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Stepmom’s Special Day

Category: Group Sex, Incest
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Although she was not technically a mother, Mother's Day was still one of Jillian's favorite days. Her husband always made sure that he and his boys did something special for her to show their appreciation for everything she did for them. She loved the men in her life and was happy to have them all. She thought of her stepsons as her own and knew they saw her as their mom just as much as their real one.
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Mixed Emotions

Category: Mature
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This was the first spring day that was both warm and not raining. Just the kind of day I had been waiting for. I live on Flat Avenue which is just a block from the town Cemetery. I wanted to put flowers on four graves my mother, father, husband and my brother. The family plot is near the center of the cemetery and just off to the circle. So I can park on the road and not have to walk too far on the grass.
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System Shock

Category: Incest
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Summary: Lisa's son-in-law decides to show her exactly how hard things can get from a simple act of kindness. * I pulled into the driveway, glad to finally be home. I'd had a long day at work then had to stop for groceries afterward. All the way home all I could think about was putting everything away then slipping into a nice hot relaxing bath before starting dinner.
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Category: Mature
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I really hope the men reading this story are young enough to not remember this car. It's my husbands pride and joy. He spends so much time tinkering with it that he neglects me ..... And I need much more tinkering with! I had an appointment in town; we live so far away I could only get to it by driving there myself. The appointment was quite important, as I had decided to go back to work.
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Two Weeks of Leave Ch. 02

Category: Incest
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I rolled off of Shea and pulled the blanket over us. I was in shock and didn't know how to react. Not only had I just fucked my own sister, but on top of that, we just got caught by her 2 roommates. This was bad. As I struggled to find something to say, my sister spoke up calmly. "Shit Megan, you were right. At the end there I thought I was going to black out."
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Out of the Darkness

Category: Incest
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Ryan laid his hand on top of his gym shorts, pressing lightly on the erection underneath. He began to slide his hand up and down the shaft in long, slow strokes. In the total darkness of his bedroom, with no noise except for the ceiling fan, Ryan had time to think. He thought about his mother, Kristi. He thought about the robe she wore into the kitchen a half hour earlier when she didn't expect to find him there.
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Shopping for Shoes

Category: Mature
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What I'm about to relate happened last week. In a sense it was the result of a dare, sort of. Let me explain. I made a new friend recently who I'll call Jean. Jean and I hit it off right away; we are so much alike, it's scary. Although we differ somewhat in age -- I'm fifty-something, she's thirty-something -- it turns out we both share a wild and naughty aspect to our personalities ... and, we both love cock.
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Nurse Mom

Category: Incest
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For years I had been driving my mother up to visit her girlfriend. Ever since I had turned sixteen, gotten my license, I'd taken mom on her monthly pilgrimage to spend the day visiting with her long time friend during the summer months. It wasn't like it was a cross-country trip, but mom hated driving on the freeway. And I didn't mind taking her as Valerie; mom's friend had a couple of sweet looking twin daughters.
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Thirty Minutes or Free

Category: Mature
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My first two years out of high school, I attended a community college, and worked as a delivery driver for a well-known pizza delivery chain we'll call "Checkers" to protect the innocent. It was a pretty good job. Most of the drivers were needed in the evening so it didn't interfere with classes. You got paid a salary, tips and commission (to pay for gas) which averaged more than $8.00 an hour when minimum wage was closer to $4.00.
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Candice and the Handyman

Category: Mature
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"Please, come in." Candice smiled, she opened the door wide stepping back to let the men into her house. "How long do you think this is going to take?" she asked politely. "Maybe a few days, but it shouldn't really be more than two." One of them replied, smiling. She looked at his crisp, navy work shirt, it said 'Bud'. He was quite handsome, maybe in his late thirties.
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