” I asked her. “I don’t really give a rip what people would think. The only thing that matters is what you and I think. In all the world, there are only two people who get to decide this. I don’t want ‘the world’ deciding what you and I do in our most private lives.”

“You can decide for yourself, and I would never want to push you into something you didn’t want, but for me, as for myself, I want you! I want to be your lover. In every sense of the word. I want to make love to you. I love you. ‘Mom’, ‘Judy’, ‘Lover’; any name fits. I love you, very much. Now it’s only up to you.”

There was a very long pause, as she considered what I was saying.

“God you are so beautiful, Mom!” She was laying there, completely nude, splayed out in the aftermath of a glorious orgasm and looking completely unashamed and relaxed. “I want you to feel like you can lay back nude like that in front of me anytime.” She smiled brightly.

“Watch it.” She giggled. “I just might do that.”

“Anytime!” I told her sharing a long loving smile.

She was beginning to doze a bit as we shared a long look via our internet connection from just across town; no longer half a world away. She admitted to getting a bit chilly. It was funny, as if asking my permission to cover her nudity. I told her it was okay. We said our goodnights, admitted that we both wished we could kiss goodnight, then signed off.

I cleaned up and staggered to bed thinking briefly about the beach tomorrow, and was asleep in moments.

To be continued …

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